Going by the pictures ive found on the web i think its a 1920's Old. Ball on bottom with neruling on the ball, a flat bottom, brass. Its got a little crack in the top of the handle so i might have to get it repaired. I just had to have it for the price. It was cheep for sure. My first classic. Will have to wait till i get my hands on it to see if i can match up some numbers of some kind. I figured evan if its junk, its old as hell. Why not.
Any recommendations on how to repair a crack? Or a good place to send it? I can arc weld but that isnt going to do any good here. Ha. Im still looking for the fat boy. I figured out how to search and pull up 1000s of listings. And spent a couple hours going thru them. Will do this for a couple weeks to get to know what im looking at and learn the searching options then see about buying. Good way to learn them.
I think i just bought. Old