I'm not quite a year into this adventure called DE Wet Shaving. In the last three or four months I have acquired a case of RAD...
I was fortunate enough to receive my latest acquisition, a 1948/1949 Aristocrat.
I shaved with it for the first time this evening. I had one of the best first shaves I've ever had! Comfortable, easy, and smooth.
I paired the razor with a Gillette Silver Blue, and Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood Shave cream.
I had been reading some recent threads on the '40s and '50s NDC Super Speeds, and if I understand my research correctly my Aristocrat has the same head. If that's the case those are impressive for sure! I need to add one to my stable.
I am looking forward to working with the Aristocrat, learning to get the best out of a beautiful piece of hardware!
First shave with my '48/49 Aristocrat!