I had a minor surgery this morning and it laid up on the couch today and tomorrow, and I've come to find out the Netflix search function on my TV is terrible (it's the same app on my PlayStation, I can't speak for other devices)
It literally will not find the content I want.
Here's my issue:
I like the ESPN Films 30 for 30 documentaries, Netflix has a bunch of them, and from time to time they pop up in my recommendations and the documentary section.
However even if I type in the EXACT TITLE into the search bar it doesn't show up, I can't fathom why.
For example I can try to search
ESPN Films
ESPN Films 30 for 30
30 for 30
And literally nothing will come up
Am I doin something wrong?
Im 23 and thought I was pretty tech savvy but this thing has got me furious
Netflix search is atrocious!