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lundi 30 juin 2014

Maggard MR6 Shave review

Just received a Maggard MR6 safety razor.Excellent product, and excellent service from Brad and Casie Maggard!

Blade Usage

Do you guys use one blade for all your razors until it gets dull?

I usually use a different blade for each razor and leave it in there until it gets dull. Am I doing this correctly?

I don't like to take out the blade over and over.

How do you guys use up your blades?

I'm about 7 months into DE shaving. I'm still trying different blades out.

Any love for Gillette Nacet?

I've noticed threads about all kinds of blades in the last few months, but these just don't seem to get talked about. What's the deal with that? Too pricey, hard to get, purple package, lol? Why no love for Nacet?

I am just amazed at where I have ended up.

Like a lot of you I started this to save money. :lol: Of course I got caught up in the buying different things because each one was going to be better than what I already had. I have been doing this for about 4 months or so and I currently own. 2-flare tips, 2 Gem Micromatics, a shake sharp, 1 Slim, 1 Fatboy, 1 Old Style, Fat Handled Tech, No name TTO, Gillette travel razor, Unknown bakelite 3 piece and now 7 straights.

I rather quickly decided that I liked the 3 piece style better so I concentrated on those. My few times using the Flare tips, slim and the Fatboy left me rather cut up and unsatisfied. I kept going for more and more aggressive razors. I ended up using the old style without the safety bar(yeah really, just the top cap, blade and handle). Much like a shavette but different handle. I get a very smooth shave with this but it takes a lot of time. As you could imagine this is a setup you must be very careful with. I decided I wanted to get into straights and had 2 of them honed by a very generous member on here. Long story short, I don't want to put that much work into it. I was in a rush recently and I grabbed one of the flare tips so I could quickly shave and get to work. I was just amazed at how quickly I was able to knock out 2 passes without a single nick and not even a little burn when I applied the AS.

So I thought I would end up in one place and ended up somewhere else. Now it's time for me to go break out the Slim and give that another test drive. :w00t:

Art of Shaving kit worth $100 new?

Hey everyone. It's been a (long) while since I've actually bothered to log in to post, but I've been DE shaving for a couple years now (thanks to a very generous PIF). I feel my technique is pretty up-to-snuff, now, being able to do a daily 3-pass shave with my sensitive skin.

Anyways, I have a friend who bought an Art of Shaving kit for someone, and apparently they didn't work out, but she can't return it because AoS has an all-sales-final policy on items with razors in them. So she's offering to sell it to me still in the packaging for $100.

I'll be honest, I've always been very curious about straight razors, but never read much about them. Art of shaving brand has been illusive to me because of their high price point, so I never bothered to read much about them. Do they make quality products? Is it worth the investment? Or is something better at the price point?

Here's the individual products in the kit:

Black Straight Razor (doesn't specify thickness)

DOVO Small Hanging Strop

Full Size Kit with Pure Badger Black Brush


Post your secondhand / antique store score

Anyone recently found anything good while out hitting the stores?

Nothing for me lately, last time out a dealer tried to sell me a $50 Parker Vacumatic without a nib..... Apparently they came without a nib so you could install your preferred size.......right.....

Considering a new brush (currently have the Semogue Texugo)


I've currently got one of the Semogue Texugo brushes from vintage scent. It's a great brush and I like everything about it, except its size. It's 22mm in size and 50mm in loft. I like how soft it is, how dense it is, and how much backbone it has. I just want more of it. Any suggestions?


Found good soap/AS scent combo

Not sure how relevant this post is, but I just wanted to share a very harmonious shave soap and after shave pairing I found. Mike's Natural Orange, Cedarwood, & Black Pepper, and Crown Shaving Co. aftershave tonic. The orange scent in the soap goes great with the prevailing anise scent in the AS to make a very nice summery concoction. Try it, you'll like it!

Another note, today was my first experience with Mike's, and I was blown away. It's a great tallow soap that I can bowl lather easily. I avoid face lathering because the excessive scrubbing always irritates the skin on my face. Way to go Mike!

RAD Weekend Repost

This is a repost since the previous posting did show pictures. Along with a few edits.

My new weekend habit is to spend the first few hours on Saturday hitting up estate sales for what I can find. I spent Sunday fishing on my way back I also stumbled upon a flea market and a few antique shops. Total cost $38.

I am not sure if I have identified every thing correctly but my haul included:

New Standard Open Comb cased

Open Comb Tech cased

Blue Lady Gillette cased

Flare Tip Super Speed X2

Flare Tip Super Speed Red

Heavy Tech Canada 1932

Heavy Tech

Super Adjustable Plastic Base


British Super Speed

New Type Open Comb


Complete Group


Heavy Tech - Flea Market


1932 Canada Heavy Tech, Aristocrat - Estate Sale


New Standard, British SS, Open Comb Tech, New Style Open Comb - Flea Market


Plastic Base Super Adjustable, Blue Lady Gillette

Jnat Needs

Let's assume I want to buy a Jnat to hone a straight razor. Let's also assume I know nothing about the convoluted and confusing world of Japanese Natural stones.

I cannot believe a system conceived and perfected over hundreds of years could be so mysterious.

I am trying to see it as a simple system, one base hone (Honzan) and the slurries, Botan (beginning), Mejiro or Tenjou (middle), and the Koma to finish.

I would also need a piece of the Honzan? to refresh with a slurry for maintenance.

Is the Honzan? a stone or does it just mean stone (hone).

I hope I can make it this simple or am I looking at this all wrong.

If this is really all there is to it, where would one acquire these hones.

I need to give credit to the reading material by Jim on the Eastern Smooth Blog and the Coticule.be website.

With the input from the good people on this site, I can proceed to satisfy my syndrome and gain the knowledge to continue my quest for the most comfortable shave possible.

