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samedi 30 septembre 2017

Gillette eversharp question

i got this razor in a trade. Is it a G model? I don't know much about the injector models.

Gillette eversharp question

Yardley Soap trade:

I have 2 , so one goes up for trade....Very good label and wood bowl , puck has been used once , maybe twice but I doubt it , the lettering is still easily legible....Still has fresh soap scent , no "off scent" at all.....Would like to trade for a bottle of the Figaro Bluice...

Yardley Soap trade:


October has arrived and Autumn is finally here, but the Scores do not care.

They are always out there awaiting discovery.

Yes, time does seem to fly but no matter the month, the season, or the weather, there is always something to be found. And you can mark it as yours.

When you find it, let us know.

We all want to see and...



[WTT] Reef Point Intrepid & Brut Splash for Stirling Lemon Chill Set

I have a twice lathered 6 ounce tub of Reef Point Intrepid and an almost full 7 ounce Brut Splash for trade. Looking for Stirling Lemon Chill soap and splash set.

Brut Trade

[WTT] Reef Point Intrepid & Brut Splash for Stirling Lemon Chill Set

Where are you at, collecting wise?

To many of us, shaving has become a passion, an obsession some may argue. Purchasing gear turns into accumulating a couple pieces which turns into a collection. Where are you folks at? Always searching...content...still looking for that unicorn?

For me, I have about a dozen straight razors and maybe a half dozen DEs. Picked up and unloaded dozens more since starting. I don't see myself picking up much more and really love the pieces I currently own. I can only think of maybe 2 or 3...

Where are you at, collecting wise?

Where are you at, collecting wise?

Advice on Timeless BasePlate

Hello, I just y signed up to the forum after recently discovering and devouring so many of the great threads posted here

Today I ordered a Timeless .95 OC with the 85 mm handle. I'm pretty confident I'll prefer the shorter handle but just in case I'd love to hear what others prefer and the reasoning behind your preference. My main concern though is baseplate choice. I like to get the smoothest shave possible but at the same time I love getting the closest shave humanly possible...

Advice on Timeless BasePlate

Advice on Timeless BasePlate

Apollo Mikron adjustment tool

I have an Apollo Mikron razor that I love. The calibration was off one-half digit, and I did not have the key that rotates the adjustment sleeve inside the handle. So I took a penny, placed it in a vice and cut off with a hacksaw a small portion of the penny on each side. It then fit the notches on the adjustment sleeve. I placed the razor on my makeshift key in the vice, turned it, and the calibration is now perfect: a setting of 1 with a loaded blade and the adjustment turned down to...

Apollo Mikron adjustment tool

Apollo Mikron adjustment tool

Welcome, @Poincare

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Poincare

Beauty and the Beast

For you guys that followed my ugly brush handle PIFs you know I pour the leftover resin from casting into a mold to eventually turn rather than waste it. Up until now it's usually resulted in a layered look. For The Beast I decided to flip the mold around at different angles to see what I'd come up with. The results were STELLAR! Without a doubt it's my ugliest handle to date and will go into a PIF in the future. As for Beauty, I knew when I poured it I was going to like this one....

Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast

merkur progress vs gillette adjustable

currently i have a gilette adjustable. i'm was thinking of getting a merkur progress because i've heard great things about merkur. BUT...what's the advantage of having a progress over gilette? an adjustable razor is an adjustable razor right?

merkur progress vs gillette adjustable


been shaving with feathers for 3 weeks now and i'm in love. it's now my favorite blade. the shave is smoother, i fear getting cut, and one blade lasts 7 days. kinda wish i tried feather a few years ago.


For Sale-20 Round Magazines for Ruger Mini 14

All like new. Sold the rifle, so.....
All are 20 round. Three are OEM Ruger. Two are Pro-Mag. All steel construction. I want to sell all as a lot. $139.00 shipped CONUS.
NOTE-I will NOT ship to a state which restricts magazine capacity. Thanks for your understanding on that.

For Sale-20 Round Magazines for Ruger Mini 14

Anyone Making Their Own Pipes?

I came across this thread:
The Official Carve Your Own Pipe exhibition thread
Some very nice pipes in there. Last post was 18 months ago. Curious if anyone has continued, or taken up pipe making. I'm seriously thinking of giving it a try.

Anyone Making Their Own Pipes?

How do you stand/hang your brush when travelling?

I'm curious, how do you all stand or hang your brush while travelling? Do you just stand it bristles up on the hotel sink counter? I personally prefer to hang it bristles down for drying purposes, but don't enjoy bringing a full sized stand with me on airplane trips. Does anyone else hang their brush, and if you do, what do you hang it from? Do you have a preferred travel stand?

How do you stand/hang your brush when travelling?

How to keep a healthy beard with very picky skin?

So I've had a beard off and on for the last 8 years and I always end up shaving it off when it gets to about 6-8" long because it just starts to dry up on the ends and I'll get split ends that will go all the way to the root. The weird part is my beard hair will very greasy and oil for the first 1-2" and the rest will be dried up. Any shampoo, conditioner, oil, balm, anything I've ever tried has always given me very bad pimples and bumps under my beard. The only product I've had success...

How to keep a healthy beard with very picky skin?

How to keep a healthy beard with very picky skin?

Knives, I am over you!

Over the years I have acquired quite a few kitchen knives. I have a Japanese cleaver, a Japanese vegetable knife, German and French chefs knives, a Thai kiwi knife, boning knives, paring knives, bread knives, tomato knives, yada yada.

I could do everything in the kitchen with three knives and a pair of scissors.

What possessed me?

Knives, I am over you!

Poor Man's PIF

Interested in DE shaving, but can't afford to get started? Please check out this thread in the General Shaving Discussion forum.

Poor Man's PIF

Poor Man's PIF

How old is your oldest brush?

I am wondering how old our brushes could last without the need for a re-knot.

How old is your oldest brush?

Welcome, @Anomaly1985

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Anomaly1985

Ivory scales

Any tips on straightening super thin warped ivory. I don't want to crack them when I compress them. Is there a method to soften them so they are not brittle. Maybe some experience of success and failure you may be willing to share. Thanks.

Ivory scales

Mail call! BEAUTY of a NEW SC

Hi all. Ever since I found this razor I have used nothing else. I was able to source an allegedly BNIB NEW SC, and based on what I received it just might be the truth. Beautiful condition. I don't even want to use it lol


Mail call! BEAUTY of a NEW SC

Poor Man's PIF

When I decided to explore DE shaving, I was looking at a VDH razor at Walmart, and wondering if I could afford the 20.00 they wanted for it. I was poor. Still am, but things are somewhat better. Some internet research brought me to B&B, and the adventure began.

I've been the recipient of a fair amount of generousity here, so now it's my turn.

This PIF is meant to go to another poor man, or woman, and has no requirements, other than you obviously have to be a member. You don't even have to...

Poor Man's PIF

Poor Man's PIF

Look What I Found In Antique Mall

My wife and I went to an antique mall in Mesa, AZ. The mall is quite large - 43,000 square feet. After about a half hour I found a Rolls Razor in a cardboard box and case which they wanted $49 for! Another Rolls razor in a metal case was a comparative bargain: $40. I showed the vendor what they went for on eBay but he wouldn't budge. Then down another aisle and saw a miniature straight razor. The blade was rusted and had some chips on it. The vendor priced it at $4.

Other than that,...

Look What I Found In Antique Mall

Look What I Found In Antique Mall

Help with identifying razor

Gentlemen. Picked up a razor today and can't find any info on it. Presentation side of tang says Silver King. Off side says WACO B. S. Co. Waco Tex.
Any help would be appreciated. Try to post pics later. Thanks.

Help with identifying razor

Weekly Blade PIF For Lurkers! Register for your chance to win! September 30 to October 7

:a50:Welcome to Badger & Blade! :a50:

If you are thinking about registering and need a nudge how bout this!

In continuing our weekly blade PIF we will give away a super awesome blade sampler to one newly registered member. To be eligible all you have to do is click here and register an account with us: Badger & Blade

After you have done that come back here and post "I'm in" to enter for your chance to win an awesome blade sampler that...

Weekly Blade PIF For Lurkers! Register for your chance to win! September 30 to October 7

Weekly Blade PIF For Lurkers! Register for your chance to win! September 30 to October 7

Bootleggers Bay Rum review

Moderator G.W. was kind enough to send me a fresh sample of Bootleggers Bay Rum that he had just mixed. Free of charge - plus he paid shipping. Very generous.
All he asked was that I post a review of the stuff - gold, warts, and all.

I have tried only a few other bay rums (Clubman, Superior 70, and one of my own mixes), so I have very little basis to compare. Want to try ebarbershop's branded Bay Rum, but at this point I haven't gotten it yet.

First impressions: Not bad out of the bottle....

Bootleggers Bay Rum review

Bootleggers Bay Rum review

Best AS matches for B&M Lavender and Fern

Due to a production delay B&M will not be releasing the matching AS splashes for their new Reserve soaps Lavender and Fern. I was wondering if anybody familiar with the scents of these soaps could recommend AS splashes made by others that would compliment these soaps. I am especially interested in suggestions for the Lavender.


Best AS matches for B&M Lavender and Fern

Meet meat, well pork actually

Everyone meet meat. Meat, this is everyone. Pork shoulder was at .99 cents a kg, impossible to say no. 2.6 kg all rubbed down for tomorrow's smoke.

