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mercredi 9 septembre 2015

I need some tech help

Short story - I'm in need of an inexpensive listserv address that I can use my own domain with.

Full story - I'm working with a non-profit and their board used a listserv address to handle their conversations. Until recently, this was provided by their service provider along with their domain name, etc. The provider has decided to stop providing this service and now they are without what they are used to having. They do not want to use a distribution list or web based answer. They would be fine with Google groups or yahoo groups except that they want to keep their domain (I.e. Board@non-profitName.org).

They are willing to pay, and I know there are solutions out there but most are tailored towards large mailing lists, etc. and are major overkill. I don't want to suggest they waste their money for more than they need. We are talking 1 listserv address with less than 20 subscribers and monthly email throughout averaging maybe 100 messages.

Can anyone suggest some possibilities for me? Thanks

I need some tech help

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