Thanks, Dave

Choosing a double edge razor question

I use a mach 3. I assumed I would just keep using it when I got my first batch of soap in. WOW those got expensive! The last time I bought cartridges I caught a sale so stocked up. I forget what I paid but it was a good deal. Now they are 24 bucks for 10. That is insane. They claim those ten could last up to ten months. Maybe if they never get used but as a wood worked and a person who shaves I can guarantee a blade will dull way before then. And my preferred goo went up a buck. I have proper soap coming so that is taken care of. Now I just need the razor.

My mind is now made up. I am looking for a double edge razor, and have been digging through threads learning what I can. What I cannot find is what to look for in a second hand shop/antique shop that will discern and good razor from a bad. I plan on hitting these places up before I decide to order. So, what qualities should I keep my eyes open for.

Want to Buy Feather AS D1

Hi everyone,

I am looking for a Feather AS D1 in excellent condition with minimal usage and no dings, if you know the blade gap I am looking for one on the milder side. Must be willing to ship to Canada.



Stipula Passaporto

Hey, just saw that the Stipula Passaporto fountain pen is on Massdrop for 60% off from the other places. Limit 63 total in this sale. Fine, and medium nib options available.

Thought that I'd pass this info along for those who may be interested.


double edge schick

What's a good schick De razor? I have a schick se eversharp injector , I have a lot of Gillettes lords and gems, I've seen kronas any ideas? Thanks

Is this a Piece of Barbers Hone or something else?


I just received this little piece of rock and it was supposed to have been used by the sellers dad who was a barber for many decades. Who knows?

Anyway, here are some pics. Tell me what you think. It is smooth but very waxy feeling. I lapped it and while it was hard, it slurried on the DMT 600 pretty easily. image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg

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Heljestrand MK12, a few pics and questions.

I was very lucky to acquire a large hunk of Eskiltstuna steel from another B&B member. Namely a Heljestrand MK12. The razor is roughly 1/4 to 1/2 ground, is a full 7/8, has a thumb notch, a stub tail, and ivory scales. The questions I have are:

1. Does it appear that the tip has been shortened? I have compared the razor to several 13/16 to 7/8 I have and it appears to be roughly the right length, but it does seem to fit just a bit shy of the wedge by maybe 1/8". Most all of the other Heljes I have fit exceptionally tight on the wedge. Could that gap be due to the grind? Does it have a new wedge?

2. Anyone know the timeframe that this razor was made? It is an MK which places it early in the century but I would be interesting to know how the numbering worked from a chronological standpoint.

Here it is next to a mk31 for scale.



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everyday go to blade

Hey gentlemen, what's some of your favorite everyday go to blades? Iv been getting bored and,trying and,looking for some everyday blades,wilkinson and derby and astra have been mine,any input would be greatly appreciated:)

Bst priviliges

Was curious after 45 days. (I'm already over 50 posts) do bst priviliges come automatically or do they c have to be approved by a moderator. Not sure if I'm at 45 days yet. But I think I'm close.

Please help me understand the concept of a 'pre-finisher' in the Jnat world

I think I might already know the answer to this; I want to see if I'm correct.

So on the Jnat sales web sites, some Jnats are labeled as 'pre-finishers'. I assume this means that the stone in question adds some value to the final edge in the honing progression. But do they add anything more than what can be achieved by, say, a full nagura progression on one stone?

The reason I ask is that I'm currently testing a stone which is softer than the other Jnats I have. I did the full nagura progression on it, and came away with a pretty tolerable, but not great shave. So I next put the same razor on a Nakayama Kiita with tomo slurry, and got a very, very nice shave after that.

I think, but I don't know for a fact, that starting on the first stone and finishing on the second gave me a better shave than the nagura progression on the Kiita alone. I have more experimentation to do to prove this to myself, but is kicking up the final edge a notch the hallmark of a pre-finisher, or am I just imagining the results here? I'm still pretty inexperienced, so I want to make sure my assumptions are either right or get corrected.

So, in short, what exactly is a pre-finishing Jnat supposed to do?

Thanks for any insight someone can shed on this for me.

Somebody Razorock Me!

Gents, I am usually not a shave cream guy. I have worked my wyn through nearly all the British houses and a number of others. Castle Forbes is the standard bearer for me in creams so there is the baseline. I just tried Tabula Rasa and was underwhelmed. So I started thinking of Razorock. I know they make several versions in a lot of scent combinations. The ones that I keep seeing the most chatter about are X XX and XXX with a goodly mention of Son of Zeus.

I have seen XXX described as an Aqua di Parma smell alike. Since I was never able to try AdP cream or even sniff the EdT I have no idea what it is like. I have seen at least one person describe it as having a bit of a Nag Champa scent which is good by me. I have smelled 4711 cologne before and it was too one dimensional lemonnto my nose. So I don't want to go too far that direction. Sweet and bitter orange and Neroli are good. I even like grapefruit. I am tired of lime so it shouldn't be too front and center either.

Are RR creams more dense like CF or more similar to the Brits? Thanks.

Cheers, Todd

All Canadian Shave.

Tomorrow is Canada day, and I'm goin all Canadian. Thing is, it's hard to find Canadian gear. Sure we all have our vintage made in Canada gillettes, but where do you find a blade that's from the great white north?

Well, I solved that problem. If you have NOS gillette blue blades, they may very well be made north of the 49. Have a look. Mine are. :thumbup:

now for software. I'm going with some artisanal soap I picked up the other day. Other than that, Shoppers has their Balea line that is Canadian, but I can't vouch for them. as for AS. The only one I could find is vintage Old Spice. If you know of any other AS please let us know.

July 2014 photo contest

Xander is this month's M.C.


Originally Posted by fast14riot

Well, looking to get some more participation in the monthly contest and not wanting to use "Independence Day" as a theme due to having international members I have finally come up with one that should be fun and easy enough for anyone.

"Alphabet Scavenger Hunt"

Anything not specifically a letter of the English alphabet that represents a letter of the alphabet. No signs or graffiti or anything, but things like maybe a dead tree trunk that appears to be the letter "Y" or an art sculpture that looks like the letter "S". Things you see in your everyday travels or whatever that can be "seen" as a letter of the English alphabet.