Meet meat, well pork actually

Welcome, @Moreira

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Moreira

Brass vs stainless

I've been thinking of getting something new lately. I saw that Maggards has a new slant head and west coast has some new handles in that I like the look of. The handles come in brass and stainless. Other than cosmetics, what are the pros and cons of each? Any other inexpensive slant heads to look at?

Brass vs stainless

First home purchase and... My new built in den!

My wife and I recently bought our first home and I have been waiting to start this thread until we finished out master bathroom remoldeing. It had pretty bad water damage from the prior owner so after completely gutting it and rebuilding everything we are basically done! Just have to decorate the bathroom and we are good to go.

One of the things that excited me about this bathroom is it has a 3 shelf doorless cabinet built into the wall. The even better part is my wife gave me full...

First home purchase and... My new built in den!

First home purchase and... My new built in den!

Welcome, @grecellin

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @grecellin

Welcome, @LeoJack

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @LeoJack

Welcome, @Volvo

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Volvo

Scratching my head at this one.

I've always wanted to try a three piece razor as I currently have two ss's and while rummaging through this little shop I found this for next to nothing. It appeared to be in good shape but it has no serial numbers, no date codes and a Canadian Maple leaf on the base of the handle. I thought it was a double or single ring but none of the examples I could find had a handle anything like this. I plan on using it to see if I like this style more than a silo style razor, but what the hell is...

Scratching my head at this one.

Scratching my head at this one.

Bath Day

All ready for October!!

Bath Day

Blades that don't want to take an edge?

Recently jnatcat mentioned the issue in which we occasionally run across a razor that just resists ever taking a good edge. I have one or two such blades. Is there a metallurgical explanation for these problem child razors? I have two Duane Cuttlery blades. One takes an edge like a dream while the other struggles to develope a good bevel. Each has a near identical amount of hone wear. Another is an antique store find, a Larkin to be exact. It's just something I've always wondered about.

Blades that don't want to take an edge?

Well, what do we have here? :)

It smells like all the Joy in the world.
I wanna eat it.
Get it. Now.

Well, what do we have here? :)

Bootlegger's Bay Rum Lime: a review

First off: if the mods or anyone else wants to move this thread, please do. I just wasn't sure where to post it.
Second thanks go out to إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته for sending me this sample, as my busy/lazy rear end would not have gone to the trouble of buying/mixing the components of this concoction together. Thanks again!!!
Now, to the review. I have a limited vocabulary when it comes to descriptions of all things olfactory. I'll do my best to make إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته and...

Bootlegger's Bay Rum Lime: a review

Bootlegger's Bay Rum Lime: a review

GREEK Aftershave source

Fantastic selection of hard to find Greek aftershaves: Search - HairMaker.gr

GREEK Aftershave source

How About those Brian Brown Razors?

Beginning to see many good things coming out of Franklin, TN. Mr. Brown is surely making a name for himself in the straight razor arena. What say y’all show the crowd what you own from the shop of Brown Razor Works??

I have 5 1/2. Last one is a Boker Silver Steel Brian rescaled for me. Each one an excellent shaver.

How About those Brian Brown Razors?

For Sale: Duke 3 in Best

I have a nearly new Duke 3 that I purchased directly from Simpsons a few months ago. It has probably been used about a dozen times. It has not shed a single hair and is in perfect condition. I just prefer my slightly smaller brushes, like my Duke 2. I am including a once-used tin of Citrus Burst Simpsons Shaving Cream. $85 shipped CONUS.

For Sale: Duke 3 in Best

FS: Price Drop: $100--Custom Built Straight Razor and Brush Wall Display - No Longer Available

FS: Price Drop: $100--Custom Built Straight Razor and Brush Wall Display

Selling my "like new" custom built wet shaving display which I had made to my specs in early 2017 at a cost of $225. This item is ideal for the expanding razor collection. It strikes a fine balance between security of...

FS: Price Drop: $100--Custom Built Straight Razor and Brush Wall Display - No Longer Available

FS: Price Drop: $100--Custom Built Straight Razor and Brush Wall Display - No Longer Available

For Sale: Duke 3 Finest

I have a nearly new Duke 3 that I purchased directly from Simpsons a few months ago. It has probably been used about a dozen times. It has not shed a single hair and is in perfect condition. I just prefer my slightly smaller brushes, like my Duke 2. I am including a once-used tin of Citrus Burst Simpsons Shaving Cream. $85 shipped CONUS.

For Sale: Duke 3 Finest

Welcome, @Castleton

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Castleton

Clubman Beard balm as pomade?

The Clubman beard balm as been showing up in many pharmacies where I live (Canada, where their products are super rare in stores...thank God for mail-order).

It is inexpensive and I feel like trying it out as a pomade, but not sure if it is a good idea.

What is the difference anyway?

PS...I've never tried either products.

Clubman Beard balm as pomade?

Welcome, @Scooter858

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Scooter858

My new scuttle!

So I ordered a custom Scuttle from Karen Goldberg in Maryland and just received the pics of the finished product! Can't wait to give it a whirl...

My new scuttle!

AS-D1 vs AS-D2

I like the AS-D1. So much I've touched my Merkur Futur only once or twice since buying the D1 five years ago. It seemed only logical I would like the D2 more. It is after all an new and improved version. Right?

Loaded both with Feather blades from the same batch. To my surprise, I liked the D1 more. Not a huge difference, but enough to sell the D2.

Anyone here same experience?

AS-D1 vs AS-D2

I picked up a nice little Omega a few weeks ago

It looks like I have made a full transition from badger to boar brushes.

My Simpsons will probably be on the b/s/t soon. I just don’t use them anymore.

So far, the Omega 11137 has been my favorite. I have had it around a year now.

Two weeks ago I picked up an Omega 80266. This is a great little brush. It’s nice right of the box but I can’t wait until it is broken in.

If you have the means, I recommend you try one.

I picked up a nice little Omega a few weeks ago

Gatlinburg paired with Gallows

Out of sheer curiousity, I paired Stirling Gatlinburg soap with B&M Hallows (not Gallows) AS and wow...I feel like I’m on the set of a 1980’s horror flick, like Friday the 13th. I keep looking over my shoulder for a homicidal maniac with an axe. So many fragrances here!

Anybody else have a really interesting pairing?

Gatlinburg paired with Gallows

How many shaves form a single cartridge?

I picked up some cartridges just to have in case I travel. I don't want ot risk losing a DE razor.:)

Anyhow., typically, how many shaves can you get from a standard four blade or six blade cartridge?

I typically like to replace a DE blade every three shaves. they're inexpensive and I love ot have a new blade as often as possible.

Cartridges are a different story. I'm thinking I should get more than three shaves. Maybe not?

How many shaves form a single cartridge?

Help me choose my next phone

Hello Everyone,
I must come clean. I use a Blackberry (BB) smartphone. A Z10 to be precise.
I am rather fond of how well it performs for me. Particularly, I've grown to appreciate its Hub and virtual keyboard.
However, my Z10 won't last forever. And it's been showing signs of its age: slow response, sometimes it stalls, etc.
I've been looking at getting another BB phone but, as you may know, the company is no longer in the business of making phone. The one I found was the DTEK50, which was...

Help me choose my next phone

Help me choose my next phone

For sale (Europe): Feather AS-D2

As new. Used for two weeks, I like the D1 better. That was unexpected.
Can be shipped in original box, but without saves on shipping.

150 euro, including box, 140 excluding box shipped to:
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom.

Add 10 euro for other European countries.

For sale (Europe): Feather AS-D2

FS: Price Drop: $100--Custom Built Straight Razor and Brush Wall Display

FS: Price Drop: $100--Custom Built Straight Razor and Brush Wall Display

Selling my "like new" custom built wet shaving display which I had made to my specs in early 2017 at a cost of $225. This item is ideal for the expanding razor collection. It strikes a fine balance between security of...

FS: Price Drop: $100--Custom Built Straight Razor and Brush Wall Display

FS: Price Drop: $100--Custom Built Straight Razor and Brush Wall Display

FS: Price Drop: $100--Custom Built Straight Razor and Brush Wall Display

Selling my "like new" custom built wet shaving display which I had made to spec in early 2017 at a cost of $225. This item is ideal for the expanding razor collection. It strikes a fine balance between security of one's collection and showcasing it. There are 11 individual straight razor supports and 5 brush holders with enough separation so the brushes can hang and properly dry. Reason for sale is I'm selling off all of my straight razors so have no need for this unit. Believe me when I...

FS: Price Drop: $100--Custom Built Straight Razor and Brush Wall Display

FS: Price Drop: $100--Custom Built Straight Razor and Brush Wall Display

Faster growth in summer?

Morning from tropical Africa where it is always summer! The internet is inconclusive as to whether facial hair grows faster in summer, but more articles seem to agree that it does. But I don't trust google as much as the good folk here, so what are your thoughts? I'll even do my first ever poll!!

Not to sway your replies, but I think it does. However amazingly close I get a morning shave, I have stubble in the evening most days. On the rare times I shave at night and then lie immobile in...

Faster growth in summer?

Faster growth in summer?

