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lundi 6 février 2017

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Odd Idea

Dunno if this has been covered before....

I am one of those who prides themself on purchasing excellent shaving soap and shaving cream, and of course the cheapest bowls to offset the expensive soaps and creams. The neverending search. On the razor side, have landed on Feather blades, Gillette Fusion, to name a couple.

However, after much rooting around for the ideal shaving cream, lotion, soap, I came up with the following which for me works wonderfully well. Largely because I can control the amount of water easily. Very easily.

I had purchased a set of 4 plastic dispensers that create foam. About 1/10th liquid soap to 9/10ths water. Creates foam. Cool.

Soooo, I thought why not try it for shaving. I supplied about 25% Dr Bronners Lavender into one of these plastic foam-ie dispensers, the rest distilled, and added several drops of of jojoba oil. Shazaam... it worked. Great-ly. I have tried this combination of Dr Bronners soap, some drops of oil, and water... and hafta say, this has worked great. Am playing with ratios of oil and soap to water, but hey, it prefoams the results and I skip the action of creating bow,s of foam with a brush. Which I admit is a great tradition. But this is very fast, very effective, and it flay out works. I can also play with the ratios of soap to oil. And very much like the ability to modify the amount of oil.

This works very well, for me. The Dr Bronners soap can be changed to whatever soap, tho this core soap work well. And adding for me, Jojoba oil... perfect. And also in the FWIW Dept, this can be a very inexpensive approach. Very little soap is used due to the foaming action of these plastic foamer dispensers, and the oil,.. that is the diff. Increasing the amount of oil... hey, this method works far faster, far easier, presents foam foam foam, and elements of oil within the foam, all controlled by you... and it just is fascinating. While it is not on par of the work to create, say, Taylor of Old Bond Avocado cream which is my fav, it is very close. Speed, efficiency... this works very well. I am now using this method for 4 out of 5 shaves. And am sure my techniques will improve/ But hafta say... this tweak work very, very well. And I am done in 80% less of the time...

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Odd Idea

Vegan Strop And 2 Straight Razors

Vegan Strop And 2 Straight Razors

Vegan strop from Heirloom Razor Strop Company - barely used.
Custom Razor purchased from seller on B&B and a second from ebay. Both have a hint of rust on the pinkie nub, and are in need of a sharpening.

I shaved with these for a few months in 2009 or 2010. Then put them away, and recently found them when I moved. I want them to go to a good home where they will be taken care of and used.

List Date: 12/11/2016

For more info, click here to view the original listing: Vegan Strop And 2 Straight Razors
On Sale For: $80.00


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Vegan Strop And 2 Straight Razors

Luxury Modern Gillette Fusion Proglide Power Razor Nickeled Bronze Handcrafted

Luxury Modern Gillette Fusion Proglide Power Razor Nickeled Bronze Handcrafted

Luxury Proglide handmade razor is a perfect gift to the man, who uses modern razors. The razor is made of bronze and covered with a layer of nickel to give the anti-corrosion properties and spectacular appearance.

True art connoisseurs will definitely put the eye on this razor. The handle is made in modern style and perfectly fits the hand.

Razor mass ~ 68 g (around 68g)


Nickel-plated bronze handle
The razor is compatible with all Gillette Fusion and Proglide Series cartridges
Comes with a stylish gift box, decorated with a satin fabric

Razor handle is additionally balanced and due to the small weighting will be comfortable to handle.

In addition, the overall shape of the product is made with the repetition of standard ergonomic shape, which increases the ease of use.

Since the razor is handmade, each piece is slightly different from the others. Each piece is a bit special.

This razor is compatible with all Gillette Fusion cartridges:

Gillette Fusion
Gillette Fusion Power
Gillette Fusion Proglide
Gillette Fusion Proglide Power

Gillette Fusion Proglide Power cartridges are the most advanced shaving tools in the world at this moment.

