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vendredi 24 avril 2015

Family shave memorabilia - blade stropper

So I'm visiting my 81 year old father who lives in another state and broached the topic of razors just in the offhand chance he had anything of wisdom to share. He shaved back in the day with Gillette adjustables but now prefers the convenience of disposables.

I told him I remember seeing what I thought was an old razor in a cabinet that belonged to his father and wondered if he still had it.

Turns out it was not a razor at all but a blade stropper. This belonged to my grandfather and was carried by him during his stint as an Army corpsman in WWI.

It was made by J.C. Penney and called the “Moredge” model and features a patent date of 1912 on its underside.

For those not familiar, this device was used to restore the edge of double edge blades of the era by stropping them against leather which was wound around two pairs of steel rollers. I have no idea how effective they may have been, but knowing the frugality of the era, squeezing every last shave out of a razor blade would have been a top priority.

Dad said his father used a soap bowl and brush for lather, but as I expected, does not recall any specific model of razor he used. He was born in 1887 and lived until 1965 so he would have seen the birth of the safety razor all the way to its zenith in the era of the Gillette adjustable models.

Family shave memorabilia - blade stropper

Newer DE Shaver - Head and Face - Don't Touch the Beard!

So, this is my first post but I will admitI've been stalking this forum for the last month or so as I've began my DEshaving experience. I must say you all have been extremely helpful to theprocess so it's time for me to come out of the shadows, introduce myself, andask for further insights. I have extremely weird balding at the my young age of33, so needless to say I've taken up head shaving. I love my beard but can'tgrow a full one so I shave the rest of my cheeks and side burns and neck aswell. I used to burn through cartridge razors and as we all know that'sexpensive and can be brutal on your face and head. I started reading up on DEShaving and was interested in the history, the cost savings, the closer shave,and the help with limiting irritation. I started first by purchasing a MicroTouch One - it was cheap and easy. I used this for about a week or two, usingthe Dorco blades that it came with. I didn't want to completely changeeverything as I wanted to limit the number of variables, so I just started withthe razor and kept my usual shaving cream. I got 2 small nicks my firstexperience and have been blood free since! I next purchased a badger hair brushand found a 1960 Schick Krona - purchased based on it's shaving angle, ease ofuse, long handle, and overall good reputation on this site. I also purchased asample pack of blades of which I'm almost done with. I started using the Kronawith the Dorco blades for a couple of shaves, then used Derby, Shark, Astra,and Feather so far. I just now started using soaps and next on my blade list isSupermax and Super Platinum. I love using the Krona, it is not overlyaggressive, has decent weight but very accommodating with the long handle. Italso makes finding the right angle easy. I feel pretty confident with mytechnique but am open to suggestion and am especially curious if there areother head shavers out there and any tips you might have. As far as blades go,I've got sensitive skin, Derby did well but left a lot of irritation. I likedthe sharpness of Feather but it seemed to not be as durable and did still leavesome irritation. Trying to find the right blade still and I realize that mighttake some time and more sample packs. I did not enjoy the Dorco blades orAstra, or Shark in particular - I found myself having to make too many passes.I am anxious to try the Gillete 7 O'clock (Black, yellow, and Green) but havenot yet found the right sample I'm looking for. I', only two shaves into usingsoap, just got some inexpensive Williams shaving soap and will eventually trysome others. Only trying to change one thing at a time though and so far I lovethe soap shave and don't plan on going back to creams. Well that's more infothan anyone needed I'm sure but I welcome any comments, suggestions, or generalharassment. Thank you all again for your contributions and for helping this guytruly appreciate the art of shaving.

Newer DE Shaver - Head and Face - Don't Touch the Beard!

mardi 21 avril 2015

Cure For Hard Starting Pens

This guy has the cure for hard starting pens.

Cure For Hard Starting Pens

What type of razor is this weird Art Deco model? Weird but I love it .

I just picked this up quite cheaply. Sold to me as a 'Gillette Empire' and came in a white Gillette case but I doubt if it's a Gillette at all but am ready to be surprised.
It's small (just 2.75 inches or 7cm long) but reasonably hefty at 54 grams. The nickel plating is excellent .. hard and bright. It looks brand new (hope it isn't!) but the design is very Art Deco suggesting late 20s, early 30s.
The pics tell it all. The oddest thing about the design is that the handle is threaded at its end and goes through the base plate and screws through the top, sticking up from the head like a little button. Looks quite smart despite that idiosyncracy. And the blade really locks well in place with very uniform gap. I haven't tried it yet but this, my first Open Comb, looks as if it will give a mild shave. It may even be somewhat adjustable, as a light turn of the handle opens the gap progressively, while still staying firmly locked.

So here are the pics -- hope someone out there recognises what seems to be a little jewel.
Attached Images

What type of razor is this weird Art Deco model? Weird but I love it .

samedi 11 avril 2015

Is it just my imagination.

or does croap last longer than pucks? As a newcomer to using croaps (Razorock) it seems as though it lasts longer.:blink:

Not complaining by any sense of the word.