Url test

11 great authors who wrote for Hugh Hefner's Playboy
11 great authors who wrote for Playboy
11 great authors who wrote for Playboy

Url test

vendredi 29 septembre 2017

FatBoy experts

I picked this one up I do not know the year yet. The sellers pictures did not show the bottom of the razor, Just from this pictures I'm thinking it's an early one D or E probably a E but I hope it's a D Any guess to the year? Or am I way off base. I have a very limited knowledge on vintage Gillette razors but I'm trying to get up to speed

FatBoy experts


Who else is watching?


finished just in time for Tabac/OC-tober.

I'm tired of looking at souless plastic tubs, and with Tabactober approaching, I thought I'd give the Tabac a proper vessel. So, I hollowed out an old Wristly soap bowl to fit the puck and refinished it in tung oil and polyurethane. I just finished that this week. Sunday will be my first ever shave with Tabac. I hope I enjoy it, but based on the slickness from the test lather, I have nothing to fear.

The Gillette NEW has been modified as well. I've shaved with it many times before,...

finished just in time for Tabac/OC-tober.

finished just in time for Tabac/OC-tober.

Recommedations for a new cream. Esbjerg, Fitjar or SJOL?

My favorite cream is SMN v3. I use it nearly every time I shave. Now Im looking for something new, and different. Ive read lots of good things about Esbjerg, Fitjar and St James Of London.

I want something that's slick, has great cushion and leaves a lovely moisturized face. My skin is kind of sensitive.

Out of the three I have mentioned, which one best fits my needs/wants?

Thanks in advance.

Recommedations for a new cream. Esbjerg, Fitjar or SJOL?

Pasteur's - update

Getting more Wickham's Club Cola and some new scents. They have also added more Oleo's including Sandy Cheeks (suntan lotion scent) and Caribbean Dreams (pina colada).

Pasteur's - update

Patchouli or bergamot scent

I am really wanting to try a new soap brand (only really used Stirling so far) and I would also like a lime scent in my rotation. I'm trying to decide between Maggard's limes and bergamot and Soap commander's Respect which says it is lime and patchouli. I don't know what bergamot or patchouli smell like, so this is a hard decision. Can anyone tell me the differences? If it is mostly lime then I think I will like either.

Patchouli or bergamot scent

Mike Judge's "Tales from the Tour Bus"

On Cinemax. I had not heard anything about this series. Seems great. First two episodes are Johnny Paycheck and Jerry Lee Lewis. Seems spot on based on what I know about these performers.

Mike Judge's "Tales from the Tour Bus"


... no shaving soap, sticks or aftershave necessary, but that's up to you if you want to enhance the recipes.
1. Get yourself an Ogallala, whatever size you fancy.
2. Pick a recipe from CanCooker.
3. Have a ball!

... that's all.


First shave with a Gillette Silver Blue

With all the positive reviews I thought I would give them a try. I loaded one in my Gillette New Deluxe. I've used Feathers and Astra's in this razor and while I've gotten very close BBS shaves with these blades I find it difficult to not get a few weepers and irritation around the neck with them. The Silver Blues gave me a smooth BBS shave with no weepers or irritation. I'll have to give them a try in my other razors.

First shave with a Gillette Silver Blue

Need help to identify a strop??

Hey all,
I just I hope scored a" nice" vintage Russian strop. Its Wagner barber's end Russian strop. It is red on one side and has diamond pattern stamped on the same side. Does anybody have any info about this strop? I'm curious if it's a shell strop??

Need help to identify a strop??

Welcome, @Jerrold Mayer

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Jerrold Mayer

What is it about my new Maseto Finest?

I have 2 other brushes, a Razorock Ivory 22 synthetic that I like, and a Semogue 1250 boar that a bit disappointing when compared to the Razorock and the new Maseto in ease of making lather and the amount it makes. The Masero makes a lot of lather easily and faster than either one of the others.

The Maseto is an extra dense finest badge with a 24mm knot in the chubby Atlanta style. I got it off BST here for a seriously low price and the seller said he'd only used it a few times.

And it...

What is it about my new Maseto Finest?

What is it about my new Maseto Finest?

Links in Signatures... HOW TO, please.

I just attempted to make a link in my signature like so (without the spaces before the first and last URLs):

[ URL='neededURL']needed[/ URL]

I reviewed it and moused over it, and the URL showed at the bottom left of my monitor. So I thought "great," saved it and went about my business.

Later I looked and it's not there.

What's happening guys? What have I done wrong? What do I need to do?

Links in Signatures... HOW TO, please.

Calling all apollo

Calling all apollo

P.160 reformulation

Has anyone tried it? If so, how does it compare? I've never tried either.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

P.160 reformulation

Look what wife bought for me

I really love the scent and the lather is rich and cushiony. Has anyone else tried this soap?

Look what wife bought for me

WTS: ikon DE's, SE lot, brushes, lathering agents

All items sold via paypal via B&B rules. Please make sure your mailing address in paypal is correct.

All items listed for CONUS. Cost listed includes shipping to your mailing address.

1) Ikon razors - shavecraft 101 and X3 slant.

$33 (101), $33 (x3), $60(for both bought at same time)

One shavecraft 101 and one X3 slant. Both are in very good condition, nothing wrong with them. I just like SE's better.

2) SE lot - $20

Includes razors that work fine but just don't agree with my...

WTS: ikon DE's, SE lot, brushes, lathering agents

WTS: ikon DE's, SE lot, brushes, lathering agents

Mystery Dunhill Cologne

I have several bottles of the pictured Dunhill Cologne. Is it the precursor of the current "Alfred Dunhill Dunhill" or something entirely different?

Thank you for any help!

Mystery Dunhill Cologne

Penhaligons Bayloea Lather

Good Day Gents,

Have lots of soaps and creams in rotation and one that i don't use often is Penhaligons Bayolea and not because I don't like scent, I love the scent but I struggle to get a decent lather. I face lather most of the time and keep my brush warm in my scuttle so is there a trick to getting a decent lather from this soap.

Penhaligons Bayloea Lather

Welcome, @Barbers Essentials

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Barbers Essentials

Wasn't sure if the right spot to post, kinda seemed right.

So I ordered a custom Scuttle from Karen Goldberg in Maryland and just received the pics of the finished product! Can't wait to give it a whirl...

Wasn't sure if the right spot to post, kinda seemed right.

Either the "lazy man's way to a good shave" or a great quick shave method:

I am a shaving soap guy. I like Stirling's soap offerings, PAA's soaps, Tabac, and the classic shaving sticks. I have tried creams in the past and was underwhelmed.

Why? If I bowl-lathered them they would not be slick enough for my liking. If I face lathered them, well, some were darned good, and others not so much.

I read on a post here a month or so ago about using any shave cream "brushless." I took this to mean place some product in the hands and mix it up a little to spread it over...

Either the "lazy man's way to a good shave" or a great quick shave method:

Either the "lazy man's way to a good shave" or a great quick shave method:

What did you guys have for breakfast?

Warm Cheese and bacon buns with ham and egg.....

So yum [emoji39][emoji106][emoji1604]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

What did you guys have for breakfast?

Best shave time, morning or night

I normally shave in the morning to go to work. I take about 25 minutes with 3 pass. Just curious what most people in this group think is the best time to shave, Morning/Nights, or other?

Best shave time, morning or night

Vintage Schick Prototypes/test units. Do I want them?

I own several Schick Magazine Repeating razors. Am fascinated with the design and mechanism. I spotted a few early Schicks for sale, some I have never seen before. Also there was a repeater that was obviously a prototype. It has the usual handle but an unfinished pivoting head that seems to made out of sheet metal and rivets. I also spotted one with a different design folding head in the lot.

I know Gillette prototypes are valued. Is there any collector interest in prototype or test...

Vintage Schick Prototypes/test units. Do I want them?

Vintage Schick Prototypes/test units. Do I want them?

Recommend 3 VaPers to age and 3 to smoke out of the tin

Ok...they might be the same... but I'd like to read your favorite VaPers to age and to smoke out of the tin (or both).

I like Escudo, Navy Rolls & Dunbar for both.

Recommend 3 VaPers to age and 3 to smoke out of the tin

Finally found my scent preference

I, like a lot of us on here, am particular about scents when it comes to creams, soaps, and aftershaves. And like a true B&B'er, I have purchased dozens of varieties of the above in the pursuit of my ideal scent. What I realized recently is that while I can't (and likely will never) settle on one specific perfect scent, I have narrowed it down to a particular "type" of scent, which is, as with most things, highly subjective.

For me, the perfect scent is one or more of the following: clean,...

Finally found my scent preference

Finally found my scent preference

Something special happened! I found a razor I could not pass up.

1924 (from sn#) Tuckaway Gold. Barely used, perfect shape, new unwrapped blades in the case, 1930's New Norfolk style case with red lining. My question about that is: Was that case available also in 1924? The indents in the lining don't match a common bar handle. Could it be original to the razor?

And now the really special part: There is no way I would let this one get away from me. Not because it is extremely rare or favored by collectors. Because it is the first vintage razor I...

Something special happened! I found a razor I could not pass up.

Something special happened! I found a razor I could not pass up.

Weather sucks

This is a two day difference. Freaking Maritimes.

Weather sucks

Momma don' sent me a box o'vintage goodies

Package arrived in the mail today from my Mom who found this stuff while going through some of my Grandmother's old boxes. The cool part is both buoy bottles are at least 90% full and the large decanter is at least 75% full. The blades on the bottom she found while roaming an antique store. The buoy bottles are glass and the decanter is metal. I'm sure the scent profile has matured over time but overall they are much more "sweet" with significant vanilla notes (especially on dry down,...

