my girlfriend bought me black suede esstinal set from avon comes with the cologne bodywash and balm. i personally really like the scent though it only lasted 3 or 4 hours which to me is fine. i know they are cheaper scents and can not compare to 40 to 80 dollar colognes. but i do not see them talked about much. her friend sells avon so i order ironman and perceive both smelled really nice on the samples and 2 for 22 is not a bad price at all. i also notice there balms which i got to be honest was very mosterzing is 5 dollars for 5 ounces and goes on sell a lot for 2.50. does anyone else use these colognes at all and like them? or are they really cheap and should not be used at all?
what is your thoughts on modern avon cologne?