Hoping the vast wisdom of the B&B forums can help me fix this issue:
I've never had this problem until recently with two higher-end soaps/croaps, but here goes. When lathering soap from a brand new puck of Penhalgion's Blenheim Boquet and the new Esbjerg sensitive shaving croap I've only been able to produce a very thin lather that evaporated within 60 seconds of applying it on my face.
Never had this problem before; ever. I've been shaving with badger hair brushes, soaps, creams, straight razors and DEs for 3 years now.
Is this a hard water problem? Am I not loading the brush enough? Am I the only one who can see the emperor has no clothes? PLEASE HELP!
Thanks in advance.
I've never had this problem until recently with two higher-end soaps/croaps, but here goes. When lathering soap from a brand new puck of Penhalgion's Blenheim Boquet and the new Esbjerg sensitive shaving croap I've only been able to produce a very thin lather that evaporated within 60 seconds of applying it on my face.
Never had this problem before; ever. I've been shaving with badger hair brushes, soaps, creams, straight razors and DEs for 3 years now.
Is this a hard water problem? Am I not loading the brush enough? Am I the only one who can see the emperor has no clothes? PLEASE HELP!
Thanks in advance.