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vendredi 28 février 2014

Best shave in a while today.

Been trying shaving w/o pre-shave oil and proraso for the last week.

Jumped back to T&H PSO followed with their Ultimate Comfort line, and ended with Baxter's ASB (little menthol in it)

Literally one of the best shaves in my life.

BBS after 2 passes and some touch up!

God I love this stuff. You get what you pay for!

I love lavender and have sensitive and dry skin, can't wait to try AoS line when I get home too!

Hows my lather? "Lather" good! or I'd "lather" not?

So how does this lather look, Im using Logona Mann shaving cream that I was able to find here in Japan for a decent price. Ill get some more supplies for a more reasonable price when I go back home for holidays.


This is the lather before the first pass. I think it was ok, a little dry so I added water to the mix before the next pass.


The brush after applying the first lather (I should have taken the photo before applying!)


Before the second pass. I noticed it was a little watery after taking the pic, so I worked it in a bit more.

Any comments?


Been shaving with this set up for a while now. Making the most of whats available over the counter here in Japan.

Preshave shower and wash with fancy Korean soap

Razor - Muhle R89

Blade - Feather (only thing available in the local pharmacy)

Cream - Logona Mann

Brush - Marks and Web (Japanese cosmetics store) Badger hair maple handle brush. Beautiful maple stand that came with it too!

Post shave - Warm rinse, alum, cold rinse, Nivea balm.

Shaving has been going well. I attempted a ATG pass last week and really tore the crap out of one side of my neck. I blamed it on poor technique and the Feathers.

I tried some Derbies I got with my alum block last week and found them to be a little too dull. They don't cut as well as the feathers, and I had put more pressure on to get a close shave. Im not looking for super smooth, so I usually only do two passes.

I switched back to the Feathers today and had probably my nicest shave to date. And I think I got my first no pressure shave too.

All in all, enjoying it! Also enjoying learning from the forums!

I ordered this blade sample pack and some merkurs so that I can try out a few types. Unfortunately I cant get samples shipped from the US or the UK amazon sites.


Anyone have any experience with these blades?

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Not sure I am on the OC train.

Loving my R-1 Kronos...added a H-2 Atlas this week.

The first few shaves were really exciting as I love the increased aggression of the H-2. But something seems missing. Used the R-1 today on the Atlas handle and somehow like the feel of the R-1 head better than the H-2...can't really describe it but for me the R-2 feels smoother somehow.

Gonna try the H-2 i the Kronos handle tomorrow but I am wondering if I am just not an OC guy....

Thinking I may swap the H-2 for an H-1.

Gonna try the H-2 a little longer before deciding but am wondering if anyone else prefers the ATT solid bar to the OC?


Hi guys;

I have been lurking around for a month or so and learning a ton. I have apparently jumped into this thing whole hog as my 2 year old niece was recently diagnosed with cancer so I am shaving my head in support while she goes through chemo (mind you there was not a whole lot there to begin with but its the thought that counts I suppose). Once I get a fresh shave on the head I will lay on the floor and my 1 year old triplets will crawl over and grab my ears and slobber on my dome, they seem to really love it so there is no stopping now!

My razor line up (so far) is a no date code Gillette SS (Red plastic case so from what I can find its a 1949 or 1950), a 1956 Q4 Rhodium Plated Flair Tip SS from Above the Tie and a Merkur model 180. I find the late 40's SS to be the best so far. I am working on blades to find something that works for me pretty consistently but each shave is an adventure. I am working on modifying my pre-shave routine to letting shave cream sit on my face and head for a couple mins vs. the pre-shave oil I got from the art of shaving, it smells great but is kind of gross to work with and seems to clog up the razor more than provide the lubrication I am looking for. This is a super great forum and I appreciate all the advice given to others that I have been able to utilize.

At any rate thanks for having me and I look forward to meeting you all

CJ (Flypaper)

Edwin Jagger Simulated Series

Hello people,

I recently saw http://www.theenglishshavingcompany....afety/DE-razor on The English Shaving Company site but there was no review any where. Most of the results were for the Mach 3 razor handle but this is very clearly a DE head on it.

Has anyone used these and if so, what are your views? Does it compare well to the extremely popular DE89?

With regards,


PS I hope outside links are allowed?

No B/S/T access

I meet the requirements, yet I still have no access to B/S/T. COULD you look into it please?

A Gem Woody!

Shave TBD...for now, she's sweet to look at!

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Just ordered all Pinaud samples

Well, at least all that Garrys Sample Shop sells. What's your favorite Pinaud scent? I've been using the Clubman for years, not that I dislike it, just looking for some new A/S.