Canadians are allowed to use "Zed" lol.


Theme: Alphabet Scavenger Hunt

Rules: you must be the photographer

one entry per month

try to make the image a recent one

the winner gets bragging rights and the pick of September's theme.

good luck gents!

Another Air Rifle thread

Rather than derail the thread I just pored over, here's a new query with respect to air rifles .. I have been overrun by gophers who are eating my weeping mulberry from the ground up, as well as flowers here and there. During past years, I've dispatched their ancestors with a Crosman 760 and BBs (I was faster then) and a Beeman GS1000 .22. This year, only one of three has expired in front of me, the others seem to laugh it off before they scurry towards the safety of the neighbors'.

Question is, do the guns lose power? Are they repairable? The Beeman gets dime sized groups at the range they are shot ..


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Losing weight vs wearing it now

I'm about halfway through my weight loss regimen. I've lost 25 lbs with, ideally, 20 more pounds to go. This is the first time I've lost this much weight. I'm down to my wedding weight, which feels great except for the fact that none of my clothes comfortably fit. The clothes that fit me at the start of the year are laughably big now. I can literally fit a pillow inside two of my blazers without stretching the button. The bride says that most of my shirts are HUGE.

I'm taking on new responsibilities at work come August, including a new director position. I can mostly get away with jeans, khakis, trousers, and the odd blazer and sport coat, but I will be meeting more frequently with vice-presidents and major donors, so I want to make sure I have some trousers and sport coats that look presentable.

My problem is that I'm halfway to my goal, but none of my clothes actually fit. What do you recommend? I found some great shirts at Goodwill last year, but even they are starting to be too big. Again, this is a GREAT problem to have, but it is still a problem. Brooks Brothers is having a great Independence Day sale, but I'm bashful buying clothes now if they won't fit in six months. My waist is not likely to shrink as much as my gut/chest.

That said, what would you emphasize with a midway wardrobe? Cheap but presentable? Wear clothes that are too big? Buy for the size I want to be? Other than things that won't change too much like shoes, socks, and ties, I'm stumped….

Nate Zowada

Any feedback on Tim's son's razors. This is his new website http://ift.tt/TkNV8X

Seems similar to Hart Steel but carries about $100 premium


Milk aftershaves

Just recently got the rr baby blue aftershave and I must say that I really like it. I see a lot of people talking about the milk aftershaves though. Are these similar to a balm? I ask because my oily skin hates balms and normally gets super greasy.

Straight FS: Half-dozen natural hones (3 Jnats, small Thuringian, big Zulu Grey, Coticule)

I have the following natural hones for sale. I'm not a minimalist, but I don't like keeping things around that do pretty much the same thing for me (well ok, except for the razors). Over the past year, I've been trying different edges and hones. I think I've settled on what I'm going to use for the forseeable future, so I'd like to move these along.

All hones are lapped and chamfered. Razor in pictures is for scale purposes and not included :-)

All prices include Priority shipping and insurance in U.S.; actual shipping charges will be added for shipments outside of the U.S.

PayPal preferred, but I'll work around it if you're not a PayPal kind of guy.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

non-Jnat family photo:


-Boxed Celebrated Water Hone-top of picture. 1" x 5" Bought off Brooksie here. Nothing much to say, except it's a pretty cool little Thuringian and does what they do (nice, smooth edges).

$60 Sold!

-Coticule-left side of picture. 6 13/16" x 1 5/8" (40mm x 175 mm) natural combo. Coticules and I haven't figured each other out, so I'm letting this one go; it was in a lot I purchased. I've never honed on it, so I have no comments on how good it is. It sure is pretty though, and a nice length/width combo. No slurry stone.

$100 Sold!

side picture:


-Zulu Grey, 8"x3" with slurry stone-right side of picture. Much like the Thuringian above, I haven't really used this all that much since playing with Jnats. I will say, however, though it's slow, I've been able to put nice edges on the razors I did finish on this hone. It's pretty cool to hone on such a big rock (at least I think so). Label never affixed to stone; it's included, of course.

$100 Sold!

Jnat family photo:


from top to bottom:

-Shoubudani Asagi type 100--my first Jnat, bought off of Maksim of JNS. Link for similar stone:


As a rank beginner, I've been able to get great edges after bevel set on a Chosera 1K and a full Nagura progression on this stone. Bottom and sides sealed. Approximate dimensions: 6 5/8" x 2 1/4" x 5/8" (thick end), 7/16" (thin end).

$60. Sold, pending funds.

-Ozuku--Bought off of the BST. One of the corners was chipped and lower than the others, so I cut it off to make a tomo, as can be seen in picture.Puts on a great edge using the same process listed above. I was actually surprised how good such an inexpensive stone is. Cool pattern when wet. The tomo I cut off is included. Bottom and sides sealed. Approximate dimensions on longest sides: 5 1/2" x 3" x 5/8" thick

$50. Sold, pending funds.

-Nakayama Kiita Nashiji koppa. Also from Maksim; see original listing here: http://www.japanesenaturalstones.com...ashiji-lv-4-5/

A very, very nice finisher. I'm only selling because I don't think I need two Nakayama Kiitas (the one I'm keeping I just bought off another member here; edges off both are very similar at my beginner level of honing). Bottom and sides are sealed. Approximate dimensions: 6" x 3 3/8" (longest/widest dimensions) x 3/8" ; Maksim's measurements: 155mm x 85 mm x 12 mm.


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There's Something Special About Maggard Razors!

Not only do they have a great selection of products and fantastic customer service, but apparently they can also send emails from the future! :p


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What have I here???