Momma don' sent me a box o'vintage goodies

Momma don' sent me a box o'vintage goodies

Question about "4711"

I adore this classic and ancient fragrance.

My wife and i have huge bottle and I was looking to replenish it.

She swears that it's a unisex scent and I believe her. I was happy to see that a local department store carries it, but they list it as "4711 for men"

So I just want to make sure -- is there only one kind of 4711? Or are there others?

And do yo guys understand it to be a unisex fragrance?

Question about "4711"

Welcome, @Brandyn

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Brandyn

"Cheddar Box"

You learn something new everyday. I was taking my early morning stroll and one of my routes passes the local high school. I overheard some students talking. To paraphrase, "I will catch up with you later, my girlfriend is coming in on the cheddar box and I am meeting her." A cheddar box is slang for a yellow school bus. The local high school has both city buses(CENTRO) and yellow buses, and I assume this is how the students make the distinction. Thought I would share as I found it...

"Cheddar Box"

"Cheddar Box"

Edwin Jagger DE89 so good yet never used.

I find it interesting that for people starting many recommend the EJ DE89 yet when after 5 months and other safety razor purchases we don't see many returning to it myself included. Good but gathering dust. We don't see many youtube videos with constant DE89 usage from long-term YouTubers even from people that praised the safety razor. Is it a condition of so good it's boring. You almost never see in any shaving youtubers top 10 safety razor list yet the Merkur 34C is constantly praised....

Edwin Jagger DE89 so good yet never used.

Edwin Jagger DE89 so good yet never used.

Can you guess this razor?? FREE blades to the winner!

I will send a tuck of Personna Platinums to the first person to correctly guess this razor. This should be fun! Good luck fellas!

Can you guess this razor?? FREE blades to the winner!

Some questions about Gillette old type

I have among my collection a Gillette old type with the ball end. I have read on the forums about shining these razors, is this absolutely necessary. I don't have a file to make a shim so I am curious. Also what is the best way to correct a bent tooth. Finally how can you tell a thick from a thin cap? Thanks in advance?

Some questions about Gillette old type

Shaving stuff in Del Mar, CA

So I am flying to Southern California for some training next month, and I don't plan on checking a bag. Obviously I will be unable to take any blades with me. Is there a good shaving stuff place in or near Del Mar where I could go? Or am I getting the CVS blades?

Shaving stuff in Del Mar, CA

How do other soaps and creams compare to Saponicio Varesino?

This one is for you gents having a long list of different soaps tried AND including Saponicio Varesino soaps. How do the other soaps compare to the SV soaps? By slickness, scent, skin care, richness of lather, how much lather it produces, etc...

I am asking this as I am in love with SV tundra arctica. My first SV soap. I find it difficult to put it aside and everytime after a while shaving with different soaps/creams it keeps blowing my mind with its superior quality and feeling it gives....

How do other soaps and creams compare to Saponicio Varesino?

How do other soaps and creams compare to Saponicio Varesino?

Shaveworks the Cool Fix

Done anyone here have any experience with this stuff? I recently shaved with a razor that I shelved forever ago because how much I hated it. For some reason I thought my technique had improved so I gave this old girl another go. I learned that my technique hasn't changed and this razor and I still have the same communications problems.

Anyways, my neck looked like I had chickenpox and I knew the ingrowns were not far behind. I ended up pulling out a sample I had of this stuff and...

Shaveworks the Cool Fix

Shaveworks the Cool Fix

After shave in Glass Bottles?

Is there any source for Pinaud Clubman or Mennen Skin Bracer in glass bottles?

If not, what after shave wold you recommend that still comes in a glass bottle?

After shave in Glass Bottles?

Help I.D. Modern Razor

Howdy folks.
This came in a small lot, was listed as a "Badger and Blade" razor. Did a short search, and apparently there was such a thing about 10 years ago, but it didn't sound anything like this. I think at one time West Coast Shaving sold the case.

The handle is 3 3/4", fairly heavy, not the greatest example of the machinists art. Not bad, but I would guess China. Head looks Muhle/Edwin Jagger/Merkur-ish. No markings anywhere.

Just curious what it is. Any ideas?

Help I.D. Modern Razor

Vitos Extra Super

I am planning on purchasing a kilo of Vitos in the red box and was wondering if it needs to be stored in an air tight container and refrigerated like Cella?

Vitos Extra Super

How does the Mongoose II compare to previous versions of the stainless steel Mongoose?

I have not seen much posted about the latest stainless steel Mongoose, the "Mongoose II". It apparently has a slimmer head profile than previous stainless versions & follows the same head design of the “Alumigoose”. I just wondered how the Mongoose II compares to the earlier stainless steel 'geese, namely the B1, B2 & B3.

I have a polished B2 & satin B3. My B2 has a thinner base plate & the blade edge is closer to the edge of the guard than the with B3. Compared to the B3, I find that my B2...

How does the Mongoose II compare to previous versions of the stainless steel Mongoose?

How does the Mongoose II compare to previous versions of the stainless steel Mongoose?

Sir Hare Classic Barber

Got up this morning and was introduced to Sir Hare Classic Barber shave Soap which I acquired from Amazon for 14.99 ! The shave was fabulous loaded my boar bristle brush in 20 seconds, produced a rich thick lather for two passes the end result was a close slick smooth shave with a classic barber shop scent ! Of all the shave soaps I have used I have to say that Sir Hare has to be placed now on the top of my list !

Sir Hare Classic Barber

Brush vs can debate... How about this?

Just found this today:

Evolution Brush (can not included) - Legacy Shave

As someone who finds myself using a can more then a brush + soap/cream lately, I think this is pretty cool. Yes you can always just squirt some foam/gel into your brush (or just apply it by hand) however the coolest part about this is the masses who typically use gel, little to no water, and a 47 blade cartridge will...

Brush vs can debate... How about this?

Brush vs can debate... How about this?

Dr. Johns Anne Bonny cream

Has anyone used this cream? Anyone familiar with Dr. Johns creams and the performance and fragrance strength? This sounds like something I might like.

Dr. Johns Anne Bonny cream

Myrsol Blue Shaving Cream

Has anyone ever used this cream? I just ordered a sample from shavedash.com. I know what the aftershave smells like so I'm interested in the cream if it smell like the aftershave and how it performs.

Myrsol Blue Shaving Cream

Welcome, @beefman

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @beefman

Fragrance-free body oil spay

My skin gets quite dry in winter months. My wife's body oil works well. But the girly smell is just atrocious. Does any know of a good unscented body oil in a spay?

Fragrance-free body oil spay

Crabtree and Evelyn Indian Sandalwood Cream

I had a sample of this that I got from Shavedash by accident. I thought I was ordering the Moroccan Myrrh. I used the Indian Sandalwood this morning and I was pleasantly surprised. The scent is sweet with the sweet note on top and the sandalwood fragrance on the bottom. At first I used to much water and not enough cream and the lather was thin and not protective. I added more cream and less water and got the complete opposite and the shave shave was really smooth and clean. I got some nicks,...

Crabtree and Evelyn Indian Sandalwood Cream

Crabtree and Evelyn Indian Sandalwood Cream

DIY help needed: Flooded Irrigation Control

A few months ago I shut off one of the sprinkler spray heads(the smaller spray ones) to place a paver stone over it to meet my patio. I had no problems with that until about a week or so ago when I noticed a wet spot on my lawn. I ignored it for a while until today, when I looked closed I found that grass had grown over the irrigation control in the groun(round) and it was flooding hence the wet spot.

I'm guessing that turning off the spray head did something eventually? Pressure related?...

DIY help needed: Flooded Irrigation Control

DIY help needed: Flooded Irrigation Control

FS: Multiple Slim's and a C3 Tech

Went to a flea market this weekend and even though I didn't need these, I couldn't pass up the good deal (bought everything he had) figuring someone here may want them.

All are in good condition for an everyday shaver. Pics tell the story better than I can. All TTO's work as they should and tighten down nicely. All adjustment numbers/settings work.

I believe prices reflect the good deal I got, plus a few minutes for cleanup and cost of shipping and paypal fees. If you think they are off...

FS: Multiple Slim's and a C3 Tech

FS: Multiple Slim's and a C3 Tech

Are you Born Again?

Before being Born Again:

After being Born Again
I am now a Chrisian

Are you Born Again?

ATT SE2...A Contender Emerges from the fire...

I've been using the El Jefe/Schick Proline everyday pretty much and it is an outstanding razor that will get me my desired results with no fuss. But...everytime I use my MMOC, I notice that it gets me to the same results a tad quicker. Nothing to sneeze at but noticeable. Well, the ATT SE2 has that same increase in efficiency as the MMOC while remaining smooth.

The SE2 may have dethroned the El Jefe on the first shave.

For me, there's only one AC blade, the Schick Proline. I have no doubt...

ATT SE2...A Contender Emerges from the fire...

ATT SE2...A Contender Emerges from the fire...

After Shaves (Balms and Splahes) and soaps with Lanolin

I hope this is the right forum. If not, hopefully the moderator will transfer it!

