I finally slung out my old Gillette M3 Power Cartridges !!
They had spent 9 years stored in a room that was hot and humid in summer and cold and damp in winter - it took it's toll because just over 18 months ago the damp had caused the lubra-strips to deteriorate. I could only get 1 or 2 shaves out of a cartridge that felt like sandpaper - they would have normally lasted for a whole month !!
That was my reason for switching to DE shaving in the first place - I completely forgot about them until today, and found them in a plastic bag, caked with dust !!
I slung out a total of 16x cartridges, but I kept the razor - I might want to scrub it up and auction it on eBay one day !!
Now I've done what I should have done 18 months ago - I put them into File #13 - The best place for them
After All This Time.