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mardi 31 janvier 2017

Hard water affect TOBS Lemon Lime soap?

I recently purchased a tub of Taylor of Old Bond Street Lemon Lime shave soap and I can't get the stuff to lather worth spit. We do have hard water at the homestead so could that be the root cause? I've used both badger and boar hair brushes, I've bloomed it and even tried to work the brush up in a scuttle to no avail. The stuff just doesn't lather up much. Suggestions?

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Hard water affect TOBS Lemon Lime soap?

Military Razors?

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Military Razors?

Have we been doing it wrong?

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Have we been doing it wrong?

The Gillette Injector

I know it doesn't get much love. It isn't anywhere close to as aggressive as any of the other injectors I have. The look of it isn't anything to right home about either. I did however find the shave quality to be on point.

I used it for the first time in years tonight, and it was buttery smooth. Of course the angle is totally different. Basically nearly resting the head against the skin. If I didn't see the hairs wash down the drain, I wouldn't have even been able to tell it was shaving at all. It glided across my skin taking my 3 day growth right along with it. Somehow even my trouble spot around my adams apple was easy as pie. I didn't have any irritation at all.

So if you have one, and haven't used it in a while, it's definitely worth revisiting.

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The Gillette Injector

Shaving Shop - what would you want one to carry? (Bricks and Mortar)

If you could have a local shop to go to to buy shaving products, what would you expect/desire to find there?

This is just a curiosity exercise on my part; although Houston has no shave shops, I can't see myself finding enough capital to open one :)

Right now, I'm seeing that some of the same crowds are

1) Pipe/cigar smokers
2) Fountain pen users
3) Straight/DE/SE razor users ("wet shaving"), with a smattering of cartridge/electric users that like to use the extra pre and post shave routines.

I know that some things can be found at Sally's Beauty, and all of it can be ordered online, but this is an exercise for a "You want to just walk into a store, browse, grab something, and head out to try it".

The obvious is, of course, Soaps and creams, hair, beard, and moustache products (combination hair oil and salad dressing). How many razors? Just new production? Selection of vintage stock? Shaving mirrors? Brush/razor stands? Towels? Instruction manuals? fountain pen ink? Cigar cutters (finger guillotines?), shampoo bars? Bath soap? Bath salts? Saltpetre?

'Try it before you buy it' soap samples with examples of boar, horsehair, badger, and nylon brushes?

What sort of mark-up would be acceptable for this, over buying online?

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Shaving Shop - what would you want one to carry? (Bricks and Mortar)

My latest acquisitions

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My latest acquisitions

Ball End Tech vs Travel Tech

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Ball End Tech vs Travel Tech

Gillette Aristocrat question

Just acquired a user grade 1940's? Aristocrat that has a noticeable two different blade gaps and also looks like the blade plate might be tilted to one side. Is this fixable? Can Razor Emporium diagnose and fix? Nice thing is it gave a BBS shave with Kai blade and MWF with just a few weepers for its first shave.

Any help would be great!

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Gillette Aristocrat question

Baby Smooth

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Baby Smooth

Post shave rinse: cold or warm?

I used to think a cold rinse was the best thing after a shave to rinse your face and seal up your pours. But wait! I found an article by mantic59 that says use warm water. I had never heard this before. He says it helps prevent bumps. What do you guys do? Cold? Warm?

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Post shave rinse: cold or warm?

Asking the experts.

My only experience with fountain pens has been the felt tip calligraphy pens and the sheaffer cross pens that I used in high school 27+ years ago. I want to get another one, but due to current situations will have to limit myself in price.
My other issue, is that I don't write a lot, and know nothing about converters, I don't want something that will dry out or get ruined if it sits for a while.

I probably should also add, I am left handed, but I don't write with an over or under hook. I keep my hand straight and my arm at about a 45 degree angle or so. Pretty much the same position most right handed people do. So a faster drying pen would be nice. I remember I had some smudging with the cross in school, but used it all the time so it never dried out on me. Also, there is really no place within 2 hours drive to buy one locally. There is a staples, but that is it.

I was looking at the Pilot MR in either the animal (black/crocodile) or metropolitan series. Is this something that would fit into what I am looking for? Or am I asking too much?