List Date: 2/12/2016

For more info, click here to view the original listing: Luxury Modern Gillette Fusion Proglide Power Razor Nickeled Bronze Handcrafted
On Sale For: $86.00


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Luxury Modern Gillette Fusion Proglide Power Razor Nickeled Bronze Handcrafted

going to try jumping in to straights

Ok so ...i have been using DE and shavettes for a little bit now Im starting to get interested in straights ...i already have stones...paste...strops...etc...what i need is help buying a actual straight...should i go vintage or just buy a new one secondly anybody know where i may get one ive looked on ebay but judging by the things to avoid thread most are under those lines..im in Australia and just need a nudge in the right direction

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going to try jumping in to straights

Loading soap with a synthetic brush

Hey everyone,

Hope all is well.

I would like to get some tips on loading Soap with a synthetic brush.

I use plisson and Mama bears shaving soap.

However I have tried several techniques, but seem to have failed in all.

Technique 1:
- Bloom Soap
- Wet brush
- Squeeze out all water from brush and put bloomed water into another bowl and start loading.

However after a few secs it seems as though the brush isnt picking up soap...and its rather dry...so I add a few more drops of water and continue. once again after 20 secs it dries out and I repeat. This goes on for a minute and it seems fine on the brush and I go to the face...but by the second pass the lather is a bit thin and I can tell its not as protective.

Technique 2
- Bloom soap
- Wet brush
- give the brush 2 slight shakes
- put bloom water into another bowl
- start loading

Lather seems thin and dissipates easily.

Hong Kong has hard water so this might be an issue as well.

Any tips on loading soap with a synthetic brush would be nice!

Let me know

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Loading soap with a synthetic brush

dimanche 5 février 2017

I'm not that tough. Are you?

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All times are GMT -7. The time now is 12:56 AM.

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I'm not that tough. Are you?

Top of the line DE razors.

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All times are GMT -7. The time now is 11:57 PM.

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Top of the line DE razors.

SOTD "SPECIAL EFFECTS WEEK" February 6th - February 12th, 2017

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SOTD "SPECIAL EFFECTS WEEK" February 6th - February 12th, 2017

If I've said it once, I've said it 8000 times...

So this is my 8000th post on B&B. Sounds like a good reason for a PIF. For this one, though, you have to go see the warden:

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Okay, not that warden. This warden:

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I've had this churchwarden in my possession for a little over a year - won it as a door prize at the Vegas pipe show in 2015. It's nothing special - no carver's name (just says "Italy"), and there are a couple scuffs here and there on the bowl and stem - but it's unsmoked. It's just sitting here. While I like the idea of a warden, I realized that I'm just never gonna smoke it. That's where you come in. In continuing the spirit of so many sweet pipe PIFs of late, I offer it here to one of my Brown Leaf brothers.

Are you eligible for this PIF? Yes you are. You already own a churchwarden? You're in. Never tried one, but always been curious? You're definitely in. Think they look goofy, but you really liked Lord of the Rings? Hell, you're in too. Even if you've never smoked a pipe before in your life, but you somehow wandered into the Brown Leaf and opened up this post even though the title didn't mention a PIF...you're in as well.

So, now that we've established that you're eligible, all you have to do is say that you're in. Then, just for consistency, tell us all what your plans are for International Pipe Smoking Day on February 20. If you don't have any plans for IPSD yet because you don't own a pipe, I will try to get this closed and mailed off in time for the winner to have it by the 20th. If you're a total noob and need some accessories (like, say, a tamper or some pipe cleaners) just say so, and I'll include them in the box. I'm posting this here to give it a little more visibility, but if the winner happens to have a Brown Leaf badge, well... you guys know how that works.

So, there you have it. Anyone interested?

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If I've said it once, I've said it 8000 times...

Merkur Bakelite and PAA Bakelite Slant: A Comparison

I've been using both of these razors over the last few days, both with a variety of blades and I've decided that I definitely prefer the Merkur to the PAA Bakelite Slant. Here's why:

First let me say that you can get a very good shave with either razor. At around $20 they are both bargains but I feel that the better engineered Merkur Bakelite wins out, even though the PAA Bakelite Slant is based upon the revered Fasan slant.