I've been a wet shaver for going on two years now. As we are heading into the cooler weather, I find that I'm grabbing for soaps that contain lanolin more often. I have always loved the post shave face feel of soaps that contain lanolin, and was wondering if people might recommend post shave products that won't change or perhaps enhance the post shave face feel? Do you find balms to be better than...

After Shaves (Balms and Splahes) and soaps with Lanolin

After Shaves (Balms and Splahes) and soaps with Lanolin

First impressions of the Simpsons Chubby 1

I feel that Simpsons best badger offers something truly unique in terms of face feel and brush performance. This is not to exclude other makers that also produce brushes of this grade (e.g. Thater for Fendrihan?), nor to downplay the quality control issues that Simpsons has had in the past. Neither do I mean to say that best badger is any better than any other hair grade, for in this hobby/passion/obsession everything is a matter of personal preference. For the record, I have tried boars,...

First impressions of the Simpsons Chubby 1

First impressions of the Simpsons Chubby 1

Anode in swamp cooler or no? If not, why not?

We have a number of people here who know about metals, and members who live in places like Arizona, so I thought I'd post my question here.

I recently drained the swamp cooler for the season and noticed a small, maybe 1/8 inch spot on the bottom of the pan that was rusted with the paint flaked off. It also may be that the paint is also bubbling up a little in a nearby area, but I'm not sure.

I would think about installing a zinc or magnesium sacrificial anode, but the manufacturer warns...

Anode in swamp cooler or no? If not, why not?

Anode in swamp cooler or no? If not, why not?

Dorco Cartridge Deals.:)

I use a safety razor but decided to try a cartridge razor (fro when I travel).

Anyhow, I got a heckuva deal on the Dorcos. I'm not sure when offers expire, though. I stocked up for those occasions when I might be on the road.:) Losing a cartridge razor is more preferable to losing my favorite Merkur adjustable.:) I'm glad I gave the Dorco a try.:)

Here's the bundle I purchased: Fall Bonanza Men’s Pack

But the great part is the...

Dorco Cartridge Deals.:)

Dorco Cartridge Deals.:)

Best blade to get my fiancee started

Hey everyone!

I just got into DE razors and loving it after just three days. Will never be going back to those disposable pieces of junk!

I want to get my fiancee to transition into DE razors as well and I have a sample pack of blades on hand. If you were to recommend one blade for her to start with which would you pick for a mild shave? She will be using my Maggard MR6 with open comb head.

  • Astra SP (I'm using these and love them. Very forgiving and a close shave)
  • Astra SS...

Best blade to get my fiancee started

Best blade to get my fiancee started


Anyone else a fan? It's one of my favorite drinks year round, but particularly in the summer time. I am partial to the variety without Worcestershire sauce myself, and I prefer Modelo Especial. Serve it up in a frozen mug and you have yourself a heck of a good beverage.:a17:


Can someone help me identify this Aristocrat.

Hi all

So in the last few weeks I've been lucky and found some nice Aristocrats to add to the den and I have one that I can't seem to identify. The one in the leather case is a 1947. It obviously is in a different case and the weight of it seems just a little heavier than the one in the gold case
( gotta get me a scale ) and they seem almost if not the same length. Gold plating is different as well as one is a darker gold color than the other as seen in the photos. Both are in good conditon...

Can someone help me identify this Aristocrat.

Can someone help me identify this Aristocrat.

Tech and a Feather - wow!

My Super Speed has been chewing up my face with Feathers this past week. Today I switched to my Tech and wow. It's like it was made for a Feather! And get this, I was even able to go ATG on my upper lip, something that I hadn't even tried in years due to repeated manglings. Not a single weeper or nick anywhere. What a shave!

For those curious, I used TOBS Almond cream and a Semogue brush, followed by some Clubman. :001_302:

Tech and a Feather - wow!

Rattray's Pipes?

I've noticed a lot of really nice looking new Rattray's brand pipes offered on the 'bay recently and was wondering if anyone knew anything about them? Is this a new branding? Where are they made and by whom? Of course I'm familiar with Rattray's tobaccos, but I hadn't heard of that name associated with pipe manufacturing before.

Rattray's Pipes?

Newbie from Australia

Hi guys,

Recently got given a Straight Razor kit for my birthday from my GF, and have been putting off using it until the last few days. Damn, I should have looked into it and used it sooner. My technique and no doubt the blade are both lacking, but even a bad shave less my face feeling better

Anyway, greetings from. Sydney Australia. I'm looking forward to learning more from everyone here.


Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

Newbie from Australia

Welcome, @InsaneCheese

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @InsaneCheese

If you're gonna rock a goatee...

Then rock a goatee, not a Van Dyke and call it a goatee.

I've had mine for a couple of months now. It's getting a bit longer and developing some character (makes up for my lack thereof...), making me look a bit eccentric, perhaps?

Here I am testing it out on the locals waiting for the Shinkansen in Osaka.

My wife is more than happy that my goatee is 8000 miles away from her. Ha!

If you're gonna rock a goatee...

Welcome, @Bramall

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Bramall

Provence Sante in Canada?

Anyone know a Canadian shop where I can order Provence Sante stuff? (Looking for Green Tea replacement pucks and AS).

I'm in Montreal.

Also looking for the cheapest source to procure 100 packs of Astra SP if anyone knows a good place. Looking for 100 packs of Feathers too.


Provence Sante in Canada?

jeudi 28 septembre 2017

Coat and Jacket Season Approaching

What will everyone be wearing this fall/winter? Any acquisitions? Lay em on me!

Coat and Jacket Season Approaching

October Photo Challenge: Neighbourhood Walk

; ... a geographically localized community within a larger city, town, suburb or rural area... (Taken from wikipedia.)

Neighbourhood Walk - Perhaps, story vs. the other stuff...

Here goes. Of the many thousands of pictures taken with my current camera i doubt there's more then fifty that were either not shot in the house, around the yard or on a walk through my neighbourhood(s). I'm out pretty much daily (weather can throw a damper on...

October Photo Challenge: Neighbourhood Walk

October Photo Challenge: Neighbourhood Walk

500 Post PIF

Hello all,

I'm not at 500 yet, but I will be soon, so I thought I'd give a little back to a lucky member of this wonderful forum.

Up for grabs is 50 grams of P. 160 chopped right off the block.

Everyone is eligible and I will close the PIF on the day of my 500th post and then randomly select a participant.


500 Post PIF

Newly Acquired Military Sets

I went into a local Military Surplus store a couple of weeks ago and saw 3 sets that I considered way overpriced, 2 almost like new and 1 not so new looking. Then he pulled out one from behind the counter and said, "I think I have this one sold", it was a NOS in the box 2 snap soft case set. It looked like it had never been opened until right then, I didn't even ask how much. Later, he told me he did sell it and it was on it's way to the Philippines. I say later because, after leaving the...

Newly Acquired Military Sets

Newly Acquired Military Sets


As the company seems to have almost no exposure of any kind on here I hope nobody will mind my posting about my experiences of them and their products. I have no vested interest whatsoever and this is merely my thoughts on what is seemingly a largely undiscovered name on here. Products are available online through their website and at a few retailers

My first contact with their products was my first DE related purchase, a starter set comprising DE razor, shave cream and synthetic shave...



Slim Adjustable+ Astra SP blade = BBS

I've neglected this razor for quite a while so I brought it out tonight and loaded it with an Astra SP blade. I'd always used it on it's milder settings so tonight I cranked it up to 7. Got a great BBS irritation free shave in 3 passes with a minor touch up.

Slim Adjustable+ Astra SP blade = BBS

Best high end cream? AdP, SMN, ABC, Xpec, etc......

What say the board?

Best high end cream? AdP, SMN, ABC, Xpec, etc......

Shave off King 6k/ CrOx

I recently purchased a King 6k on the Bakelite base. I killed the edge on the side of it and did a ratio of 2 edge trailing to 1 edge leading strokes for a good while. Next I did 5 laps on the cotton component of my SRD paddle strop treated with .5 CrOx. Then I spent a good while on the untreated smooth leather component of the paddle. Finally it was untreated linen & leather as usual. The edge was crazy sharp! Easily tree topped arm & leg hair. I never could have imagined that such a...

Shave off King 6k/ CrOx

Shave off King 6k/ CrOx

Bridge & Burn Sale

Bridge and Burn has an additional 50% off of Summer Sale items. This includes a Baxter of California shave set with Best Badger Shave Brush, Super Close Shave Formula, andAfter Shave Balm. Started at 85, marked to 74, less 50% with code NIFTY50, so $37, plus shipping. Most of their stuff on the sight is clothes.

Bridge & Burn Sale

Baraccini Pocket Pipes sale @ P&C

Looks like they have 4 different pocket pipe shapes in stock at around half the usual price. I have two, and can say if you want a small pipe and super fast smoke, they really fill that spot. How packet are they, you ask? Well, here's mine, with a Bic lighter in the shot for size comparison.

Baraccini Pocket Pipes sale @ P&C

My First DE-Parker Vintage Butterfly 99R

Thought I'd share my first DE purchase! I'd been hemming and hawing the last few weeks about acquiring a DE. I've always been a cartridge user, so I finally pulled the trigger. It was between this and a Merkur 34C. I look forward to taking it for a spin tonight. Just need to figure out which blade I want to start with from my "From Russia With Love" sample pack.

