Like most of us ADers I bought everything in sight when I began. I accumulated 60+ soaps and found that after the initial several uses I would probably not see that soap again. So I began giving my soaps away to wet shaving friends here in Flagstaff. Then I’d include them in PIFs unrelated to soap. I have been pretty diligent the last 4 months in ridding myself of drawers of soaps; many that I found I didn’t like in the least after initial use. The good news is that I know what I like and what I don’t like and I don’t like the majority of soaps on the market (that probably includes your favorite). I need a scent that captures me, and being an old person, my sense of smell is not like many younger noses. I also need a soap that is going to treat 70-year old skin well. So I have cut down to 19 soaps in the hopes of getting down to 15. That is probably a bit ambitious but I’ll continue to try. I won’t list a favorite soap, because what I have left are my favorites, all of them. So, I am feeling as though my SAD is gone and I like the feeling. Am I alone in this or do you like to keep your soap collection small and prized?
I don’t need that many!