I first was introduced to the idea of shaving with something other than a Bic or the overly priced Gillette Fusion blades this last Christmas by my brother- in - law. Before he left my home in Louisiana and headed home for Tucson (my old stomping grounds having been born and raised there) he had one last parting Christmas gift for me. My first replaceable single edge razor kit complete with brush, soap, soap cup and replacement blades. I can truly say I am hooked for life to this new but really very old way of shaving! A few tips got me started and now I am out of the original soap and thinking back on our discussion about this site (of which he is one of the stewards of) I thought... Well, what better way to learn more about what I used to take for granted that is before I new what a really good shave felt like. Thanks Skypsyd for turning me on to the pampering of me.RespectfullyRazorpsyd
Just saying hello to what appears to be a room full of true gentlemen