My First DE-Parker Vintage Butterfly 99R

Captain's Choice Sandalwood

Since this came out about three or so years ago, I've never been without it. It is the standard against which all other sandalwoods should be judged, IMO. Full disclosure: I don't use any other sandalwood AS. Pure sandalwood goodness, without any other scents to complement it. Nothing needs to be added to enhance this aroma. Alcohol, essential oils, fragrance, and glycerin are the only ingredients, and you'll know it when you splash it on. The alcohol burn goes away moments after...

Captain's Choice Sandalwood

Captain's Choice Sandalwood

I’ll just drop this here

Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?

Great food, no atmosphere.

I’ll just drop this here

WTB: Super-Max Super Stainless (the ones in the Yellow/Green packaging) in UK?

Hi chaps

I'm after some Supermax Super Stainless blades, the ones in the Yellow/Green packaging, not the blue packaging. Did anyone buy a shed load of these when they were being sold silly cheap a couple of years back and could spare a card or two? :)

Would be very grateful!

I'm located in the UK...

Many thanks!!


WTB: Super-Max Super Stainless (the ones in the Yellow/Green packaging) in UK?

FS: 2 Kitchen Knives in UK, Hand Forged Tansu Chef/Gyuto & Gesshin Sujihiki/Slicer.

Up for sale are 2 nice kitchen knives, in the UK so might be useful for UK/EU buyers.
Payment via Paypal "Good/Services" please.

First is a hand forged Mert Tansu 190mm Gyuto in 52100 steel, with Curly Koa handle and Buffalo horn ferrule.
Approx 187 tip to heel and 38mm high at the heel, one of his earlier knives, has some hammer/forging marks, but a very nice cutter.
It will come sharpened by myself and be ready for use.
Price is $215 or GBP equivalent if a UK buyer.
Free UK shipping and...

FS: 2 Kitchen Knives in UK, Hand Forged Tansu Chef/Gyuto & Gesshin Sujihiki/Slicer.

FS: 2 Kitchen Knives in UK, Hand Forged Tansu Chef/Gyuto & Gesshin Sujihiki/Slicer.

Which razor should I buy next?

Hey all! I currently have an Edwin Jagger 87, a 40's Super Speed, and a Tech. I wanted to get a new razor but wasn't sure which route to go.

I'm feeling like something modern and classy, any recommendations? Or is there a vintage razor that you think I absolutely have to try as well?

Which razor should I buy next?

First Open Comb SOTD

SOTD 26/9/17

Brush: Semogue 830
Soap: Fine American Blend
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue Stainless (4)
Razor: Fatip Piccolo
Osma Alum Block
AS: Fine American Blend
Balm: Nivea Men
Mug: Muhle

First shave with an open comb, and have only been DE shaving just over 2 months. So naturally I was a little bit [​IMG]wary considering The Piccolo is classed as an aggressive razor ! I gave it very light strokes, and in a...

First Open Comb SOTD

First Open Comb SOTD

Goldfinger Razor

I was perusing some past posts and I noticed that member إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته mentioned that he was looking for a "Goldfinger" Razor, which he thought would be a J1 (1964). Adam also mentioned in another post that the Indian seller "Universal Exports" was the same name as the ficticious company that James Bond worked for. I figured knowledge like that meant Adam is a serious fan.

That got me to thinking... Sure would be cool if my Aristocrat (gold slim) was a '64. So I checked....

Goldfinger Razor

Goldfinger Razor

Welcome, @Lukacs

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Lukacs

DE Razor Vs Shavette Vs Straight Edge

Hi guys,.. I'm new here.. and I was about to reconsider a straight edge.. but everytime I do, I'm reminded of how time consuming they are... and someone suggested a shavette.

(the reason I want a straight edge is because 2 years ago i went from cartridge to DE .. and the difference in having a sharper blade with less pressure that you don't drag as much is great.. and a straight is even more in that direction)

I've read a lot about shavettes but I wind up rejecting them because I hear they...

DE Razor Vs Shavette Vs Straight Edge

DE Razor Vs Shavette Vs Straight Edge

Heck of a find in the wild.

Found literally a brand new never used Redtip out in the wild last night. I wasn't even expecting to go searching but my youngest had a peewee football game and there was a small antique shop across from the field so we went in after the game was over and to my surprise they had a few straight razors, a few OS mugs, some old brushes and THIS!! The top of the case is in bad shape with stress cracks but once I opened it I was blown away. The shop owner said it's been sitting there for over a...

Heck of a find in the wild.

Heck of a find in the wild.

Welcome, @Cory

Please join me in welcoming our newest member, إسمك سيظهر هنا بعد كتابته. We are happy to have you as part of our community.
Why not start by telling us something about yourself!

Welcome, @Cory

How many places do you go these days that have a "scent free" policy?

For me it seems like its everywhere. Work is scent free, church is scent free. All hospitals are supposed to be scent free as are many schools and other institutions.

Are these policies really enforceable?

How many places do you go these days that have a "scent free" policy?

Q. for the guys who have a military hair brush

Do you miss not having a handle?

Have you discovered an advantage to holding a brush in that particular manner?

Most manufacturers that offer military brushes also have the exact same brush with a handle for the same price.

I'm just wondering if I should go for what I know, or try the different shape (i.e. military)

Please, no "try both" responses :001_tt2: (I would if I could, but I can't so I won't)​

Q. for the guys who have a military hair brush

Welcome, @w201

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Welcome, @w201

Hello, newbie checking in...

Hi all,

I'm both a newbie here and also to DE shaving, but getting fully stuck in to my shaving apprenticeship and really enjoying it.

My name is Martin, I'm 51 years old and live in the Midlands of the UK. I had been using an electric razor for over 30 years and had always suffered from skin problems post shave, which was worse whenever I had tried cartridge razors, so I assumed I had sensitive skin and I'd always be stuck using electric. However a few weeks ago, quite by accident, I...

Hello, newbie checking in...

Hello, newbie checking in...

feedback: suction and undercut


Well as the thread name says I'm trying to learn to feel for feedback given by my Shapton glass stones. My last 2 razors I honed I clearly felt a suction/drag telling me I was done on that particular hone (at least that's how I The undercut on the 1 and 2K was so so. From 4K till 20K the water rolled up to the spine within 20 strokes or so (rough estimate).

Now, I tried honing my father's Dovo and she's giving me PITA ...
I did clearly feel the suction, but the undercut was nearly as...

feedback: suction and undercut

feedback: suction and undercut

Saute pan vs skillet

If you look at the pots and pans included in most cookware sets you will find a skillet or two (AKA fry pan) + sauce pans, maybe a stock pot, and typically a straight sided saute pan.

I have cabinets full of some of the nicest cookware including a 7 ply saute pan. You could fight a war with that pan; it is built like a tank.

Thing is, it hardly gets used. I use a skillet every day, almost. But the saute pan only comes out to play about three times a year. Unless I am cooking with a lot of...

Saute pan vs skillet

Saute pan vs skillet

Welcome, @Herr Hans

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Welcome, @Herr Hans

Burnout with the '46

Took a recent acquisition out for my shave today. It left a burn that I have rarely felt.

Razor: 1946 Gillette Milord
Blade: TopCare Stainless (Alot of pulling and a rough shave)
Soap: VDH Deluxe
AS: Gabel's Bay Rum

I will try a different blade tomorrow. Probably a Wilki Classic. I am hoping to find a blade this razor likes as it seems a little on the aggressive side, for my beard and skin type.

Burnout with the '46

Welcome, @Ivan Nemet

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Welcome, @Ivan Nemet

WTS: Gillette Old Type, Single Ring (made in 1907)

Hi guys,

I have here a Gillette Old Type Single Ring, serial number A187267 on the inner tube, which places it in 1907 (ref. Gillette Date Codes).
The razor is in very good condition for it's age with minimal plate loss.
There are also some imperfections: a small thin crack in the upper part of the handle (about 6mm long) and the top cap is a bit uneven in a few spots on the edges (this can be corrected by a professional, with a...

WTS: Gillette Old Type, Single Ring (made in 1907)

WTS: Gillette Old Type, Single Ring (made in 1907)

mercredi 27 septembre 2017

Help with the chin


I have been wetshaving both face and scalp for a few years now. I have a good prep routine (apply my Wife's conditioner to face and head, wash the rest of me, rinse face and head, leave wet for shave), and my lathers have been great, but a recent job change has required me to shave the goatee that I've worn for over 20 years. I knew the first few shaves would leave me tender, but the area directly under my chin, and the areas at the outer corners of my lips are still quite tender...

Help with the chin

Help with the chin

Welcome, @mattxo

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Welcome, @mattxo

Aspirin, Lemon Juice, Baking Soda. Mrs. Stewart's

There are lots of recommended ways to whiten dingy cotton t-shirts, and I've tried most of them at one time or another. What is your favorite method?

Aspirin, Lemon Juice, Baking Soda. Mrs. Stewart's

Wtt a straight

I would like to trade an undetermined straight razor. The tang has superior quality written very faintly. Also I can make out Mason Bra..... it's chemical not stamped. Maybe barber supply or something. I do not believe it's bad metal as it honed up very well. It was repinned when I bought it. Closes fairly center. It's 5/8. Has a little pitting. It's an inexpensive purchase that I honed . I will officially call it shave ready. King 1K 6K,Belgian blue ,hard black ark,then...