Tried my hand at my first home made soap

I was inspired and made my first ever batch of soap tonight. It was an 8 oz batch of the MDC recipe that has been kicking around the B&B (I hope this doesn't offend anyone). I used a bit less KOH (55g), double the original glycerin (so 1 tbsp for the 8 oz of oils), 1.5 tsp of bentonite (probably not necessary, but I wanted to try it) and sandalwood (2 parts) and lavender (1 part) essential oils, totaling 7g. My KOH was rated at greater then or equal to 90% so I calculated it for both 90% and 100% and split the difference, not sure if that is correct but it seemed smart at the time, haha. I wasn't able to source a reasonably priced stick blender so I just went crazy with a whisk. Added the e/o's, glycerin and bentonite after the KOH was completely added and mixed in since I figured it had to be traced with the characteristic consistency for this amount of stearic. Cooked on low in the crock pot for 90 minutes, passed the zap test, so I spooned it into some custard dishes to cure for a day too. Covered them with a paper towel and rubber band and they're sitting in my closet. The smell is masculine yet soothing. Washed my hands with a bit of the dried leftovers that were left in the crock and on the utensils and the lather that arose was a low cream with not much loft. If my assumptions are correct it will become more lofty as it cures, and when I use a brush. Pretty excited to lather it up in a day or two. For now the consistency as it has been cooling is sort of a talcy soft bar. It was almost like I was spooning bread dough into the dishes.

I didn't think to take any pictures of the process as I didn't think I would be making a post about it, but I may as well. The only pictures I have are of the batch cooking in the crock after I had mixed everything in. I'll add the picture tomorrow, as well as take some pictures of what it looks like in the dishes, and the resultant lather. Regardless of how it turns out, I'm pretty excited to have jumped from cartridge shaving with the occasional straight shave, to owning a travel gillette tech and a 2013 Muhle R41, to being so indecisive about which soap to buy next (I own proraso red, vdh luxury and deluxe (don't like the deluxe)) that I started making my own shave soaps, all in about 3-4 weeks. It's been a big February.

My burgeoning Peterson collection

Kapet 150, System 317, and my newest, a Rocky Donegal 80s

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This is insane


$1,775.00 for a toggle.

Damage repair advice

I picked up this handle at a flea market late last summer for a $1. It was the first chunk of butterscotch that I'd ever seen in the wild, and it came with the matching brush stand. For $1, I figured I couldn't go wrong. The problem is the two cracks in it. I'm not quite sure the best way to go about fixing them since they're so spread out. My thoughts are to fix them one at a time, putting epoxy into the crack and using a clamp to squeeze the crack shut. Anyone have any other, perhaps better ideas? Will the bakelite/Catalin flex enough to do this, or will it be too brittle?


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Hi guys. I have a 40s type super speed that is a bit roughed up. Is it worth keeping for parts or is it junk? Can they be repaired? TIA.

The weeknight time killer restore

So I had a brush laying around that was a freebie. I also had two more knots lying around from my last order. Add onto that a friend who was wanting to try a badger brush, and you've got yourself a weeknight project.

The brush is a Klenzo, and was pretty grungy to start out.


After getting the old knot out, I was surprised to find a plug of plaster in the bottom. I restored this brush's Made Rite doppelganger the other day, and it had no plaster.


The new knot, another 22mm black badger. They're from Ace Shaving on the 'Bay. Slightly less quality than a knot from TGN, but also less pricey. Still a very good quality knot. Soft, good amount of scritch, and minimal shedding after the first couple shaves.


All finished and polished up. Under the grime were some flaws in the finish and a couple scuffs in the plastic.


All in all, a good brush going to a good home.

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Who's Lost a Souvenir they really cherished

After seeing Alice In chains at Soundwave this year I scored a guitar pick from Will DuVall. I was so happy. I've never scored any kind of souvenir from a gig. Imagine my dismay when I got home and it was missing from pocket :(

Must have fallen out on the bus. At least I got a photo before it said goodbye.


My New Toy

So my new Semogue 610 just arrived. I knew it would be smaller than my Omega 48, but wow! It is tiny. It looks even better in real life than the photos. Can't wait to try it out. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1393635622.500967.jpg

Reviews Psych'd me out on Lord Blades

Yesterday, I used Lord Blades in my Ikon SC101. I got them in a sampler pack. I thought it was close and comfortable. Awesome shave. I really thought Lords were the one for me. I was looking on the web and I was close to buying 100 Lord blades, but then I saw you can buy 100 for $10. Of course, to me that doesn't signal quality or a good blade. That in turn got me digging around to reviews, which on the whole were not good. I usually don't read reviews on blades because everyone's results are different....

Fast forward to today, back to the Lords in the SC101. Horrible shave. Pulling and Tugging. Stray hairs left behind. Mind you, this was the same blade as yesterday.

I didn't go into this test run with any preconceived notions. (All I knew were Feathers were the sharpest and Derby were the least sharpest.). and I psych'd myself out.