Is it just my imagination.

Non-Aromatic suggestions.

Hi all,

I just picked up the pipe a couple months ago, and have tried a few different tobaccos, I'm hoping you can recommend your favourite non-aromatic flavours ? I'm about to put in an order and would like to try exclusively non-aro this time. Looking for mild to medium if possible.

Thanks in advance!


Non-Aromatic suggestions.

Pomade Review: Murray's Super Light

I decided to pick up Murray’s Super Light because I had run into a few issues with my current oil pomades. First I assumed I needed something heavy to control my thicker and bit bushy hair, when I used gels years ago I always used something strong; but they just weren’t working like I really wanted, mostly in the application. Secondly I wasn’t getting the shine I truly wanted; what I had was good but not exact. Third I didn’t have the time to order another small batch product and didn’t feel like spending the money. Then, there was Murray’s Super Light at my local drug store for $3; if I was going to try a light oil pomade this would be a good start.

Murray’s Super Light at first glance would seem to be a light pomade or closer to Royal Crown and other hair dressings, but Murray’s own website shows it between a medium and a light. It advertises it as “ a softer, lighter alternative to Murray’s Original Pomade. Super light contains aloe, lanolin and coconut oil. Provides conditioning and manageability for the clean neat look with plenty of style and control.”. It comes in a hideous can with a super sleazy 70′s barbershop design, but looks aren’t everything.

When you open it you can see again why it would seem like more of a hair dressing, it seems very oily and mostly just looks like petroleum jelly. The texture is really about the same too, doesn’t seem like it will have any hold. The smell from the can is okay, it is that clean & sweet babershop/powder smell. It isn’t my favorite but it works.

Scooping it out is very easy but it likes to pull and curl away almost as if you’re pulling out hot wax and it cools in the air. Spreading it into my hair was super easy, just goes right in. Combing it through also shows no issues; no tugging, hair breaking or issues being spread evenly. I use it with slightly damp hair but you could probably spread it in there dry even.

Styling was a breeze as well but being a lighter hold you may find you need to do touch ups (especially if you use water and it begins to dry/be pushed away). I generally style with what I have and then working from my part do a top coat, restyle and I’m done pretty quickly. Be careful though you can over grease like this and the feeling is not good. The hold is certainly more towards a medium, not super light as the name implies. It can move and a good wind will blow my hair up a bit but it locks it in place and weighs it down well. The shine is perfect if you want that classic shiny slick look be it for a slick back, side part/contour or something around those. This pomade it great for slicks!


The longevity of this pomade is good but not great. The build up is nice and it restyles the next day very easily; but it does wash out a bit more than most oil pomades which is probably because there is no wax at all. You’ll be reapplying a little every time you go through your shower routine but with it being $3 you’re not tossing money down the drain. The good side of that is once you’re ready to degrease it is very easy to do.

Honestly this pomade has become my daily, I really liked it. It has shown me that what works with one type of hair with a certain product doesn’t carry over so well each time. With the weight and thickness of my hair giving it something that just added a slick was better than trying to spread something so waxy through it. I’d like to find something like it but with a better scent, texture in can and a bit more hold but still keep all of the positives of the Super Light. If you’re a greaser who likes his slick clean looks this is something you want in your collection.


Murray’s Super Light

  • A great medium-light pomade; is not super light or a hair dressing

  • A good hold if you are doing something simple and slick

  • A wonderful shine

  • Easy to comb, easy to apply

  • The scent isn’t good - too sweet and powdery

  • Can wash out a bit too easy for a oil pomade

  • Can take extra top layers the first time to get it to work and can lead to over greasing

3oz for $3

Petrolatum, Lanolin, Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera, Fragrance


Attached Images

Pomade Review: Murray's Super Light

Saponificio Varesino

This is truly a great product and forget the vegi/tallow thing it is a great soap period. I have all 3 that they make and they all perform great and the fragrance is top notch. Its a hard soap I am not sure if its triple milled or not but its hard like a triple milled. Maybe someone here can answer that? In any event I highly recommend it and can not pick a favorite as I really love all 3

Saponificio Varesino

mercredi 1 avril 2015

Real Shaving Balm

Since they stopped selling in the US I ordered direct from them. It took 3 weeks to arrive in the US but it is the same stuff I originally got at Riteaide.. "Post Shave Soothing Balm" 125ml, etc. So, it CAN be gotten if you go direct.

Real Shaving Balm

Got my first custom!

I finally got around to ordering my first custom straight. I looked at many makers, and decided on Jacob Ray Creations. He fit my allowance, and was willing to go a bit out of the box with it. I haven't had the chance to get my camera out yet, but here is a quick phone photo teaser.


The scales are an Australian burl wood that matches my DE and brush that I already have. I will try to get good photos this weekend.

Attached Images

Got my first custom!

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