Last fall I moved from the dark side of shaving and into the light of DE shaving and never looked back since! Since then I have gone to the family Lakehouse to find a couple of DE razors made by Gillette in 1954. Today I was cleaning out the medicine cabinet and came across this shaving soap and it appears to be ceramic mug. Can anyone tell me about Seaforth shaving soap?ImageUploadedByTapatalk1404167613.938594.jpg

A Wok Question

Am about to sauté some cut-off, fresh corn kernals in some butter. While I won't have time to wait for a reply, was wondering why I couldn't do this in my wok instead of in the skillet I will use tonight. Would the butter somehow harm the seasoned wok? I really don't have a clue, and have never seen the subject addressed.

Muhle ST Fiber VS Muhle Black Fiber

I have searched this forum, but have not found a good comparison between the Muhle Silvertip Fiber V2 and the Muhle Black Fiber V2 knots. If you have had experience with both brushes please post your recommendation/review. BTW I face lather 99% of the time and only use Semogue boar brushes currently.


Welcome the the GSL!


Welcome to the little antipodean corner of the forum!

This is the place to talk all things Australia and New Zealand. Shopping, get togethers, local current events, sports.... All those things that the rest of the world doesn't want to know about, because we are so far away. :lol:

BUT, any of you non Aussie or NZ types who feel like dropping in, we love visitors, so feel free to have a chat. We may have to change your name to Bruce, just to keep it clear.

So sit back, open a beer, pour some on the barbie to clean it off, and burn a snag, because GSL is open to all who bring a slab.

Wilkinson Sword Single Edge

My wife and I were browsing local antique shops this passed weekend, and I spotted a Wilkinson Sword single edge shaver. It comes complete with original box and fully stocked (5) single edge blades. It was visually antique with wear, but seemed in restorable condition. My question is, is this worth considering? And if so, depending on the condition, what should someone be willing to pay for such an item, in said condition?

Straight Straights! Case Red Imp, Dubl Duck Goldedge, Dovo 5/8" 150

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I’ve been contemplating this move for a while, but it seems like the SRAD has started to fade and I realize I’m only keeping a select few (my Le Grelots). For those of you who have followed the “saga”, I have been selling straights looking for LGs, and now that I feel I have enough LGs, I can start selling the others to fund other ADs (and to appease SWMBO). As such, please see the following straights on the chopping block. Pricing can be adjusted if someone wants more than just one. Paypal only, and if you pick it up today, I'll have them in the mail and hopefully to you before the holiday weekend!

First up:

Case Red Imp 132 5/8" Wedge Straight Razor. This one was sold to the previous owner as NOS. No telling how much he used it, but it was certainly shave ready when I got it. Perhaps too sharp (don’t burn me). I used it three times, then it sat idle due to a new LG coming in. It's in great shape as can be seen in the pictures. As wedges typically do, it really decimates long growth. Absolutely no issues. It is shave-ready to my standards. It’ll come with a generic razor coffin. $110 shipped CONUS


Dubl Duck Goldedge 5/8, square point. I bought this, and while dipped it in vinegar. Yes, I dipped it in vinegar to remove rust. I oxidized it to remove oxidation. You read correctly. It worked on car parts, so I figured it’d work on razors. Oops. Anyhow, Heespharm was awesome enough not only to restore it to the best of his abilities (which are stellar, btw), but he also honed it up like a champ. I’ve used it once since he honed it. One of the pins was a little loose before he got a hold of it, and now it’s grand. I bought it for $189, but considering the pain I’ve caused it I’m knocking off 20%. $150 shipped CONUS

Third and Final (for today)

Dovo 150 5/8” round point. It says Junior on the scales, but I don’t know what that means. I got it as part of a bundle with a Le Grelot, and frankly it is one of the only non-LGs that I say shaves *almost* on par with it (have shaved with it four times). I guess the edge has a lot to do with it, but the weight distribution was great too. I don’t know much about this razor, but it looks older than the current Dovos. I say that because the logo and the branding looks slightly different. If this is a collector’s item, then oops. It is shave ready, and I’ve set my price point on a brand new, bottom of the line (from SRD/WCS/etc.) Dovos, with coverage for shipping costs. Forum members, I’m not asking for evaluation, but at least let me know if I’m WAY off base on pricing here. I’m thinking $100+shipping is pretty decent for this bad boy. This will include the original coffin. $110 shipped CONUS

If y’all have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I really am not looking for trades, but for maybe a high end brush. I like smaller brushes (ie. Knot sizes 22mm and smaller). If you see anything wrong or out of line with my pricing/info/etc., also let me know. These have been good to me, and I'd like them to be good to someone else.


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Straight FS: Pristine Gebr Lang Goldene Medaillen 9/16 straight (CONUS only)

This razor was acquired as NOS and as part of a set and I have honed it to a superb, shave ready condition with a JNAT finish. I don't need both of these so this one needs a new home. The blade is a 9/16 wide round point and shows zero hone wear and the edge is in excellent condition. I have shaved with this razor twice so as to evaluate my work on the edge.

It sits in shave ready condition and will be disinfected, oiled and packaged ready for a new home for $60.00 shipped via USPS Priority mail CONUS. For all intents and purposes, this is a brand new straight razor and is perfect for the beginner or even the experience straight user.

PayPal only please.

Thanks for looking,


Want to Buy Feather AS D1

Hi everyone,

I am looking for a Feather AS D1 in excellent condition with minimal usage and no dings, if you know the blade gap I am looking for one on the milder side. Must be willing to ship to Canada.



Stipula Passaporto

Hey, just saw that the Stipula Passaporto fountain pen is on Massdrop for 60% off from the other places. Limit 63 total in this sale. Fine, and medium nib options available.

Thought that I'd pass this info along for those who may be interested.


Looking for Chrome or Nickel Stand for 2-3 Standard DE Razors

Seems like it would be easy to find, but most are specialized to some extent (won't fit one or more types of razors) and are designed for a brush and razor.

I'm looking to hang a DE89 and a couple vintage Gillettes.

Thanks in advance...