The PAA Slant seems quite fussy about blades, Pick the wrong one and the shave can be harsh. By contrast, the Merkur seems happy with just about anything you load it with, so it's more versatile. This is important if your're traveling and may not be able to find your favorite blade.

The Merkur is much more comfortable in the ATG pass.

The Merkur is easier to use under the jawline, across the neck and ATG under the nose. For many of us these are problem areas, and it handles them comfortably and efficiently. I never feel it's going to bite me, even ATG in these areas of my face.

It's almost impossible to cut yourself with the Merkur, unless you're really ham fisted, or a complete novice to DE safety razors. Despite this I think a novice would do o.k. with the Merkur. Not so with the PAA Bakelite whose use demands more skill.

The Merkur is a more forgiving razor in terms of precision of angle. In fact Joe at Italian Barber admitted that his Baby Smooth, a well reviewed razor, was modeled after the head of the Merkur Bakelite, though he felt his Baby Smooth razor is an improvement. And I believe him, but I haven't used his Baby Smooth yet!

Ladies and gents can both use the Merkur
. Enough said

The Merkur comes with a traveling case and a packet of blades.

I like the PAA Bakelite Slant, and I have many razors and many slant bar razors, but I think in this instance the Merkur is a clear winner. It's a pity they don't offer the design with a metal head too.

For me the Merkur is an ideal travel razor because even though it's mild it's efficient, and light weight. When I travel for work I have to shave every day. I need a razor that's efficient, easy to use in a hotel room with either hard or soft water. Forgiving enough that if I have to shave fast it does the job efficiently without much possibility of nicks, cuts or weepers.

I will say that you will probably need to make more touch up passes with the Merkur Bakelite than with the PAA Bakelite Slant, because the latter is more aggressive. However, for those with a sensitive skin and/or a light beard, the Merkur is by far the better choice. I have a heavy beard and 13 hours after my shave with the Merkur today, my face is still smooth enough to attend a business meeting if I had to. Since my days on the road often mean morning and evening meetings, it's good to know that one shave in the morning is enough.

The Merkur is not my favorite razor but it certainly has a place in my rotation.

Try the Merkur if you haven't I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. By the way amazo has better prices that Ebay for this razor.

I'd like to know what others who like me have both of these razors have found.

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Merkur Bakelite and PAA Bakelite Slant: A Comparison

Schick Xtreme 3? How is it for back-up?

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Schick Xtreme 3? How is it for back-up?

Super Bowl Blade & Brush PIF in the Clubhouse

There is currently a PIF over in The Clubhouse for a few tucks of blades (Astra SP, Shark SS and Derby Extra) and a Whipped Dog 30mm badger brush. Bonus entries for contributors and for posting your run or workout in one of The Clubhouse threads below.

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Super Bowl Blade & Brush PIF in the Clubhouse

Super Bowl Blade & Brush PIF in the Clubhouse

There is currently a PIF over in The Clubhouse for a few tucks of blades (Astra SP, Shark SS and Derby Extra) and a Whipped Dog 30mm badger brush. Bonus entries for contributors and for posting your run or workout in one of The Clubhouse threads below.

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Super Bowl Blade & Brush PIF in the Clubhouse

Super Bowl Brush PIF over in the Clubhouse

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All times are GMT -7. The time now is 08:01 PM.

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Super Bowl Brush PIF over in the Clubhouse

Bevel DE Razor - Initial thoughts

So I wanted to order the razor alone because they're for some reason $10 dollars cheaper on Amazon for the razor alone and I figured, what the heck.

Initial thoughts upon unboxing it:

Well the razor is bigger than it seems in pictures on line . For some reason I thought this would be as thin as a Q-tip. It is thicker , longer and heavier than I anticipated it to be. I know it's not brass but it's definitely heavier than the Gillette Ball End tech I have used. Overall , I think the curve on the head might be a touch too high, but I will give it a shave and see how it does.

So far though, I am pretty impressed not even having shaved with it!

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Bevel DE Razor - Initial thoughts

Hello all 45 year old newbie here!

