I feel there is a disproportionate amount of threads about which strop to buy, one material vs. another, etc. and it seems silly to me. The best tool is useless in he hands of someone who doesn't know how to use it. Where's all the info to help new guys know if they're doing it right? There has to be some advice other than "if you dull the edge and it doesn't shave well anymore you've done it wrong." What are some ways to gauge whether you are successfully stropping? Ways to test your progress? I have other questions too. If you're supposed to strop after shaving to ensure you have a clean dry edge why do you then strop before shaving? It doesn't make sense, since a shave ready razor comes honed and stropped and one is specifically told not to strop it again... What is some strop theory? Not which strop is better, but how often and how much does one strop and when? Tips and tricks for keeping the blade flat from spine to bevel, knowing whether the amount of pressure is right. When should a newbie strop on abrasive pastes knowing his amateur stropping is definitely rounding his bevel more quickly than a more adept straight shaver?
There was no depth on this in the wiki and I haven't found useful threads on the subject. If there is a thread I apologize, a link would be greatly appreciated. Otherwise please help this noob who desperately wants to get it right before destroying his strop and dulling his razor. Thanks.
Basic strop info