WTT Merkur 39C Slant

I have a Merkur 39C Slant for trade. CONUS ONLY. Each party pays for USPS Priority delivery.

"SOMETHING ELSE" can be: blades, shave cream, brush, handle. In general,something that equalizes the trade.

Also if you want to offer something of higher value, propose something, I can also paypal the agreed difference.

Razors offered for trade must be in good condition for consideration, use grade with no pitting or plate loss. The 39C i am offering is in really nice shape.

Please PM you offer, I may not immediately reply in order to wait for some offers to accumulate.

Trade for:

Fatip Piccolo + something else

Muhle 2013 R41

Muhle 2013 R41 head + something else

Muhle 2011 R41

Cadet OC razor + something else

Sabi Razor + something else

Gillette Blue tip Super speed + something else

Shick Injector Adjustable + something else

Pal Injector Adjustable + something else

Shick Hygro magic Injector + something else

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UK memeber what Pomade insread of Gel?

Do Rocket HD and Aristocrat Jr. give similar shave?

Honing Meet Up NY/NJ/CT

If I wanted to try an injector...

New to DE, taking the plunge

How To Fix A Drying Aftershave?

Because Every Man Needs Some Space

What to do when you run out of real estate in the bathroom? Expand, of course!


Top Shelf.jpg

Bottom Shelf.jpg

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Money in the savings acct? Not for long..

I've survived 4 months of DE shaving.

I have a HD razor, a bunch of sampler razor packs, bluebeards preshave, a semogue 620, cella, and 3p cream.

I've tried tabac (didn't enjoy the smell), I've tried MWF (wife didn't like the smell), I've tried bluebeards shave balm (3p is way better), and tried a better badger brush(go boar go).

So I haven't spent a dime since... And now it's time for me to fix that.

I plan on ordering a kilo of cella, Vito's super, Vito's super w/ coconut, valobra, with a 250 of boellis panama. That's right, 4.25 kilos of soap.

I'm also planning on a couple of semogues namely the 2000, 830, and the SOC in cherry (boar).

Tie it off with some pinaud aftershave (ordering from italianbarber and I don't know which scent yet, ideas?)

That's a pile of soap but I plan on gifting some blocks to friends and family, the rest I'll vacseal in 100 ml shots.

Good bye savings!

Counterfeit blade discussion

After reading threads and blogs here and on other sites, I wanted to bring this article to your attention. I dont think it mentions anything about counterfeit blades by NK being dumped on the market, but when you have a whole section of a foreign government dedicated to finding ways to create knock-offs of anything, I can see the parallels reaching into our community. Feel free to do your own research but I believe the majority of the copy-cat cheap knock-offs to be coming from NK. Considering the southwest asia markets and their continued use of DE, it makes sense to me that it would be a easy market for NK to exploit.

It's a long read, but you will come away very enlightened.


Spraying soap bowl with lacquer

I noticed that the soap in my wooden bowl was leaching stain from the bowl at the edges and bottom. I figured that might not be good for my face so I sprayed all my bowls with clear nitrocellulose lacquer.

Now I'm wondering if I may have made a bad situation worse. Perhaps the soap I will be lathering on my face will be infused with lacquer. I have let them cure empty for a week and I still get a faint scent of the new finish.

Does anybody know if this was a good idea or a bad one? Has anyone tried this and survived?

PIF? Trying to get my brother started.

I am trying to get my brother started. I mailed him a about 15 soap samples, and 5-10 blades. But he needs a starter razor and a starter brush. I don't have extras of either (hopefully in the future I will, but I don't want him to have to wait).

I sang the praises on the super speeds so he bid for two yesterday on ebay but got beat for them.

If anyone has either of these items (decent, mild starter DE safety starter razor and/or a starter badger or boar brush) just laying around that might want to PIF to a potential convert, please PM me. He is CONUS.

Mods, if such a request is inappropriate---either at all or in this forum in particular---just let me know and zap/move the post as you need to.

Thanks everyone.

My best shave in a while..... From a Hydro5 :(

Yep that's right.. After over a year of fooling with all this wetshaving awesomeness, I grabbed a Hydro5 cart for the first time in a long time as I was in a hurry to get to work:

-Hot shower with a light face scrubbing with St. Ives scrub

-cold water rinse

-Thin layer of Shave Secret as pre-shave, left to sit while I lather

-another splash of cold water

-nice thick layer of bowl lathered Razorock Classic made with a Whipped Dog Silvertip

-cold water rinse

-air dry, then Thayer's Lemon

After ONE pass, I was at DFS status with absolutely no irritation, verified by my lemon Thayer's not stinging at all afterwards.

Granted, this is still using all of the techniques I've learned using DEs and decent quality stuff.