Hey guys,
My Name is Todd and I and a newbie into the world of fine razors and straight razor shaving. I have a few razors that have been handed down to me but nothing of monetary value or collectability. I did however purchase this weekend at an antique store a set of two in a case Wostenholm and sons straight razors in what I would call OK condition for $25. HClick image for larger version.  Name: image1.JPG  Views: 0  Size: 60.9 KB  ID: 721966Click image for larger version.  Name: image2.JPG  Views: 0  Size: 48.8 KB  ID: 721967Click image for larger version.  Name: image3.JPG  Views: 0  Size: 50.9 KB  ID: 721968ere are a few pictures of them . They do not have any additional markings on them and seem to be very plain but still are very sharp.Can you help me find out more about them? Thank you upfront for any information you may have.

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Hello all 45 year old newbie here!

Let's Try Out a Himalayan Salt Plate!

First off, Hi everyone! This is my first post outside the General Straight Razor/ General Shaving Discussion!
I received this Himalayan Salt Plate from my Father for Christmas.
Click image for larger version.  Name: IMG_6692.jpg  Views: 0  Size: 63.8 KB  ID: 721960
I've never thought of cooking my meat directly on top of Salt(admittedly I typically use too much salt), but I'm willing to give it a try! The book from the set I received mentions that it provides improved flavor, but that it reduces the total amount of Salt absorbed into the food.
My first meal is an Herb and Garlic Stuffed Pork Loin Roast. It is stuffed with a small amount of salt, basil, oregano, thyme, garlic, and a dash of coriander. Exterior is rubbed with Pepper, Garlic, Thyme and a dash of Coriander. I set the roast at 325F for an hour. The plate required a 30 minute gradual warm up to ensure it wouldn't crack from shock. I'll turn it up to 375F to finish her off for about 10 minutes after the hour is up.
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Wish me luck!

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Let's Try Out a Himalayan Salt Plate!

WTS PAA Bakelite Slant & TOBS Rose

Up for sale together is a used once PAA Bakelite Slant in Oxblood and an 85% TOBS Rose shaving cream. The cream was always scooped out. List price for the razor is $20.00 and $13.00 for the cream.
Selling as a pair for $25 shipped CONUS/PayPal. Would also trade for a Stirling 26mm 2 Band Finest.

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WTS PAA Bakelite Slant & TOBS Rose

Scotch recommendations for a bourbon guy.

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All times are GMT -7. The time now is 05:57 PM.

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Scotch recommendations for a bourbon guy.

A bloody good shave

I picked up a Weck hair shaper the other day after researching a Weck Sextoblade (still looking for one) shaved with it today.

First of all- SIMILAR to a straight razor yet subtlety different. Angle is slightly different and much keener than any straight I can remember using. I was surprised at how smooth it was- I was expecting a harsh feel but it glides over my face.

Since it was so smooth it was easy to get over confident. The blade is so sharp it sliced through the imperfections on my skin (didn't feel it) rather than avoiding them (for lack of a better word) like my coticule edges.

Lots of weepers! Nothing I couldn't handle and OMG the feedback from the alum was strong. Result was a 2+ pass BBS but at some cost.

Just thought I'd post in case others are considering using one of these.

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A bloody good shave

Restoration Parts?

I am am sitting down and preparing to learn more about restoring my first razor (Bill Ellis' Restoration CD)and I have a few questions. I have NO desire to become a hobby business, but it would be nice to do it myself with what tools I have on hand. However, having a backup option is appealing.

1. Who/where is the best place to buy washer, collar and pin kits, just enough for 2 razors?
2. Where to buy supplies for DIY?

@mycarver showed what I think is a way to make domed collars. Would you provide more explanation?

I like the idea of being creative and using what I may have laying around. Any advice is appreciated.


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Restoration Parts?

WCS free shipping on the Walmart website

I noticed that WCS had free shipping for just one day on their own website. But then I discovered that they seem to have everyday free shipping for some items on the Walmart website.