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Asking the experts.

Thinking about a travel razor- what is your setup?

My original list:
-A Weishi. They seem fairly popular and well made for the price.
-A Baili (or one of the many rebranded versions). Like the Weishi, they seem like good, well received razors for the price plus they come with a carry case.
-A RazoRock Quick Change. Basically a RazoRock branded Baili, but for $7 right now instead of the $15 that most of the Bailis are going for (and $25 for one "brand" and over $30 for the Vikings Blade version), though I think it loses the case.

-One of several RazoRocks...most likely the DE1 (very cheap in price at $7 but fairly well rated online), or the Mission ($15), though others are possible. RazoRock seems to be pretty popular online, and despite some of their razors' low prices, they seem to have a good reputation for quality.

I started to add to my list though. The more I thought about it, the razors that were on my list to add anyway aren't that much more than these cheaper razors. While it may be double or triple the price of some of these razors, what is an extra $10-15 in the scheme of things?

So, additions to my list:
-Merkur 23C. I never would have considered this otherwise, but at just over $20 from some sellers online, it seems a great deal. Similar price to the cheap razors (just a hair more money), Merkur quality, and I found with my 76r that I do like longer handles. The downside is that otherwise this is not a Merkur that was on my radar, I will eventually buy other Merkur models, and if I go with my previous list I can try something I wouldn't otherwise try. Also, it is a decent percentage more expensive (if not much more in absolute dollars).

-Merkur 33C. I've seen it for $23 on Amazon, same pluses and negatives as above. Even though I like longer handles, I like something about the 33C better than the 23C.

-Edwin Jagger. I like my EJ 86 quite a lot. There is a short handle version (about 3" handle, 3.2" total) of the 86/89 on Amazon for about $22-23. I love my EJ 86, it is a quality razor that looks beautiful, and at that price the quality/price value ratio is outstanding. However, this one is shorter than I'd like, and it otherwise may be too much like what I already have (variety is nice).

The next two are razors I'll probably eventually buy anyway (at least one of them) and were strong contenders for my first razor when I bought the EJ. These (along with the 23C or 33C if I buy them) will be part of my everyday rotation if I buy them.

-Mercur 34C. They are a bit more money than most of the rest, but there are a couple sellers on Amazon who have them for $29-30 right now. These are definitely well made razors with a lot of love online. It is one of two that it seems everyone either starts with or eventually buys (the other being the EJ89 or variation).

-Merkur 38C. Something about this one I really like. No matter what, I'll be adding one of these in the coming months to add to my daily rotation. I like that it is a 2 piece and I don't yet have a 2 piece, I like that it is fairly heavy, and it has the Merkur name (likely a quality razor), I like that it has a longer handle than the 34, it is heavier and I really like the look. It is currently available for $28-29 from a couple Amazon sellers.

The first three are probably now off my list because, while I love the idea of a TTO razor (it is why I got my Parker 76r, and I do love it), I suspect a TTO is a bit less durable than a 2 or 3 piece and for the intended use I want durable. Though they are still under consideration because at those prices, if they did break I could by 2 or 3 for the price of a "regular" razor. I'm really not sure if I'm leaning more towards one of the cheaper razors I wouldn't likely otherwise buy or one of the more expensive ones that I might go with anyway. I'm leaning against the first three additions (the 23C, 33C, short EJ) since they are only on my list due to price, they aren't much less than razors I'd otherwise eventually get anyway, but the value is pretty high so they are still under consideration. I think I'm leaning towards the RazoRock DE1, Mission, or Merkur 38C.

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Thinking about a travel razor- what is your setup?

Greetings from another new guy

Welcome! If you decide to take the plunge, I'd recommend doing it in stages--switch your razor oryour soap/cream and get used to it for a week or two before switching the other product. That way you're only dealing with one major change at a time; after all, that's two new skill sets to learn, and plenty of new gear on top of that! My other recommendation is to stick with trusted, name-brand products that you hear about on B&B or other forums. Buying cheaper, no-name products has thus far always been a bad choice for me. On a related note, don't trust Amazon reviews for this stuff. Half of them must be fake or by people who normally shave with vinegar and chainsaw-honed spoons

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Greetings from another new guy

Weber PH & Windrose Handle

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Weber PH & Windrose Handle

New box for my new coticule and slurry stones

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New box for my new coticule and slurry stones

Stirling Soap Slant Head Razor

I purchased one of these for a friend of mine because I let him use my Merkur 39C and he told me he understood why I wanted mine back after a week. The Stirling slant is at an affordable price because of no logo. Has anyone tried this slant. I'm just curious to hear reviews about it.