I have yet to have an irritation-free DE shave, so I'm a tad let down, but at the same time, this is giving me hope that I'm on the right track! Given this information, I think the main things I need to work on now are blade angle and pressure when using my DE/SEs.

I have also concluded now, after a few weeks of trying cold water shaves, that for my skin it seems to work much better. I get less irritation and ingrowns overall with cold. My shaves are still as relaxing as they were with warm water after the initial shock, but much more invigorating!

Curly haired men NEED pre shave oil?

Is this true? I mean curly hair growth on the beard of course.

where can i find this shampoo?

I mean the E.d. Pinaud Elixer Shampoo.

Known from the james bond movies.


I found this nice article. But I can't find an online shop.

Will you please help me?


Open Comb Razor Advice

Just received my RazoRock Jaws razor.

I've never used one before but reading the reviews, they seem to provide a nice, close shave. I have been shaving with an EJ DE87 for years so my technique is pretty solid. Anything special I should look for, adjust with the open comb? I'll be loading it with an Astra SP blade. Much longer handle than the EJ. Have to get used to that.

DE/SE Razor WTT, Flare Tip for NEW

I have a J3 Flare Tip I bought from another member here. Very nice condition, with a case, although the case isn't perfect. I like the razor, but don't love it.

I am interested in trading for a Gillette NEW, probably a short comb since it's supposed to be milder. Condition should be close to the Flare if possible. Not looking for a sale, only a trade, Thanks!

I'm not sure what the relative values are, but if I need to add some money, we can work that out.

Here are a few pics:

Do British women find American accents sexy?

I was pondering if British women find the American Male accent as sexy as the American male finds the female British accent? Please god say yes!! lol

Almond A/S?

Hello All,

so I have been shaving with some nice almond scented soaps this week. Does anybody make a nice almond aftershave to match up with them?

Baxter silver tip

I had some Mankind vouchers so splurged for a Baxter of California Silver Tip Badger brush. I needed a new brush as my other was cheap and rubbish.

Anyone had any experiences of this brush, good or bad?


Picked up a SE

Hi guys, after reading through this part if the forum I was intrigued by the notion of SE Razors, recently the opportunity came up to trade for one so I went for it and today I received this.


As you can see it came with one blade so after I've cleaned it I should be ready to go.

Cheers, thanks to all who provide information here it's much appreciated.

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Vintage Straight Razor Info

Hello everyone, I am new to straight razors and wet shaving, and thought I would ask your advice. I just purchased a vintage F.A. Koch & Co. "Faultless No.20" from a seller on Etsy. The blade looks to be in great condition with no rust, stains, or damage that I can see, and the vendor states that it is extremely sharp. The scales are black plastic or bakelite, and one side has a small crack near at the pin. I plan to restore this razor to shave ready and use it, and I will replace the scales. I paid just under $20 for it, which included shipping, and the seller is throwing in a vintage box (doesn't match the razor, but is in good shape.) Did I do okay for a newbie purchase? My real question is this, though: how old is this razor? I'm just curious about its history and age, not because of its monetary value, but because of the good feelings that will come from restoring and using a small piece of history. Can anyone tell me anything about when this particular razor might have been made? I read somewhere that F.A. Koch was around until 1900, but I don't know how accurate that article was. Anyway, thanks so much for your help, fellas!

Anybody ever use Old Spice shaving soap

I'm an Old Spice AS fan and have been since I remember my father using it way back in the 60's. I've been thinking about picking up a vintage Old Spice shaving mug on eBay and I see some of them have have what looks like a puck of soap that comes with it. Any one have any experience with this soap?

Favorite products that aren't for shaving?

Do you guys have any not-for-shaving products in your routine? I am curious to what everyone likes using.

I like CeraVe cream, lotion, and face wash. My face feels hydrated all day without being oily. I haven't found a post shave balm that does the same.

I recently learned about a DIY Tend Skin. I mixed aspirin, witch hazel, and a generic Skin Bracer. I haven't used it long enough to have concrete data, but I believe the salicyclic acid from the aspirin has been calming my razor burn and bumps.

Any other soaps Similar to P.160?

I've never tried P.160 but I've heard great things about it. Any other soaps come close to this ?

What about Cella?



Blades Searching for MERKUR BLADES.

Hello guys and girls. I'm looking for someone that has a collection of Merkur blades that they just don't know what to do with.. and please don't throw them out! PM me if you want to pif them to me as I'm quite a sensitive guy.. Or I could maybe trade some other blades if you like..



Soap Holders Unite!

Hello Fellow Latherers!