NYC guys looking for a brush

There are two Edwin Jagger brushes on the New London clearence rack. A Best Badger size Large for $50 and a Super Badger for $55. You would have to get adhesive off of the handles and there are no boxes. I saw these on Saturday afternoon.

Photos of colored j-nats

Though it might be fun to post your photos of your Colored Japanese Naturals. If you want to add photos of the backs of the stones and a guess of the approximate Hardness, that would be cool too.

Here is one of my current from my private collection.

A Nakayama iro-mono tomae that also includes a nashiji (pear skin) pattern. Hardness is a strong 5.


Went snorkeling for the first time!

Water wasn't as clear as we hoped, only had about 4' of visibility, and we went during high tide so we had to swim through a lot of empty space, but once we got the grass flats it was great...and now I want a waterproof camera.

Swam through a school of mullet, a few schools of snook, saw 2 giant moon jellyfish, a baby ray, seahorses and had a staring contest with a hermit crab (which I lost).

The bad news: scallop season opened on Saturday. We saw ZERO scallops. Which isn't really bad news, since where I live it's "illegal" to harvest them, but now I have to drive an hour north to a county where we can harvest. 2 gallons in shell or 1pt of meat a day.

Best Shave Ever!

And oddly enough, I am out of town, in a hotel room in San Antonio.

Nothing different about the prep, just a hot shower and a little Noxema.

Face lathered Cella (a relatively newly acquired skill) with a Semogue SOC.

Used my trusty Short Comb NEW with a Gillette Silver Blue, day 3.

A BBS with zero sting from the Aqua Velva, just the cool kiss of menthol in the Ice Blue.

I have been wet shaving for almost a year and this is the first time I have ever had no sting from the AS.

I am really not sure what made it perfect, but yesterday was awful good too. Maybe my technique is just getting better.

Want to Buy RazoRock Mission Razor

Friend is looking for a starter razor. I read good reviews about this one, so if someone has one they want to part with, please PM me.


Right vs Right Now

I scored my first ‘bay find and I am gathering stuff to begin work on it and a few GD’s I also finally received for practice/sacrifice. I had a few practical questions I wanted to ask some of the more experienced folks here. And you know, for the guys who aren’t the experts I appreciate your experiences and I have read your threads. I’m really looking for the guys who would not blink when taking abrasive paper to a $1000 blade to answer. I know things “can be” done, I’m looking for the right answer so I can practice things the right way on less expensive finds.

  1. Maintaining transition “edges” – when one has sharp transitions, how does one go about sanding and not blowing those away? I find it very sad when I see a nice old blade where the sharp lines are just sort of rounded off. The best I can come up with is flat/plate sanding where possible, and maybe masking the flat parts before sanding the curves. Am I way off track?

  2. Polishing the hollow – Should I endeavor to use a Dremel (with caution to #1 above) or use backed paper/film?

  3. I see mention of CLR often. Is this “safe enough” to be part of the normal process for oxidized vintage blades, assuming the blade has no delicate etching/plating?

  4. Do you always butterknife the edge before starting serious work?

I think that will get me going. Thanks to all who answer.

Denatured versus Isopropyl or rubbing alcohol?

I'm trying to create a rather simple home made after shave. Here on the forum there seems to be a consensus that denatured alcohol should be used rather than isopropyl (rubbing alcohol). However, when i googled these things, some sources on the web offer the counter-advice, i.e. that you shouldn't use denatured on the skin because its used as maybe a thinner for industrial products and such.

Can anyone clear this up?

Isn't rubbing alcohol meant to be used on the skin?

Why would I not want to use it?

What is the correct alcohol to use?

Soft soap shelf life

How long can a soft soap sit unused before it spoils? I know most containers have the 12M icon on them, but is the soap trash after a year?

I have around 9 soaps/creams in my rotation, but there's a certain soft soap I'd like to stock up on, maybe keep 2 tubs in waiting. I don't want to purchase extra tubs if they can only sit for a year.

Is this boar broken in?

I need some advice on how many lathers a Semogue 2000 boar brush needs to be broken in.

The background is that I'm attempting to post a comparison between this boar brush and some of my badger brushes. I bought the Semogue new and have been defunking it (3 palm lathers) and breaking it in with palm lathering (5 times) and face lathering (2 times). The brush has dried fully (24 h) between break in lathers. I have been using Martin de Candre and Pré de Provence soaps. I can still feel the individual bristles on my skin.

My questions to those of you who have broken in a Semogue 2000 are:

1. How many lathers does it take for a Semogue 2000 to be considered 'broken in'?

2. Are you supposed to feel the individual bristles when face lathering with this brush when it's broken in?

My intention is to break in the brush adequately to make the comparison. I have used boars (including the SOC) before but I don't want to jump into conclusions regarding the break in for this particular brush.

The brush looks like this now (wet from this mornings face lathering):

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Sensitive nose - trying new soaps

I've just recently picked up a handful of soaps off the BST in a bit of an AD bout. I read so many great things about all these soaps, so I've wanted to try them all. Thus far, I'm disappointing myself. Not because the soaps are lacking, but I'm overly sensitive to smells. Have been for as long as I can remember. Strong cologne/perfume, candles, air fresheners, etc can give me splitting headaches in no time at all.

I started out with VDH. This soap, while on my face, doesn't bother me at all. I milled my puck down and packed it in a bowl. I get a pretty great lather considering its cheap and I'm using a cheap VDH brush as well.

Tried Razorock Fresco - Mild scent. No issues with it in that department. Lather not as slick as my VDH though. I do think I will try this one again though.

Tried Razorock XXX - Not for me. Headache within a few minutes. Lather was same as Fresco. I don't think I will bother with this again.

Tried Tabac - Actually just lathered this one up about an hour ago. Not a fan of the scent. It isn't bothering me as bad as the Razorock XXX, but I don't think I'll be trying it again. Which is unfortunate, because thus far it is the best lather I've had. Slick. Awesome.