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Stirling Soap Slant Head Razor

J.A. Henckels Twin Works in Walnut Burl

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J.A. Henckels Twin Works in Walnut Burl

Seeking single-blade with lubrication strip

I expect to see shudders at this request, but consider it a challenge...

I've searched high and low online and have been unable to find a shaving solution with two key requirements:
1) Single blade (to avoid ingrowns)
2) Lubrication strip
I assume this would be in either cartridge or disposal form (since the lube strip would wear out over time), but am open to any product that meets both requirements. All other factors are negotiable.

Can anyone identify a product that meets both requirements?


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Seeking single-blade with lubrication strip

Open vs bar

My Better Half gave me an AT&T open comb slant (on my Xmas list) which I approached cautiously due to open comb/slant reputation. Much to my surprise it has cut me a great deal less than any safety bar I've ever used. Anyone found the same or have an idea why this might be so?

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Open vs bar

Pre War Open Comb Safety Razor Pics?

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Pre War Open Comb Safety Razor Pics?

Pipe Sales

I know there are a healthy handful of members who have been looking for pipes at lower price points but concerned about estates. Just FYI, I've gotten a few emails over the last couple of days informing me of some great sales where there are some very good quality pipes at or around $45-60. For the sake of TOU, I won't get into details as to the vendors, but these deals shouldn't be hard to find with a little looking around the interwebs.


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Pipe Sales

Early Bird Special

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Early Bird Special

Pinaud Clubman Travel / Sample Sizes Now Available

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Pinaud Clubman Travel / Sample Sizes Now Available

What's the smallest brush you used? Did you like it?

Over the last five years, I've had many different brushes, at least 68 by my last count. Most of the brushes I've used were in the 24mm or larger camp. Because I'm a single pass shaver most days, I recently commissioned a 22mm brush and am really enjoying the smaller size.

I've never used a very small brush aka anything under 20mm, and I think it might be kind of fun to get one for cheap thrills and travel. I don't know that I'd want to go Wee Scot small but you never know. I saw that TGN has an 18mm finest knot and thought, well that might make for a fun brush.

So what's the smallest brush you used and did you like it?

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What's the smallest brush you used? Did you like it?

New Member Check In


I'm a new member from the mid-Atlantic seaboard.

I've been using a cartridge blade ever since I was a pup, some 40 or so years ago, usually mindlessly adopting Gillette's current flavor. A few years back, I inherited a bunch of 3-blade cartridge razors from my dad and found they were smoother and more comfortable than the 5-blade Fusion or whatever it was called that I had been using. When the extra cartridges began to run out I realized there was no name on them. Same for the handle. My dad was, shall we say, thrifty and I should have known that these blades of his would not be name brand. (He was a sailor who poured all disposable income into a hole in the water!! Once when he was visiting and forgot his toothbrush I gave him a brand new super-duper $5 brush with all the bells and whistles. Always looking to repay a favor, when next I saw him he gave me a three-for- $.79 generic and didn't bat an eye. But I digress.)

After doing some digging I stumbled on this forum and a couple others. Turns out I had a Personna Match 3. I got some refills off eBay (24 for $12). Then I figured the name brand original might be better, or at least have some decent handles I could acquire, so I "reverse engineered" to the name brand Gillette Mach 3. I scoured the internet until I found what I felt was a decent deal on a stock of cartridges (20 for $28).

Next, my father-in-law had been giving all of us sons-in-law a bottle of Nivea sensitive skin after shave balm every year for Christmas. I just put them on the shelf. Never really saw the need and wasn't sure what he was talking about when he said it would help keep our faces looking young. None of us used it, and when he caught wind of that the gifting magically stopped. Turns out I'd been looking a gift horse in the mouth (whatever that means).