I'm just curious to see who else has discovered the joys of holding the soap in his hand to lather. At first I discovered this by accident, when my Cade soap was homeless for a few months. Using a sopping-wet brush, the lather gathered right up around the puck on my hands (and didn't get away into the sink too much) in addition to inside the brush; bubbly and copious. Then I smeared what was on my hand on my face and commenced: it was fun! The kind of fun when you can't help yourself and simply smile! Especially with a boar! A great, puffy, cushiony, awesome lather. Perhaps I like this because being tidy with my soaps in bowls or jars appeals to me less than being rough and sloppy with loading!

I let the soap dry for a day if I think I want something different the next day, and wrap it up and stow it away again in my treasure box. I find it so fun, that I was slightly sad that my Mitchell's Wool Fat was stuck fast in its porcelain bowl. Today I did it with Arko, which I had squished into a puck-shape. Fantastic.

Anyone else love this? Anyone else go to Mike's Natural Soaps website just to see that picture of lathering up the soap bar?

jeudi 27 février 2014

The Futur

So I was reading a post about OC vs Bar and got to thinking... What would that make the Merkur Futur? Since the top portion is about the base almost to the point that if you were to use it dialed all the way up seems like it would be closer to a straight or shavette.

Your thoughts?

Crystal Blade Consistency?

For a little while I throughly enjoyed using crystal blades. Great smoothness and could get about five shaves out of them. Not Bad! But lately there have been consistency issues. One blade is great while others in the pack feel like shaving with a 90 year old dull knife. Any one with the same issues?

Anyone tried this twist up soap container?

Says it's perfect for arko, but is it needed? How would you store arko when not using it? Just wrap it back up or is it safe to leave out?


Loose Horn?

I picked up my first horn-scaled razor this week, a TI. Absolutely beautiful. Unlike my plastic, wood, and more recently purchased bone-scaled razors however, the horn scales seems quite loose. Holding it scale-side up, the blade would drop a few inches. I first wondered if my purchase was secretly refurbished and sold as new. After some research, it seems TI scales can be hit or miss, so I did what Mr. Abrams recommended in a maintenance video and that helped a bit.

Fast forward to today, the fiancé had me meet her at Tyson's Corner Center after work by her office. They've got an Art of Shaving there, so I figured I'd check it out as I waited for her to arrive. I BS'd with a girl that worked there for a bit on everything shaving related and noticed they had the same (albeit rebranded AoS) Theirs-Issard straight razors. Guess what? Just as loose! She thought it might be a horn thing, but I'm wondering if it's a TI thing. Any opinions on this, B&B? Perhaps horn scales expand and collapse with the weather? Let me know what you've experienced!

Your favorite "Teflon" or coated razor?

What has your experience been with blades coated with Teflon? Not too many blades have this, but reviews seem to support the idea that this coating makes for a smoother shave.

What's your experience?

DR Harris cream?

I've seen plenty of posts about DR Harris soap, but only tonight while on Connaught did I see they have cream too. I was wondering if there is a reason more folks use (or talk about) the soap? I have very little experience with soaps.

A Very Nice Shave

I've only been shaving with a safety razor for about a week now. I've had my ups and downs like everybody else. Tonight though, was a fantastic shave.

I put in a new Shark stainless blade into my Merkur 180. Used a new Omega brush along with Proraso green. Got a nice lather going. First pass was excellent. The second lathering was POW! with the menthol. The second pass also felt great. Not wanting to fly too close to the sun, I skipped a third pass and instead felt my face, found a few trouble spots and hit them up. Ended on a high note with a tap water cold towel to wipe my face off, and got hit with the second POW! of cold icy menthol. Finished it up with Proraso green tea and oatmeal balm.

No nicks, cuts, weepers or screaming mimis. A nice shave, a nice experience, a nice smell. This is why I switched to DE shaving.

Two more restorations

I had three brushes including the earlier posted Ever-Ready. A Burgundy/Ivory Rubberset, and a Red/Black Ever-ready.

2014 Brush Restoration B1 .jpg2014 Brush Restoration B3.jpg

The Burgundy/Ivory has a TGN22mm Best Badger B2 - Short Loft knot.

2014 Brush Restoration C1.jpg2014 Brush Restoration C3.jpg

The black/red Ever-Ready has a TGN 22mm 3 Band Nylon knot

Today is Lefthanders Day

For those of us that are in our right mind, we celebrate today as Left Handers day. We live in a world that challenges us daily because of our uniqueness. Happy Left Handers to all those that are Left Handed.

My 3rd Birth Year Razor

Just when I thought I was set with my Birth Year Ball End Tech, and 1940's Style Super Speed....this shows up!

I just procured my 3rd Birth Year Gillette Razor, a V-4 Black Side Super Speed Flare Tip.

EverReady 200T my first resotration

I picked this up some time ago, and my knots from TGN have finally arrived.

2014 Brush Restoration D1.jpg2014 Brush Restoration D2.jpg

The knot is a 20mm Finest Badger Fan .

