عيد مبارك سعيد

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vendredi 28 février 2014

PIF? Trying to get my brother started.

I am trying to get my brother started. I mailed him a about 15 soap samples, and 5-10 blades. But he needs a starter razor and a starter brush. I don't have extras of either (hopefully in the future I will, but I don't want him to have to wait).

I sang the praises on the super speeds so he bid for two yesterday on ebay but got beat for them.

If anyone has either of these items (decent, mild starter DE safety starter razor and/or a starter badger or boar brush) just laying around that might want to PIF to a potential convert, please PM me. He is CONUS.

Mods, if such a request is inappropriate---either at all or in this forum in particular---just let me know and zap/move the post as you need to.

Thanks everyone.

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