Wtt a straight

Wtt a straight

WTB-English Fern Soap Bowl

I'd like to buy an empty EF bowl, if anyone has one available.

WTB-English Fern Soap Bowl

Nivea Balms special at CVS

My local CVS has Nivea Balms for $4.00, regular $7.79. You have to have their card to get that price. No other interesting shaving stuff marked down that I saw.


Nivea Balms special at CVS

Are These the Same?

Are these razors the same model? Just packaged differently, all in the same year1920/21?




And is it the same as what I found yesterday in the wild?

Will clean up tonight, can't wait to see all clean!!

Are These the Same?

Welcome, @Kimberly

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Welcome, @Kimberly

Visiting Milan next week

Hi all,
We are going to Milan and the area (lake Como) next week, and love to hear your recommendations.


Visiting Milan next week

When does Allen Edmonds have sales?

I remember getting some fantastic boots last year around January on the last day of a big sale on all their boots. Do they follow a predictable schedule for these sales? I might treat myself to another pair, but only at the sale price. The model I want is new and won't be on shoebank for quite some time yet.

On a related note, does anyone know of any good dressy looking chelsea or pull on boots that come in EE or EEE widths? The AE Tate boots look promising. Their Liverpool boots are still...

When does Allen Edmonds have sales?

When does Allen Edmonds have sales?

Found video of person shaving with Pears glycerin soap

I don't know if this was shared before but you got to see this and the lather produced with Pear glycerine soap.

Found video of person shaving with Pears glycerin soap

A new barber shop opened in my town a couple months ago

This is the new barber shop that opened in my hometown a couple of months ago. The name is Gatsby's.

A new barber shop opened in my town a couple months ago

Looking out my back window

2 Mama Deer, one with 2 babies and 2 young bucks.

Looking out my back window

Lazy DE Shaver wants to try Straight Edge

Hi guys.. I switched to DE 2 years ago and even then I would have really preferred a straight edge.

The reason I went with DE is that a straight edge seems very labor intensive.. and I'm lazy.

Stropping doesn't sound too bad... but I read I'll have to hone it on the stone once every few months.. do i really have to do that? It seems like a lot. I'm also worried how much I'll have to mess with paste and stuff.

I'm sure it's been asked and explained 1000 times... I just couldn't find it....

Lazy DE Shaver wants to try Straight Edge

Lazy DE Shaver wants to try Straight Edge

Welcome, @Dash21

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Welcome, @Dash21

Welcome, @Steven Druckman

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Welcome, @Steven Druckman

Just did my first SOTD

Well I gotta say I joined the DE razor community on a whim. I needed razors and had been tired of using disposables so I did some research and purchased my first setup on Friday. It arrived today and I couldn't wait to use it. I used to touch myself up with a straight razor so I know how important technique means when it comes to a good shave. I took my sweet time and it came out great. No nicks or weepers. I had a nice 3-4 day stubble going on. The MR6 has some heft to it so I didn't have...

Just did my first SOTD

Just did my first SOTD

Just did my first SOTD with a DE Razor

Well I gotta say I joined the DE razor community on a whim. I needed razors and had been tired of using disposables so I did some research and purchased my first setup on Friday. It arrived today and I couldn't wait to use it. I used to touch myself up with a straight razor so I know how important technique means when it comes to a good shave. I took my sweet time and it came out great. No nicks or weepers. I had a nice 3-4 day stubble going on. The MR6 has some heft to it so I didn't have...

Just did my first SOTD with a DE Razor

Just did my first SOTD with a DE Razor

Adjustable razor pass techniques?

I like adjustable's and they have some very good options for the shaver who likes to find his or hers sweet spot for blade exposure.
I have read on this great forum people who use their adjustable's in a different ways to get more efficiency's in their passes. (I will use my Gillette slim for a example.)

1st technique- 1st pass WTG set at 4 }2nd pass XTG set at 4} 3rd pass ATG set at 5}clean ups set at 5(i find this way excellent for me)

2nd technique- Sweet spot,1st pass WTG set at 4}2nd...

Adjustable razor pass techniques?

Adjustable razor pass techniques?

Question about the Star DE razor

I have three Star DE razors, a Gold Tone, a Bakelite and a Silver Star. I got the Silver Star two weeks ago but today was the first chance I had to shave with it. Long story short it wasn't shaving anything like my other two, if fact it was hardly shaving at all. I compared the top caps of all three razors and the Silver one was maybe 1/32nd of an inch wider than the other two and this makes the gap between the blade and the safety bar smaller. I don't believe the top cap is from another...

Question about the Star DE razor

Question about the Star DE razor

Rockwell 6S back in stock. Guess who just ordered one?

I don't need it whatsoever but you Rockwell fans have made me wonder. $90 shipped with a little bottle of their balm (code: painfree). Hope it's as good as everyone says!

Rockwell 6S back in stock. Guess who just ordered one?

Welcome, @Mad Mercian

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Welcome, @Mad Mercian

Looking for Merkur 12c - Barber Pole Open Comb

I am looking for a Merkur 12c, searched high and low. Still nothing. If you've got one, let me know.

Thank you gents

Looking for Merkur 12c - Barber Pole Open Comb

SRD Having 10% Off Sale on Soaps and Cremes

I have no financial interest other than Lynn Abrams teaching me a little on how to strop and hone. Good guys.

SRD Having 10% Off Sale on Soaps and Cremes

Newbie Looking For Recommendations

Hello all! Military member, Texas Tech fan, and I've been de shaving for around 9 months now and loving it. Looking for advice on a new razor, brush, and possibly aftershave.

Blade: Edwin JagerDE89 with Astra Superior Platinum blades.
Soaps: Stirling Tea Tree & Lemon Chill, Wholly Kaw Vetivertal, & B&M Latha Figgy Pudding
Brush: Omega Pro 48 boar
Aftershave: The creamy white Proraso

Currently using disposable razors (and hating it) as the screw on my EJ89 head recently broke. In...

Newbie Looking For Recommendations

Newbie Looking For Recommendations

Proraso Single Blade Azur Lime

This is a tease.

My Azur Lime cream arrive yesterday. I will be shaving with it tonight and posting pics and a review tomorrow.

Proraso Single Blade Azur Lime

Valet Austrop id abd guidance please


I'm not into SE razors, so my knowledge is close to zero, but I had to save this poor example.
My best guess it was stored with the blade in place till the blade rotted away.

Based on Rwoodrenos fantastic Valet guide, it should be a VC2, but I see some differences, like the handle, punched through Valet name on the fold out tray and slightly different placement of blade locating tabs. It's a British manufacture, if it helps.

It this a VC2?

Do you see anything wrong, not counting...

Valet Austrop id abd guidance please

Valet Austrop id abd guidance please

Welcome, @Ruxeedo

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Welcome, @Ruxeedo

Welcome, @shavept

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Welcome, @shavept

Welcome, @schoneshaving

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Welcome, @schoneshaving

First shave with a Hoffritz SB Slant

So I woke this morning kind of excited to try out a new member of the den that came in the mail yesterday. A very nice conditon Hoffritz SB slant. It's been years since I shaved with a slant. Had a 1st generation Ikon way back when they came out but I think I didn't give it a chance and traded it to a friend who likes slants. Anyway I'm not to sure this razor was used a lot as you can see in the photos the head is near perfect. There is a little dullness on the knurling but from what I read...

First shave with a Hoffritz SB Slant

First shave with a Hoffritz SB Slant

Welcome, @Kyle Ng

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Welcome, @Kyle Ng

Matching deo/body sprays

I have dozens of shaving soaps, creams and aftershaves with really nice scents, but find it frustrating that very few producers make body sprays or deodorants to match up with them. I know that TOBS do Eton College and sandalwood body sprays, although these are quite hard to find, but can't think of any other firms that do matching product lines in the same way.
Does anybody know of any that do, or have an explanation as to why this seems such a rare thing?

Matching deo/body sprays

"Great Dictator's New Improved"

Filed under the category of "Good by Accident:" for the price of a fast food meal, I picked up a sad-looking New Improved. Hadn't shaved with such a flat-bottomed razor, and at worst, figured it would shave.

Most worn-out looking razor ever, and either dropped or thrown, as the end teeth were all bent. However; I'd fixed bent teeth before and figured I could again. Wrong! One broke, and the cure was to pull the other teeth- and file flat. What did I wind up with?...

"Great Dictator's New Improved"

"Great Dictator's New Improved"

Welcome, @fundzalo

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Welcome, @fundzalo

Welcome, @David145

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Welcome, @David145

Recommendataions for a good compound bow

Hi, I have been lurking around in these forums for a while, but it is only now that I would like to ask what would be a good bow to purchase. Some people have been asking the same question, but I have also seen very different answers addressing them.

For my case, I want to buy a bow but only to be used for personal protection, and perhaps for the occasional recreational hunt, but I honestly do not think I will be taking up hunting as a long term sport. I have been thinking of getting an...

Recommendataions for a good compound bow

Recommendataions for a good compound bow

Fatboy Odyssey: disappointment then delight

Or: give a razor a chance. The Fatboy is my second vintage (after an OLD Type). I started DE shaving with moderns: 34C quickly abandoned for more aggressive razors: R41, Mergress, Wunderbar.