Blades in an adjustable DE

Does a blade feel different in an adjustable on different settings? If my thinking is correct, as the razor is adjusted, only the blade gap changes. Does that ring true? So, if the Voskhod blades burn at a 4 setting will it burn at a 7 setting? I know I should probably just try it but I wondered if anyone else has noticed a difference for themselves.

Two more straght razors you don't want to buy

First up:

Hammer forged look 13/16" squarepoint in "active tech" origami scales (you can't get these from Dovo!).

$85, shave ready, delivered CONUS, including honing maintenance kit (3 sheets each of 3um and 1um, and a cromox pasted hanging strop). International contact me for shipping details.

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What is your style?

Curious to see which category you would identify yourself with when it comes to your shaving preferences. This covers all gear, from razors and soap/creams to after shave and cologne to blades, etc.

  1. Traditional: Prefers to use vintage razors, older style after shaves, etc

  2. Contemporary: Prefers to use modern gear such as Futur or current stainless steel razors, newer artisan soaps/creams, etc

  3. Tried and True: Has found “the one” (or maybe 2) product(s) and sticks with them. It is your “signature” style.

  4. Variety is the spice of life: Likes to experiment with a variety of products and never settle on one for too long.

  5. Combination: Identify with a few of the aforementioned categories

For me, I’d say I’m a combination. I love vintage products and newer products; they each hold an appeal of their own.

I don’t have any “signature” products and enjoy trying all the varieties, but one day I may end up settling on one “signature” set of products if I can find the elusive “it” factor.

Sight Unseen razors

I'm thinking about getting a Sight Unseen Razor but the display pic showing the sample of razors doesn't look promising. Some have obvious rust and what appears to be deep pitting on or near the cutting edge. :scared:

Is it not a big deal and should I just take a chance? I can't stand rust on my tools and always oil them after use and rust on a shaving tool would be unacceptable for me. Isn't there a risk for tetanus?

*Finish the Sentence* Ever since I started traditionally wet shaving

I acquired new AD's

Need Help: How do I tell if I have a version 1 or version 2 Muhle Silvertip Fibre?

Dear All,

How do I tell if I have a version 1 or version 2 Muhle Silvertip Fibre brush?

Many Thanks.



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R41- Again

First of all I want to say this is MY experience and works for ME and MY face, but might very well work for you too.

So I have been in love with my R41 since I got it, 2013 model, and have been getting great shaves from it. I was always using a VERY shallow angle, but it still was requiring a lot of focus, and I would still get some minor irritation on my neck.

I thought it couldn't get any better, and the shaves were good so I was happy.

Until two days ago I saw some fellow B&Bers saying a VERY steep angle works for them. I always thought a steeper angle would be like scraping my face, and that wasn't something I would want to do, especially not with the R41. However, given the experience I know those members have, I decided to give it a try today.

It was my BEST shave to date with the R41, no irritation at all, no cuts, NOTHING!! In fact, believe it or not, it was like shaving with a 34C or a SA set on 5, which I consider pretty mild shavers. The result was a DFS+, my jawline is harder to get perfectly shaved, but still is pretty smooth.

If you have a R41 and you are struggling with it, try everything you can, and especially different angles, it is definitely worth it.

You guys only made me love my R41 even more, thank you very much!! :thumbup:

Truly amazing camera build

I saw this on another camera forum, but thought I'd share here. Its apparently an old post from a French photography forum. This link was translated into English by the original poster


You can also follow the entire thread (in French) on his rangefinder build.


I'll be honest. Not having an Engineering degree, most of the stuff baffles me. The skill to be able to do that on home equipment is just astounding though!

A/S Balm That Pairs Well w/ Clubman original?

Any thoughts here? I typically use an unscented balm, but I find that it can dull the smell of The Club (which I love) and I end up going Club/Balm/Club to reinvigorate the scent. I'm fine with that, but wondering if there are any balms out there that compliment the Club nicely.

Today is International Polar Bear Day

Today is International Polar Bear Day, which celebrates everyone's favorite furry beasts of the Arctic. In honor of the occasion, Live Science brings you some wacky facts about the furry beasts.

1. Males can weigh as much as a dozen men

An adult male polar bear typically weighs between 775 and 1,200 pounds (351 to 544 kilograms), or the weight of about five to seven men. The largest polar bear ever recorded was a male weighing 2,209 pounds (1,000 kg), according to Polar Bear International. By contrast, adult females weigh only half as much as males, or 330 to 650 pounds (50 to 295 kg).

But the bears are tiny when they're born, weighing only about 1 pound (0.5 kg). Males reach their adult size between ages 8 and 14, while females reach full size between ages 5 and 6. [Photos of Polar Bears Swimming in the Arctic]

2. They can go days without eating

If a polar bear doesn't eat for seven to 10 days, it can slow its metabolism until it finds its next meal. They survive off of fat reserves from their diet, which consists mostly of ringed and bearded seals. (But climate change is making food more scarce and driving some bears to cannibalism.)