Recently, I figured I try it. Lo and behold, I liked it. Smelled nice, not too strong, usually no sting, just sort of moisturizing. Not that I had a dried out face to begin with, but it was pleasant. About the same time, my new Mach 3 "colossal" handle arrived from the good doctor in Germany.

And here's where things begin to turn weird...

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New Member Check In

Lost my taste for it.

SO I have been gone from the site for a long time. Part of the reason is that I got fat and now sort of use a beard to hide my chubby dang face but the other reason is I lost my taste for collecting. It's just gotten ridiculous. There are way too many people buying razors, cleaning them up and selling them at high prices for my liking. I won't say I wasn't part of the problem at one time because I probably was. MY issue is that going to an antique store used to be a blast, you'd find a grungy DE in a box somewhere or on a shelf and pick it up for a good price and then you would take it home and make it beautiful again so it would look sweet in your collection, now it's difficult to find anything anywhere. What happened to the days where you could pick up a lot of razors on the bay and clean them up and find a nice gem hiding there. I miss that.

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Lost my taste for it.

How do you travel with your shave gear?

No blade on carry on, and the AS may have to be less than 3.5 oz in it's original container. If there is still time, you should probably mail your blade to the family that you will bum the goo from.

I have only traveled once, for business. I took my Black Beauty short handle, and VDH boar brush. So when I got to my destination I had to go hunting for blades. I found a family dollar store, and bought a 5 pack of crap blades for $1, and a wannabe Brut AS for like $3 lol. I asked the front desk of the hotel if they had shaving cream, and they gave me 2 little packets of shave 'lotion'. I mixed it with the shea butter bar soap they provide, and whipped up a B- lather lmao.

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How do you travel with your shave gear?

Can anyone help me identify this handle?

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Can anyone help me identify this handle?

Ekinon Super Bowl Giveaway

Ekinon has started a Super Bowl pool with great prizes. If anyone is interested you can enter here. http://ift.tt/2kLM5NP!

" A gentleman is someone who does not what he wants to do, but what he should do. " - Haruki Murakami
​Mat-Foxhole Shavers Club-VFW-Charter Member PLC
​Steward-Shaving Creams

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Ekinon Super Bowl Giveaway

Coticule Suggestions

Your size demands really hamstring you into very expensive and modern cuts. Vintages were never really cut 3" wide unless they were also ridiculously long (14x3" and the like). a 8x3" is the closest to your size requirements and that's in the $300 range from ardennes last I checked... likely much, much, MUUUUUCH more if you're wanting a la veinette or some other valued vein.

La Grise are far from the worst vein to learn on, but they tend to be more trouble than most. If you really want to go coticule without spending $500 on a stone that you probably will begrudge for its expense, I'd suggest getting comfortable on 1.5" and 2" wide stones. They're the standard for basically every razor hone out there. Jnats allow some exceptions, but even they seem to be cut under 3" wide for razors as often as not.

Short of that, your best bet is a 5x2.5" vintage. The glued ones don't go crazy like the natural combo's tend to on eBay ($125-175 instead of $200-350), so they can be gotten reasonably... and the real estate is as close as you're going to get to what you're looking for without breaking the bank.

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Coticule Suggestions

Stirling Sandalwood

Hi all,

Well, I finally found a Stirling soap I can't use. It's not the scent, unfortunately.

This soap irritated my skin. Lucky it wasn't bad enough I had to switch soaps, so I did get to finish my shave. I've read others had the same issue with this soap. It was the same with Catie's Bubbles LPV, but that stung/burned a lot more.

At least I didn't but a whole tub

The scent wasn't to bad either. I love Sandalwood so luckily there are more out there to try!

Happy shaves!

"Never trade what you want most, for what you want in the moment."

Sent from the GnomePhone

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Stirling Sandalwood

Durham blades?

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Durham blades?