Example: Gillette Guard Blades/Cassettes. 10 for 4.45 with free shipping.


I think that's even cheaper than the price on their website with no free shipping, where these cost 50 cents each.

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WCS free shipping on the Walmart website

The case of the disappearing tea.

I had a hankering for some Rooibos. In this case Vanilla Honeybush Rooibos to be exact. All of my teas are in a box in the entertainment center in the living room. Not there. I went through all of the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen. No where to be found.

How can tea just disappear? grrrrr...

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The case of the disappearing tea.


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Suggestions for practice razors?

I contacted Larry at Whipped Dog and told him what I was doing. He sent me one of his "flawed sight unseen" razors unhoned. If you do it this way you are sure of quality steel and no major problems like frowning, etc. This is better than trying your luck on eBay. IMHO YMMV

The cheapest Gold Dollars 66 model can have significant issues- the guys who are honing these can accommodate. It is a crapshoot whether you get a good one or one with geometry issues or a warped blade, etc.

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Suggestions for practice razors?

Buying a suit online

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Buying a suit online

Finance Major question

My wife is a finance major and is having a heck of a time with some of her homework.

She needs to find Operating Profit, but says she needs Income statement to be able to figure it out, but of course the income statement isn't provided.

Is there a way to find the operating profit without the income statement?

I hate to see her all stressed out over homework, Google didn't help so I'm asking you fine gentlemen

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Finance Major question

Any shaving related places in Milan, Italy

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Any shaving related places in Milan, Italy

Cuts for hamburger?

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Cuts for hamburger?

What are your brushes?

I have two, both cheap pure badger brushes.

I just started doing shave soaps right a bit over a month ago (I have had shave soaps for years, but I would just hand lather them, not real "hand lathering" but rub between my hands, get a little lather on my hands, put it on my face and get to it with a cartridge or wet/dry electric). When I bought my first brush it was a brush/stand combo from Miusco. My only guidance was from Amazon reviews, and it had decent reviews. Shipping was taking too long though and I got impatient once my mug arrived and I ordered a Perfecto brush (which came a few days before the Miusco) figuring I'd just rotate them to let them fully dry and increase longevity.

I hate the Miusco. It is scratchy, and it still sheds quite a bit every shave. I do use it every 3 shaves or so though to let my Perfecto dry fully and give it a break, and to see if the Miusco will eventually break in (I will probably get rid of it once I get other brushes).

From searching this and other forums I know that the Perfecto doesn't seem to get much love, but for an inexpensive brush, I'm pretty happy with mine. It lathers well, it is comfortable on my face, and it stopped shedding after my 2nd or 3rd use. Though, I recognize that it is possible that I may be happy with it only because I haven't tried anything better yet.

So, I have had my eye on brushes for a couple weeks. I have ordered a RazoRock Plisson synthetic Big Bruce brush. I'm also looking for a boar, and thinking about one of the Omega or Semogue brushes for now.

I know that some of you have drawers full of brushes, but I don't really want a list of everything you own if you are a collector. I'm more interested to hear what are everyone's favorites. The two or three go to brushes that you use the most. Especially "budget" brushes (preferably $25-30, but certainly no more than $60). What are your go to brushes and why?

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What are your brushes?

La toja cream

The best cream I've ever used is the La Toja cream in the 150g red tube from Spain - slick, cushioning and protective. For those of you that have tried la toja cream, what are some alternatives that match or surpass its performance? I want to try some alternatives before I "settle" on this one cream.

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La toja cream

Straight Time to sell some of my horde

Well as all things go, you find a new hobby and you get really excited. That excitement translates into hording in my case usually. As such, these fine razor's have to go.

Up first is a Wade & Butcher FBU 8/8. The blade still measures 8/8 as you can see in the picture. There are some blemishes, but ther is no pitting. I always figured the patina adds to the experience. This is a fine shaving instrument, however the pins could use tightening and the (I believe original) scales do have some cracking.

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Looking for in the $250 US shipped with tracking. Price is OBO, please let me know if im out to lunch.

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Straight Time to sell some of my horde

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