The bears don't hibernate, but mother bears live in dens while they raise their cubs. While mama bears are in their dens (generally between January and March), they don't eat, drink or defecate.

3. Polar bears sport see-through fur

Although polar bears appear white, their fur is actually transparent. It only appears white, because it reflects visible light. Under their fur, polar bear skin is actually black.

To humans and other animals that can see only in visible light, the bears appear to blend in with their snowy surroundings. But reindeer, which polar bears sometimes prey on, can see in ultraviolet light, which makes polar bears stand out from their snowy environment.

4. They have a razor-sharp sense of smell

Polar bears have a keen sense of smell, which they use to find prey. A polar bear can sniff out a seal on the ice 20 miles (32 kilometers) away, and can smell a seal's breathing hole in the ice more than half a mile away, according to the National Zoo.

5. Two-thirds of polar bears could disappear by 2050

Polar bears rely on sea ice to hunt, and studies predict that global warming could melt enough sea ice to lead to the disappearance of two-thirds of polar bears by 2050. The decline in sea ice has forced the bears to swim longer distances, consuming energy they cannot afford to use.

The United States listed polar bears as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act in May 2008, and Canada and Russia have listed them as a species of special concern. Unless climate change slows, eventually there may not be any bears around to celebrate Polar Bear Day.

Want to Buy WTB:Schick Hydro-magic

I have a Schick G4 but I would like to try a Hydro-magic. I would like the longer handle but any would be appreciated any.

Let me know if you have one for sale.


"Revitalization" of Wet Shaving

I received a wet shaving/DE starter kit in July 2012 as a b-day gift from my wife. This one: http://ift.tt/1kcPHo6. I have since bought and was gifted a few razors, soaps/creams, brushes, and aftershaves. I haven't gone overboard (unless you ask my wife).

I was looking for information about the starter kit that I received on Amazon and noticed 40 "Customer Reviews" of that product since January 1, 2014. Scanning through the reviews I noticed that a lot of the reviews came from wives/mothers who bought it for their husbands/sons.

I've also noticed that there are a lot of new members to B&B.

Snow day shave

Before I discovered DE shaving I shaved as little as possible. Shaving, especially the ingrown hairs that the carts caused hurt my face. Now my face only hurts everyone else.

Work was called due to weather today. Rather than on opportunity to skip my shave, today was an opportunity for extra prep, and an extra pass or two. :) Thanks B n B.

Razor Towels

Not sure if this is the right forum for this

I just bought this little pack of vintage Razor towels - made of paper

Do you think they would have been for home use or for a Hotel / Motel rest room?

DSCN9576 (640x480).jpg DSCN9577 (640x480).jpg

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I have a question about knit hats.

Why do younger guys (my son included) where knit hat in warmer weather (above 40F) and even in the summer. They also wear it inside. It's not cold. Am I nuts or go old fashioned?

Fliehigh's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Entry

What is your real name?

What are your nicknames/aliases?

Where do you live?
Nova Scotia, Canada

What is your age (or) generation?

What are you in the real world?
Senior Consultant for a Financial accounting application

What is your favorite shave setup?
Born to Shave Gift Set is the only one I have it contains:

1) Vulfix handmade pure black badger shaving brush (black handle)

2) Merkur 34C HD double-edge safety razor

3) 10 Astra double-edge razor blades

4) Proraso shaving cream

5) Col. Conk Bay-rum small shaving soap

6) Classic apothecary shaving mug ( black)

What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
Cooking on my Big Green Egg ad entertaining

What else should the members of B&B know about you?
I never give up!

Got a Merkur 37c Slant

Got it in the mail yesterday. Tried it this morning with a Astra SP and I got a DFS from it. I think I will have to experiment with it to learn it and get a BBS from it. I will say this though, it took care of my neck stubble better than my other razors.

Bad reaction to Kell's Shave Soap

So I tried out the Kell's Original Ultra Aloe soap. It burned like the fires of hell, and left my face red and irritated for several hours after use - definitely a chemical burn. I then noticed this morning that my VDH Deluxe burned a little bit during my second (and final) pass. I'm going to try the VDH again in a couple of days, but until then I'll just use my Proraso Red cream. I haven't yet eliminated or confirmed that it was the aloe. If the VDH burns again after a couple of days of allowing my skin to recover, then I will assume I've developed an aloe sensitivity.

So anyway, my son tried the Kell's tonight, and felt a light burning right away. Armed with the knowledge of my experience with it, he washed it off immediately, and used CO Bigelow.

I'm wondering if there are any dermatological experts out there who would care to opine on this...


Recent convert… and loving it!