Super Bowl PIF

Nice Super Bowl PIF here http://ift.tt/2jqitZm

" A gentleman is someone who does not what he wants to do, but what he should do. " - Haruki Murakami
​Mat-Foxhole Shavers Club-VFW-Charter Member PLC
​Steward-Shaving Creams

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Super Bowl PIF

Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (Black) - First impression

today in a first time i tried the Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (Black).
my first impression is the blade is very sharp, smooth,but without long longevity.
After the shave my face felt little burning, but really with excellent shaving results!
I only shave in the direction of growth (WTG) and I'm doing just 2 Passes WTG, and i get great DFS results! very impressive..
The disadvantage his longevity not so much high, and i felt that he was losing sharpness pretty fast ..

Sharpness - 9 / 10
Smoothness - 7 / 10
Longevity - 6.5 / 10

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Gillette 7 O'clock Super Platinum (Black) - First impression

Hello from Montana

Hi everyone,

New to the site. I started DE shaving about two years ago on the advice of a coworker. Love it and my ingrown hair free life. I recently had to purchase a new brush (I know hard to believe I stopped at only one) At any rate, my first brush was an Amazon Escali cheapie. Those who are ignorant to better don't realize what they are missing. I came here to research and the rest is history. After spending a fair amount of time here I have now ordered a Razorock Big Bruce and BC synthetic silvertip. I want to order an authentic Silvertip but figure I will put some more research in before dropping the cash. Thanks for all of the reviews and thoughts you all have shared.

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Hello from Montana

Cross Hand Technique: Straight Razor Shaving

I'm not sure this a "real technique" but I thought I would mention it and would be curious if others have used this "technique"?

I'm new to Straight Razor shaving (about 3 months). But not wet shaving.

Everything I have read and seen, says while shaving the right side of your face, use your right hand and left side left hand.

But, I have found I get far less nicks and cuts and a smoother stroke when I cross (I use my right hand when shaving the left side of my face and my left hand on the right side). I notice that when I do that I get better angle/blade control and the blade can be more horizontally aligned, specifically meaning the blade is horizontal to my face at a 20 to 30 degree angle.

Has anyone else experienced this?

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Cross Hand Technique: Straight Razor Shaving

lundi 30 janvier 2017

Super Bowl PIF

With the Super Bowl coming up this weekend, it's time for a Super Bowl PIF! For the sports and/or shaving enthusiast, we've got a few goodies:

  • Whipped Dog 30mm badger brush
  • Full tuck of:
    • Astra SP blades
    • Shark SS blades
    • Derby Extra blades

PIF will be open until the early morning hours on Tuesday, February 7th. Just reply "I'm in" for an entry. One bonus entry for being a contributor and one bonus entry for posting your run or workout in one of The Clubhouse threads below.

Just let me know how many entries you've got and how you got them. Stay tuned, there may be a few more items added as we get closer to the big game. Good luck!
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Super Bowl PIF

My Alum Conclusion

I have come to the conclusion that alum just doesn't agree with my freshly shaven face. I have tried over the last year and a half to make alum work for me to no avail. Alum simply causes more irritation to my skin than other astringents like witch hazel.

I can shave one day and use witch hazel and have a superb shave. The very next day I can use the exact same equipment with alum as a post shave and pain persues. From redness to what I call "alum burn" that lasts a few hours, alum just doesn't work for me.

So anyone who uses alum, but continually suffers from a poor shave. Try some witch hazel and see if that works better. I'm not saying alum doesn't work for some, but not for me!

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My Alum Conclusion

It took 2 years and 12 days, but it finally happened!

My wife asked me this morning which of my many razors I don't use very often that she could have to use! She's tired of discovering that she forgot to charge her electric razor the night before she needs to shave.
I told her that I had a razor set aside for her already just for this occasion! A pink Ladies Gillette Starburst DE razor. I also gave her one of my homemade brushes set with a 22mm Maggards synthetic knot and a tube of Old Spice shave cream. She chose a Gillette Nacet Stainless blade to try first. I didn't even need to show her how to go about the lathering or show her how to hold the razor properly since I have her shave the back of my neck after I buzz cut my head. She used Dickinson witch hazel as an aftershave as well.
I can definitely say that I'm just a tad bit jealous of the BBS she got on her legs!
This here my friends is the the only conversion that matters, the love of my life!
I'll now be quite and stop beating my chest with my fist.

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It took 2 years and 12 days, but it finally happened!

