Wednesday evening at church and older gentleman heard me talking about DE shaving and also that I was preparing to try straight razor shaving. He approached me and asked if I was serious, I responded yes which was followed by an invitation for coffee the next day at his home to see his knife collection...and a few old straights he had in a box.
Today at 10:30 we had coffee and he brought out about 20 razors for me to look at (and some crazy expensive antique knives). Afterwards he told me to choose a handful of razors and learn about their history and he provided me the "Standard Guide to Razors" by Ritchie & Ron Stewart. He told me I should read up and then choose four or five to keep from the eight he sent home with me!!! STUNNED and HUMBLED does not begin to describe how I feel.
1. T.H. Wilson Sheffield, Registered Trademark, WER(Some kind of logo)ING. It has badly damaged scales and is a an extra above the 4 or five I choose.
2. Colquhoun & Cadman, Sheffield, "The Prize" , Go Ahead Hollow Ground, Special Steel.
Incredible Gifts.Impossible To Choose!