I have a couple left to try that I've purchased. Martin de Candre fougere, LA Shaving Vanilla/Eucalptus/Mint, Mama Bear's Unscented, Mama Bear's Sandalwood and Mama Bear's Rosemary Mint.

Any other sensitive noses here? Maybe give me some suggestions on what else I should give a go?

Proraso soap

Just purchased some Proraso soap on the green tub. Never smelt it. How good is it?

First Straight BBS - Thanks Guys!

This morning I achieved my first BBS shave with a straight razor. It's a magic feeling to me and I just what to say thanks to the members of this forum for their continuing advice, support and encouragement.

I've been shaving with straights for about a year now, but only intermittently since I've been off on a journey with early SEs.

There have already been many eureka moments including:

Getting a coticule finished blade from Chasmo to show me what a proper shave ready edge was like.

Getting the first really good shave from a blade I'd honed myself from bevel set to finish.

The "king's new clothes" realisation that beyond 1.0u it's just a matter of personal preference. As imarkow says "it's all chicken."

Buying a Gold Dollar for £4.00, grinding off the shoulders (by hand!), customising the scales, honing it and ending up with a great razor.

After finishing on 0.3u film realising that it's not just about sharpness.

Seeing my straight shaves get progressively better and better through just putting the time in.

And this morning with a blade finished on 0.25u diamond on felt (which I like very much), getting the kind of super comfortable BBS shave that I'm used to from my ER 1924.

Like seemingly every other man on earth, I have a coarse and wiry beard and had wondered if BBS with a straight would even be possible for me, but here it is!

I love everything about straight shaving - the focused and in the moment experience of the shave itself, the super comfortable and irritation free results, the experimentation with the maintenance and all the different finishers, the history and technology of the vintage blades.

But starting out on the straight shaving journey can be a bewildering and discouraging experience and it's only with the advice and support of this forum that I've kept going to get the great rewards.

And I know that I'm still just barely beginning and that there's lots lots more to learn and discover.

So thanks guys!

American Crew shave cream and ASB?


Anyone ever give American crew products a try? These here aftershave and shave cream bottles have been languishing in my shaving kit for some time now. I remember the cream noticeably jamming up the tight space between the blades of my old carts. The after shave balm is a little on the greasy side I suppose? Don't use too much of it.

They've each got a neat sort of spicy smell, if that's the right word.

Any gentlemen seen or used these?

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Shark blades.Which razor blades to try from there?

I just got into wet shaving, and I'm sticking with a Parker 89R Safety razor because shavettes ended up cutting up my face quite a lot...

I currently got the Shark blades because they were very cheap and sharp.

WHich blades would be a good upgrade? SHould I try Bic or Merkur?

I heard the Feather/Kai ones should only be used by people who have the experience

red3ain's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Entry

What is your real name?

What are your nicknames/aliases?

Where do you live?
Rivoli, Italy

What is your age (or) generation?

What are you in the real world?
System administrator, IT Professional

What is your favorite shave setup?
Ikon Shavecraft 101, Perma Sharp blades, Truefitt&Hill No.10, Grey Flannel, Brut

What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
Wetshaving, photo, music

What else should the members of B&B know about you?
I'm a bass player

dimanche 29 juin 2014

Any BJCP judges in here?

Roll call!

TOBS Jermyn st aftershave

Any thoughts on his product. By all accounts, it sounds like something I would really like. It is supposed to smell lovely but also fight the razor burn.

does anyone have any thoughts they can share with me? is there a better one from TOBS to look at? any better ones from other brands?


Potassium Hydroxide

From the Wikipedia article on KOH, "Pre-shave products and some shave creams contain potassium hydroxide to force open the hair cuticle and to act as a hygroscopic agent to attract and force water into the hair shaft, causing further damage to the hair. In this weakened state, the hair is more easily cut by a razor blade."

Does this sound harsh and nasty to anyone else? Does anyone with advanced knowledge of this process know if it is potentially and/or permanently damaging to the skin or hair follicle? I know this substance is used in many creams (but not all) as an agent to help make the soap and to soften the hair. Am I doing permanent damage to my face by using it? My guess is no, but I thought it could make for some interesting conversation. Thanks!

RAD Weekend

My new weekend habit is to spend the first few hours on Saturday hitting up estate sales for what I can find. I spent Sunday fishing on my way back I also stumbled upon a flea market and a few antique shops. All for less than $30!

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I am not sure if I have identified every thing correctly but my haul included:

New Standard Open Comb cased

Open Comb Tech cased

Blue Lady Gillette cased

Flare Tip Super Speed X2

Flare Tip Super Speed Red

Heavy Tech Canada 1932

Heavy Tech

Super Adjustable Plastic Base


British Super Speed

NOS C.V.H. on the 'Bay

Not sure if you guys saw this, but there is a nice looking C.V. Heljestrand MK No. 9 on the 'Bay set up for a $235 BIN. I've never seen a NOS Heljestrand before, so it caught my eye. Seller says the scales are plastic though.

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Trumper's Coconut Dryness

I've noticed that with this cream, as the lather sits on my face while I'm shaving, it will begin to dry out more than any other cream I've ever used. It starts to get that airy flaky quality that lather turns to when it gets too dry, but this seems to happen much sooner than with other creams. Anybody else experience this with this cream?

Other than this issue, I love the cream. It makes great lather, smells great, and is very moisturizing and nurturing. It just doesn't seem to hold its moisture as well for some weird reason.

Best Way to Use My New RazoRock Sample?

I got this sample of RazoRock in the mail with my new Captain's Choice lather bowl the other day. I've never used an Italian-style soft soap before, and I was wondering what's the best way to use a sample this small. I don't think I can swirl my brush around on the top of it, because it's too small. Can I just scoop some out and put it on the brush, then bowl lather it? What do you think?

WTB: Seeking a Decent Slim for a Friend's Birthday - Any Year is OK

I just converted a friend to DE shaving, and his birthday is coming up. He's currently using some cheap modern DE razor he got for $10 so I want to get him something better.