Worst shave

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Worst shave

DE's Phager76's Shaving Journal

So, I figured I should stop cluttering up my new member check in thread (http://ift.tt/2jPCcxL) with my daily shave ramblings, and I noticed this sub-forum and it seemed like the perfect spot to spout my random musings and ramblings of my daily(ish) shaves.

If anyone is so inclined, feel free to visit my intro thread to see how my first two shaves went and learn a bit more about me. The cliff notes version is this: I'm 40 and just started DE shaving on Saturday for a couple of reasons. First, with a career change, I'm suddenly forced to shave far more frequently, due to this, I can't stomach paying the exorbitant cost of Fusion cartridges now that I'm going through them like water. Secondly, I've always been fascinated by the history and tradition surrounding DE's and the process of traditional wet shaving.

On to todays shave because I'm new to the process, I'm trying to keep everything consistent and I've been using the following equipment:

Razor: Perfecto three piece
Brush: Perfecto Badger Hair
Soap: Col Conk Lime
Blade: GSB
Aftershave: Nivea Sensitive skin Balm

Today's shave was a little rougher then the last two. The good was that I got my lather a whole heck of a lot better then in the past. More soap and more water was the key. It still needs work, but I'm seeing steady improvement. I;m also feeling a lot more confident shaving the bulk of my face, I'm able to take longer passes, and I'm getting slow but steady improvements with the closeness of the save on the sides of my face.

On to the bad (or not so good), Shaving my neck is just a complete PITA, I spent some time today trying to ascertain the direction of growth, and while it seems to go from S-N, if I try shaving in that direction all I seem to get is none stop pulling and skipping, If I shave N-S things go much smoother, but that seems to be counter to the direction of growth. In my effort to do what I've read and go WTG from the neck to the jawline, I managed to give myself a ton of razor burn and a patchy shave at best.

I think my biggest take-away from this, is that even if it seems counter to conventional wisdom and what the direction of hair growth seems to be, I need to just go with what the skin likes, even if it seems counterintuitive. I still need to perfect getting under my nose and chin, but those came out a little better.

My biggest frustration at this point is my neck, chin and jawline areas. To be honest, a cartridge is so much easier. It's not enough frustration to cause me to go back, I know with practice that these issues will go away. I wasn't able to start riding my motorcycles with out a learning curve and a lot of effort on my part. I wasn't able to quit smoking without a lot of effort on my part, and I wasn't able to do a complete 180 in my career path without... wait for it.... a lot of effort on my part. My point is, anything worthwhile in life takes effort and dedication, and doesn't happen overnight. This is no different.

Thanks for reading, and tune in tomorrow if you'd like. I'm open to any tips, tricks, or good natured ribbing that anyone has for this Noob!


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DE's Phager76's Shaving Journal

Pulled the trigger on a Hart!

6/8 square point with walnut scales; couldn’t resist the sale. I’m not a *huge* fan of silent little-to-no-hollow blades, but the fact that this design includes a hex bolt (and a hex wrench to tighten it with,) and the price was too much to resist!! Plus I’ve never tried an esher edge and I haven't gotten a new straight in over a year, plus it’s American-made! These are all the reasons I will give SWMBO if she ever finds out. Anyone else impulse-buying Harts right now? Come on; keep me company! :-)

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Pulled the trigger on a Hart!

Hi there.

Hello every one.

I've been wet shaving for two months now.

My curiosity was peeked about DE razors from a forum I frequent. After looking around online I ordered a set that came with razor, 5 packs of blades (Derby, Dorco, Personna, Astra, and Crystal), an Omega 13522 brush and a shaving cream sample pack (6 creams)

Out of the sample of creams I got I have fallen in love with Crown Shaving Co. Shave Cream, enough so I wound up buying a 4 oz jar of it and there after shave tonic. I have all so been using Derby's Super Menthol Shave Cream from time to time.

As far as blades go I prefer the Astra and Derby so far.

I have all ways hated to shave with the cartridge razors and would just let my beard grow until a manager would tell me to shave. Now I have learned to enjoy shaving now and love how close and smooth of a shave I get now.

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Hi there.

Does you DE shave with both hands?