Hello everyone! Im a 38 year old guy from Southern California, and about 3 months ago I figured there had to be a better way to shave my head and face. I had been using a cartridge, shaving in the shower, and using whatever body soap I had at the time.

After talking with a co-worker, I decided to look into a DE razor. I wound up doing the rookie thing and buying a AOS shaving kit, and a battery-powered Gillette Fusion razor. Ive had the Royal Shave at AOS before, and I remembered they ending with that razor, so I thought I would start there. It was OK, but after a couple weeks I visited the West Coast Shave warehouse store and bought a Merkur HD. I watched several videos on YouTube, and started with a few face shaves before getting the courage to do my head. Started with small sections on the top and sides, and eventually around to the back. It was a bit odd having to relearn how to shave to a degree, but its now way worth it! I love the routine now, as well as the results.

I found this board a few weeks back and have been learning quite a bit. Spending quite a bit as well! :blush: Here's my routine and products so far:

Pre-shower hot towel

Crown Shave Co pre-shave gel (the AOS stuff was horrible! too thick)

Either AOS Unscented, Proraso Green or Red Shave Cream

AOS Fine Badger Brush

G12 Scuttle for warm lather

Merkur HD or Merkur Vision 2000 (first shave with the Vision tonight, so good!)

I'll do a WTG and XTG pass on both my head and face, then I head into the shower where I do my ATG passes with the powered Fusion and Proraso Green until a BBS is achieved. I follow up with the AOS Aftershave cream, which I really like. I can't believe how easy it is to get into all the products, etc. Ive read countless threads on here from newcomers who all say the same thing, they love their new hobby, they're spending way too much money and their friends/loved ones make fun of them or think their nuts. Guilty as charged! I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, and looking forward to all the great shaves and knowledge I will gain from you guys.

Your Last DE (or other non-straight) Shave

Just curious when the last time you used a DE was. Are DEs still part of your routine? Regularly, occasionally, only when necessary (e.g. travel), etc.? Do you even recall?

long handle shave brushes

Recently I found an older brush in a antique store that had a longer handle than the usual style of lathering brushes. It had rubberset on the side of the black band that joined the hair to the wooden handle. I now see them pop up on eBay regularly.

What's the purpose of the longer handle? Was it better to control or just another style?

Sorry I don't have a picture at this time, will take one when I get home from work.

Yet another pen - the Rosetta Napoleon

Well, after messing around with my 2 Pilot Metros (I use them a lot at work, but the fact that any ink I put in them comes out so light drives me nuts), a Jinhao, and some Noodler's (my Ahab is currently being annoying by not writing), I decided to try another under $50 pen. Looking at a few different websites and pics, I ended up finding 2 options - the Rosetta Napoleon and Nussbaum Nicholas.

Pics -


Rosetta Napoleon above


Nussbaum Nicholas above

I ended up ordering the Rosetta Napoleon. I like purple. Plus, SabreBrown on YouTube (who is apparently a complete pen nut) liked it as much as a TWSBI mini although he had to make the Rosetta nib a little wetter (I assume that means pushing the nib in towards the feed/ink supply, or pulling the feed out a bit?).

I'll let y'all know how it writes when it gets here.

I should add that if/when I get another pen, the Nussbaum looks nice. Plus, it comes with a leather sleeve instead of a box, which ought to be fun to play with.

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The scent of Pine

Hi All

I'm looking for a shave cream or shave soap that has the scent of freshly cut Christmas tree / pine trees. I have managed to find a bar of face soap that has the correct scent.

Thanks in advance!!

Fishtail bit for Peterson 301

I have a Peterson 301 (I believe) pipe with the Peterson bit. I'd prefer to have a standard fishtail bit. Can anybody recommend a source for this?


SSGShave's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Entry

What is your real name?

What are your nicknames/aliases?

Where do you live?
Wherever the army sends me

What is your age (or) generation?

What are you in the real world?
Tactician for the PATRIOT missile system

What is your favorite shave setup?
So far, I love my VDH apothecary, and my derby extras

What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
Antiquing, Politics, Sports, and a good cup of coffee, Ford Mustangs

What else should the members of B&B know about you?
I carry a backup coffee mug in the trunk, you never know when SHTF

Fragrance Free Work Places - How Do You Manage?

Hi Folks - I'm curious if many of you work in places that are either fragrance-free or have strict limits on fragrances.

Do you just enjoy your frags in the evenings and on the weekends? Do you just dab a wee bit under your nose so you can appreciate it throughout the day? I certainly don't want to bother folks in the office - I get it; some noses are pretty sensitive to scents and bothered by them. But it's just a bit of a bummer for me.

Any thoughts or ideas are most welcome. Thanks in advance.

CERTIFYD Barber handle #3

Just got this handle today. The smell off this knot is tremendous. I will be removing it immediately!!


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