My razor of choice for him is a vintage Slim. He likes the idea of an adjustable, and it's the razor he remembers his dad using back in the day.

I'd like to get one in excellent working condition, although a few visual flaws are fine as long as the safety bars are straight, the 1/4 turn lock works and the adjustment knobs clicks smoothly between settings. It's a plus if the numbers still have their paint but it's not essential.

I'd like to spend a maximum of around $40 or so, if possible. Thus, I'm not expecting to get anything that has been replated or is in flawless visual condition. I just want my friend to have great shaves.

Feel like doing a good dead for a new DE shaving? Got an extra Slim that isn't getting much love anymore? Please contact me.

Thanks for your help,


Gillette Toggle - Missing parts

I have a toggle the is miaaing top parts doors and was curious if anyone know where I can parts for the razor ?



Razor aggressiveness: time to buy new.

Good day folks,

Here's my situation: I have been DE shaving for seven months now and just recently got into shimming my Merkur 23C. Some of you may have noticed in the "razor blade today" thread that it's gotten slightly ridiculous. I decided to go for more aggression by shimming the blade. So when that blade was to be replaced, I turned it into a shim. This worked so well it ended up happening with the second one, the third one, and now the fourth one. It's now a quadruple shimmed razor which tells me it's time for the right tool for the job.

Evidently I can handle a super aggressive setup without any blood. I also do not want a slant razor.

Please give some input into which DE razor would be a very aggressive choice for me. This business of shimming until the cows come home is nonsense.

Slim repair help needed

I recently bought a slim that doesn't seem to work right...

The gap also doesn't change when I turn the adjuster from 1 through 9, and was pretty stiff to turn. To found repair posts saying this was usually caused by soap scum and a 24-48 hour soak in soapy water would usually fix it.

I cleaned the razor with scrubbing bubbles a few times, and it didn't loosen up much - so I soaked the razor in water with some dish soap and turned the adjuster for a few minutes a couple of times a day for 4 days. The blade gap still doesn't adjust, but I don't think it's because of soap scum anymore...

There is also a 1mm gap between the top of the numbered adjustment barrel and the collar with the slot and spring end. On setting 1, the blade gap is about 1/8".

I found a repair post and a u tube video about over clocking. I can't quite figure out 2 of the steps to fix it though...

1. Inside the slot, there is a black plastic piece with a nub that sticks out. The plastic piece slides up and down on the spring. Do I push the plastic piece or the spring wire in order to turn the adjuster enough to fix the over clocking ? Do I push it toward the inside of the handle, or towards the baseplate of the head ? When I'm done, should that nub ride in a groove inside the numbered barrel ?

2. When I turn the numbered adjustment barrel, it stops turning as soon as the edge makes contact with the slotted collar that holds the spring and plastic piece. That slotted collar goes inside the numbered barrel, correct ? I've examined both the collar and barrel with a strong light, and neither looks out-of-round, or crimped. So I don't see why it stops turning. Should I disassemble the razor and clean / sandpaper/ polish the inside of the collar ? I'd rather not uncrimp the piece holding the shaft on if I don't have to...

Thanks for the help !

Recommend me an Atomizer

I'm looking to buy an atomizer for decanting. This is for mostly home use so I don't need a travel atomizer per se. The most important thing is that the atomizer doesn't leak and sprays well. I guess really just well made. Cost is not an issue, although I don't want to spend $185 for the creed ones.

Suggestions? I know there are some decent travel ones, but if the atomizer only holds 4 mL I'm going to have to refill it quite frequently which would be annoying at best.

What do you think? I've looked around a bit but most atomizer suggestions are for travel versions.

About a month into it.

After years of wanting to try wet shaving my wife threw away my Mach 3 and suggested that we get me some "gear". It is absolutely the best shaves I've ever had. After the initial retraining of technique and a few nicks I've become very comfortable with it and know I made the right choice. It's a lot like my daily trips to the gym in that the ritual of preparation is as fulfilling as the end result. Both are "me time" and the perfect start and finish to my day. I'm sure I'll have questions and I'm pretty stoked to be here. Sorry about the pic!

Edwin Jäger long handle

Merkur 43c

Parker Best Badger


Taylor of old bond street: Jerymn

Mushy Real: Oak Moss

D.R. Harris: Marlborough

Colonel Conk: Bay Rum

Dreadnought Shaving Cream and Pre Shave

Jack Black Supreme Cream

on order:

Castle Forbes: Cedar and Sandalwood

Geo Trumper: Eucris

How to Grow A Moustache: Cavendish

Duke Cannon

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After shaves

I'm having issue with trying to find a good aftershave. My face dries out pretty easily so I'm looking for some sort if aftershave or balm that will prevent that.

soko's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Entry

What is your real name?

What are your nicknames/aliases?
Soko (pronounced sock-o)

Where do you live?
Connecticut, soon to be NYC

What is your age (or) generation?

What are you in the real world?
Marketing Professional

What is your favorite shave setup?
EJ89, Omega Boar 80266, Nox, Proraso White soap, Proraso Green splash

What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
Swimming, triathlons, fitness.

Eclectic music lover.

What else should the members of B&B know about you?
Photography hobbyist. Check out my gallery at: soko.vsco.co !

For sale or trade


merkur futur gold . I used 4 times not my type of razor but the build quality and shave quality is excellent . Little scratch on bottom handle hard to show in the picture. I am asking for $70 shipped Conus only. Again US shipping only.

i am willing to trade for simpson chubby 1 in good condition.


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1904 vintage razor issue

I've decided I want a 1904 open comb vintage razor. I understand that a lot of these older three piece razors have issues with cracked handles. Do I need to look for one with a special original handle, or do I buy one and replace the handle with something new? Were there some models that didn't have problems with bent teeth? How do I go about this project ?


New to DE razors in the land of disposables!