I was lured by the Fatboy mystique and it was my holy grail. I acquired one at prevailing Fatboy prices, so had good money invested in it, and because of that and the praise it gets here, I had high hopes when I set it to my face--(fat)BOY, was I disappointed: this thing is MILD! I had to crank it to...

Fatboy Odyssey: disappointment then delight

Fatboy Odyssey: disappointment then delight

How common is my double edge razor??

Hi all,

I just purchased a C4/1957 red tip Gillette. It was in desperate need of restoration which I have done, breathing new life into the old girl.

But just how common is the red tip? And if they are common, how many have the original paint on the handle and original parts etc??


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

How common is my double edge razor??

AS suggestions to match Eufros Lima-Spices

I love the scent of Eufros Lima-Spices soap. I was wondering if anybody has suggestions for an AS that would go along with this soap.


AS suggestions to match Eufros Lima-Spices

Welcome, @Raymond Baldwin

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Welcome, @Raymond Baldwin

Welcome, @David Peacock

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Welcome, @David Peacock

Simpson brush

Hi , yesterday I received my chubby 2 best badger brush and it’s a beautiful brush, but after my first shave I found circle on the base of handle (picture) all simpson brushes handless is like this? Or I need to send it back for replacement? [​IMG]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Simpson brush

Baume.be shaving soap... The biggest dud in my 10 year experience!!

Hey gents,

So i have been wanting to try out some lesser talked about hard soaps.

I got the baume.be hard soap. It's a rock solid, 135g puck.

I'm a huge fan of hard/milled soaps. Having seen the reviews about the cream, i was so excited!

First try and it was a huge disappointment! Just froth that dissipated as soon as i added a couple of drops of water. Fine, i thought! Let's try again and load longer... So I did!
I painted on the loaded soap and before i even added water, the thick...

Baume.be shaving soap... The biggest dud in my 10 year experience!!

Baume.be shaving soap... The biggest dud in my 10 year experience!!

mardi 26 septembre 2017

Bought on a hunch Fossil hone ???

Hi everyone. So I was inside one of the local antique malls today and found a chunk of rock with a few fossils in the top but what caught my eye was the color and the fact that is VERY smooth stone in between. I brought it home for about 12 bucks so no worries if it's not a good hone. Lapped a small section on the side and no synthetic smell and slurry was similar to a few of my JNATs and it definetly worked although slower than my known stones it left between a polish and sandblast surface....

Bought on a hunch Fossil hone ???

Bought on a hunch Fossil hone ???

FS: Kent BLK8 Pure Badger Shaving Brush (Brand New & Factory Sealed)


Kent BLK8 Pure Badger Shaving Brush - US$88

Brand New & Factory Sealed

It was originally supplied to me direct from Kent in England as can be seen by the post marks on the box.

Will ship double boxed for added protection.

Free insured and tracked delivery by Royal Mail International Signed For to USA, Canada, Europe (EU), Australia and New Zealand. For delivery elsewhere please

Payment by PayPal to confirmed address only or by IBAN bank transfer (seller...

FS: Kent BLK8 Pure Badger Shaving Brush (Brand New & Factory Sealed)

FS: Kent BLK8 Pure Badger Shaving Brush (Brand New & Factory Sealed)

Unique Dishes I Miss

One of the things I miss about NJ was the Taylor Ham and egg sandwich. I have not had this in more than 10 years. Taylor ham is a flavored pork roll. I have only seen it in NJ. I was usually served with fried eggs on a hard or kaiser roll. I would always put a bit of ketchup on a bit of hot sauce.


Are there any unique items in your neck of...

Unique Dishes I Miss

Unique Dishes I Miss

Just placed one of those "SWMBO ain't gonna be too thrilled" orders

I originally intended to buy one soap and one aftershave. But instead:

1 Stirling Barbershop soap
1 tube Proraso Green
1 tube Derby Lavender
1 bottle Pinaud Lime Sec
1 bottle Pinaud Clubman Vanilla
1 Vulfix badger brush

When the box arrives...I'm gonna have some 'splaining to do. Especially since I just got an Ogallala a/s sampler last week (can't stand a single one of them... :-().

Just placed one of those "SWMBO ain't gonna be too thrilled" orders

2017 Crush

288lbs of grapes crushed and fermenting on their way to 20 gallons of California Cabernet Sauvignon. I love the smell of yeast at work!



2017 Crush

TOBS Avocado; What is that Scent?

I am on my second tub of TOB Avocado. Love the avocado oil; but what is that sweet sent? It's not avocado.

TOBS Avocado; What is that Scent?

Closest blade to Gillette Super Silver?

[​IMG] Couldn't find them on the market anymore.
Closest thing to them would be Gillette silver blue?

Closest blade to Gillette Super Silver?

Soap, Brush, Straight Razor, and Blood

Hi Ya'll!

Noobie checking in and hoping for some guidance. I've been DE shaving for over 5 years and never thought I would get into the art of straight razor shaving. On a whim I purchased a Parker shavette and fell in love. I am finding the challenge exhilarating and bloody!

Anyway, now I'm going down the rabbit hole further and purchased a real straight with all of the accoutrements! I'm a bit lost on how to proceed after I get my supplies which I'll list below. My current goal is...

Soap, Brush, Straight Razor, and Blood

Soap, Brush, Straight Razor, and Blood

First Restore W&B Heathen Chinee

Well guys this is my first attempt at restoring a antique store find, Now all I need is some good honing stones and some scales, I wish I had taken pictures of it prior to cleaning and polishing but I guess hind site is 20/20 but it was pretty ugly...

First Restore W&B Heathen Chinee

Money Clip Recommendations Needed

Hi All, I've had the same money clip for a few years for my cash (I carry a Saddleback Leather front pocket wallet for my cards) and have realized it's garbage. If I only have 1-5 bills it barely holds them together, and any more than 10 bills and it doesn't fit. No bueno. Looking for recommendations. I've seen some other, older threads but nothing recent.

Money Clip Recommendations Needed

Welcome, @Jellyrolle

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Welcome, @Jellyrolle

Keeping Track of your Cellar

I know a few of you are on TobaccoCellar.com. I had started there then they had their long outtage and I went to ThePipeTool. Both sites kind of drive me crazy on input and calculating the whole she-bang.

Anyways, I have just over 20# of baccy cellared. I haven't bothered to put in the open stuff. It changes too fast but I have close to three dozen jars of various blends open. I also have a few pounds of Dunhill blends on back order. Exciting times.

TPT has a calculator telling me I need...

Keeping Track of your Cellar

Keeping Track of your Cellar

Wadi's Men's Care Premium Anti-aging Shave Cream

I recently received a very generous offer to try out Wadi's shave cream. It arrived today and since I hadn't shaved yet, I figured I would try it out. The cream is a bit thinner than I expected, but it is a brushless cream. It feels nice going on, is plenty slick, and I was able to shave without even a hint of irritation. Although I prefer soaps, and creams that lather, this is a great brushless cream. My wife will use it for her legs, and will find the moisturizing ability of the cream to...

Wadi's Men's Care Premium Anti-aging Shave Cream

Wadi's Men's Care Premium Anti-aging Shave Cream

Welcome, @Dman69

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Welcome, @Dman69

Should you be “committed” to the BOSC (Brotherhood of Shaving Crazies)?

B&B Shaver Categories:
The people who come to B&B initially for help and advice.
Those that have passed through the initial stages, and all of a sudden… shaving has become a hobby.
Those for whom the hobby has become an OBSESSION. Y’know, multiple Acquisition Disorders and the desire to do all sorts of shaving experiments that your grandfather would have laughed out loud at (or maybe cried). Enabling others (to “help” them by exacerbating their existing...

Should you be “committed” to the BOSC (Brotherhood of Shaving Crazies)?

Should you be “committed” to the BOSC (Brotherhood of Shaving Crazies)?

Welcome, @Gatbergs

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Welcome, @Gatbergs

Fall seasonal scents

Hello all!

Although you wouldn't know it in Toronto where the temperature has been hovering around 95F for a few days now with no rain in nearly a month, fall is here and I'd love to know what are some fall seasonal scents you guys are into. Whether it be old classics or new releases. My soap collection definitely has a summer vibe to it and I'm looking for some inspiration to use aromatherapy to fend off the dread of impending Canadian winter.

Fall seasonal scents

Schöne Italian DE Blade Alignment Problems

Yesterday I received my new Schöne Italian Double Edge Safety Razor "designed to deliver the best shave" of my life, and I can't get the first blade I've tried to load to align properly.

I've read every thread I can find on blade alignment with this and similar razors, particular Fatip razors. Some of what I read did not compute for me.

The Schöne is beautiful. I see nothing not to like about it. I'm willing to fiddle around until I get what looks like the perfect alignment. I'm aware that...

Schöne Italian DE Blade Alignment Problems

Schöne Italian DE Blade Alignment Problems

Karl Engels Solingen - Emir - Closed Comb

Hello dear members,

I am offering this rare Art Deco German made safety razor by Karl Engels to the public. It is a Karl Engels Emir closed comb razor but with two different blade gaps. You got on one side with a more open blade gap and the other with a more closed and therefore more soft gap.

This razor comes in its original green coloured box and with the orginal blade container.

This it a true German Art Deco designed beauty made between 1920 and 1930.

The design just of the handle...

Karl Engels Solingen - Emir - Closed Comb

Karl Engels Solingen - Emir - Closed Comb

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