In an effort to improve your shave do you switch between hands as you shave the opposite side of your face? For example when making an east-west pass one might want to switch hands as they switch cheeks in order to keep their wrist and attack angle more consistent. Many do this when shaving with a straight, but given how easy it is to maneuver a safety razor I suspect most do not.

I did not realize how valuable of a skill this might be until the threads on my 3-piece travel razor stripped and I was left literally holding the razor head by the screw threads. I could only dare to make a north-south pass while trying to keep enough pressure on the base plate so that the blade was properly sandwiched in the head. But that was difficult to do on the neckline, shaving the left side with my right hand was manageable but it was very difficult to repeat on the right side under the jaw.

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Does you DE shave with both hands?

English Leather AS

Hello Gents,

I'm a fan of all old school scents and have been curious about English Leather AS recently. What have been your experiences with it and would you recommend snagging a vintage MEM formulation off ebay or whatnot or just sticking with the Dana version of it? Either way I'd be buying it online as I cannot for the life of me find a bottle in Montreal!


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English Leather AS


Decided to get into SR shaving in my continuing practice of mindfulness. Read "The Practicing Mind" and got the idea to take up the SR hobby. Gotta shave anyway, right? I got a shavette, brush, some pre-shave oil, some shaving soap, and been doing it a couple of weeks. Currently and waiting on my first straight razor to be delivered, a Hart Steel 5/8 round tip, since it was suggested as a "beginners" SR. Looking forward to murdering some facial hair with it.

Anyway, always eager to learn and I appreciate all your assistance in advance!


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Rockwell 6s vs EJ 89

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Rockwell 6s vs EJ 89

First SR shave last night.

Original post got deleted due to me using naughty words. Apologies. Also gives me a chance to reword and gather thoughts. Now on to the meat and potatoes.

Last night was my first SR shave and it did not go how I imagined it. Side question, did anyone else's go the way they thought it would? Mine all started with the strop. May be the price I pay for being cheap but I just used denim jeans. Did the HHT and it did fine. No complaints from it.

Started to hydrate my mug. Put some cold water on my face and rubbed it in. Let it sit for a min then dried it off. Threw some grim blades smolder pre shave on. Aw yeah smellin fresh, feelin confident.... sort of.

Next it was the lather, put some water on my brush and swirled around in my grim blades smolder. Completely not knowing what I was doing started going to town on the stuff. Now I've never used shaving soap before so stupid me is just thinking " a little water on here, swirl around in the soap, start putting it on my face and break out the blade!". So I do so. Wrong. Stinkin. Answer. Water to soap ratio was all wrong. My soap was drying on my face. Starting to get a little annoyed, my cats and wife start hanging around. Now I feel pressure.

Time to break out the blade. I open her up and get an unsettling feeling. Gotta do this. Put the blade to my side burn. Catches. Not good. Soaps dry. Throw some water on it, try again. Blade starts sliding and cutting hair. Alright, alright, alright. I'm cookin now, start knocking out my right side. Now I get to my chin and stare in the mirror at it deciding my plan of action. I got nothing to do dive in, no sliding or cutting. Fair enough, I'll move to the left side. First pass down my left side and cut a mile right in front of my ear and it pours. Now I'm irritated. Go to wash my blade and my cats are in the way and knocking things over and the wife is just starring at me. Now I'm angry. I try to finish my left side and realize my left hand only works for itself sometimes.

Go back to my chin and this time the blade sinks into it. Nice deep cut. Awesome. Now I'm infuriated. So I say forget it I'll try again later and finish with my cartridge razor. So now I'm a little defeated and going to try again when I get a real strop. I tried stropping today and doing the HHT with no luck. I'm just defeated now guys.

Who else had theirs go way south? What did you do to fix it?

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First SR shave last night.

Which Razor Is Better: Schick Krona vs Gillette Slim Adjustable

While the bulk of my DE stable is Gillette, I must admit that I get better shaves from my Krona than I do my Slim. Hate to admit it, because my Slim is the one my Dad used while I was growing up. I have tried different blades, soaps, and settings on the Slim, but my shaves aren't as close and I have less irritation with the Krona.

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Which Razor Is Better: Schick Krona vs Gillette Slim Adjustable

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