After some years of wanting to do this, I've finally bought a DE razor, soap, and use a brush my wife gave me and have taken the plunge...

I live in Nicaragua, where you would think DE razors and blades would be readily available... NOT! I've asked in farmacies, beauty supply stores, hospital stores and they always give me disposables. So they understand what type of blade I'm looking for I explain they are the ones that in movies people use to cut their vains, and of course I get a very strange look!

So I ordered a Weber, a blade starter pack from the US, and found miraculously Pre de Provence shaving soap.

This forum has been great help and my mind is going crazy thinking what i will use next (soap, cream, which brand, scent, etc). I do know that next up will be a Simpson Chubby 2 or Saville Row.


Bad sun burn - Walgreens to the rescue!

Good evening folks,

This weekend was full of sun and pain for me. Hung out with a bunch of buddies from my ship out by the pool and naturally didn't need sunscreen. Because I overestimated the toughness of my lily white belly, I woke up at 4am with searing hot skin and a bit of a hangover.

On top of that I'd forgotten about a triple date my wife and I were going on - stand-up paddle boarding at the beach. Awesome.

Well I survived all the above and have been applying this awesome liquid aloe spray with 0.5% lidocaine for pain relief. It was the only product I found with an analgesic and aloe as the first two ingredients and it seems to work well.

Tried to find a link for you guys but couldn't. I'll take a picture of the bottle in the morning so you'll know what I'm talking about.

Take care!

newbie looking to graduate from cartridges.

Hello. I have been using cartridges for 30 years and I'm finally looking to graduate to wet shaving. I have been doing a lot of research, mostly from lurking on this forum. I made my first impulse buy with a Merkur Vision adjustable razor. Needless to say, this is a suboptimal beginner razor, and I was chopped up a bit. So much so that it scared me off wet shaving for awhile. But I'm determined to learn. I think I've done a good job with basics...like producing a nice lather and preparing my face for a shave....so back to choosing an appropriate razor.

I have read a lot of positive comments on the Cobra Classic razor. So now I'm thinking.....should I get a more appropriate beginner DE razor, such as a Merkur 34C...or just go Cobra?

Thank you in advance for your help.

After about a dozen shaves with a straight

...I decided to get cocky and make a vid. Ended up doing 3 passes, but I'm sparing everyone from the last 2. To be fair, this is about as much about playing with a new video editing app than it is showing off the fact that I can now shave with a straight without lacerating myself.


SOTD "British Soaps/Creams" Theme Week 30 June-6 July 2014


This weeks Item of the Week is 3 Ts and other British soaps and creams. For me, that meant breaking out my D.R. Harris Windsor shave soap, my favorite British soap. So show us what you've got, and if you have the time, stop in at the IOTW thread and tell us which British soap or cream you recommend and why.


Semogue 610

D.R. Harris Windsor SS

Weber Bulldog ARC/ Derby

D.R. Harris Windsor AS

Creed Royal Water

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My best shave yet.and i am just getting started

Two weeks in to a DE and I finally had a shave without cuts and nicks...and it feels smooth...I had some days where I dripped blood

AND..i have not gotten the good stuff yet..i am waiting for an order from WCS for different blades..i am using the Mercur blades which feel harsh...also waiting for my Proraso and TOBS shaving creams/pre/post shaves to come...I've been using Kiehls so far which i'm not really loving. I do like their other men's products though

all and all I have nothing to complain about! its going to get even better when I get the rest of the stuff

Verge Fusee Pocket watches?

Hey Gents,

Anyone have a Verge Fusee Pocket watch? Or experience with them? They fascinate me. Especially the ones from the 1700's.

If you have one, comments on things I should consider? Things to look for etc. obviously a working model with an intact chain with hooks. Would love you see pics of any Verge's out there.

Thanks in advance.


Cranked up the Fat Boy to an 8

After several months of shaving with the Fat Boy on 4, I decided to be a little reckless and crank it up to an 8. I was amazed I got an awesome BBS shave with even less irritation than usual. Not sure if this is a fluke, if I was just overly careful, or if maybe my whiskers just do better with a little more aggressive razor. Anyone been stuck in the land of 3 and 4 had a similar experience?

Want to Buy GFT Coral Skin Food 200ml

Hello Gents, I'm looking for a bottle of GFT Coral Skin Food 200ml (or larger). Looking for a new or very slightly used bottle, but I'm also looking for a good deal. Thanks gents and have a great day!

New Standard Titles in Rotation?

Anyone else notice some hilarious new standard titles in rotation? Or perhaps they are just new to me.

Associate di Cella

Cella Fella


Wife shaved with my vintage Merkur slant and feathers!

Never thought I would be able to get her to do that. I first gave her a blue tip. She said it wasn't cutting it so I gave her a flare tip. That didn't work so I let her try the slant loaded with a fresh feather. She actually liked it. Although she was a bit scared. I guess it's time for me to try and find another nos vintage slant.

FS: Kent BK12, Merkur Futur, Semogue Texugo

First up:

Kent BK12

The world renown BK12 - a bowl latherer's dream. This is one sexy looking and awesome brush. Great condition, no shedding, super soft. It's an icon in the shaving world. Sadly, I am poor and have to start selling off shaving items to afford my other interests. Asking $185 shipped (firm) USA.

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20140608-MIL_2861 by bmilcs, on Flickr

20140608-MIL_2862 by bmilcs, on Flickr

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20140613-MIL_3653 by bmilcs, on Flickr

Next up...

Merkur Futur.

One of my first safety razors but it isn't getting much use nowadays. Good condition. Asking $65 shipped CONUS.

I added a removable rubber sleeve around the base of the handle to improve grip.

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20140628-MIL_5330.jpg by bmilcs, on Flickr

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Semogue Texugo

Great brush. Very soft. Super backbone. Just too small for me. Asking $65 shipped.

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20140629-MIL_5350.jpg by bmilcs, on Flickr

20140629-MIL_5352.jpg by bmilcs, on Flickr

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