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jeudi 10 septembre 2015

Age old question: Shaving across the grain

I know this is a common question, but how can I prevent weepers when shaving XTG? The hair along my jawline just doesn't cut well unless I go XTG with it. If I just do a WTG pass and an ATG pass my neck looks like its never been shaved so cutting that area XTG is absolutely necessary.

However, I can't seem to master cutting that way and not leaving a bit of blood behind when I do it. The weepers are small enough that they usually close just with a cold water rinse- so it really isn't a huge deal. But, I feel like I've been at this long enough now (around eight months) that this should no longer be happening. Call me silly, but I feel like I'm a bit of a failure as a DE shaver.

Anyone have some insight for me?

Age old question: Shaving across the grain

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