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samedi 31 mai 2014

DE shaving for the frequent flier

I have been DE shaving for about 2 weeks now and loving every second of it. I also happen to travel very frequently for work and do not want to have to take a CART to my face while on the road. I have had random small objects - nail clipper because the file turned out on it - confiscated by the TSA. With that said, I am worried that the DE blades would not make it through security screening. I have a Muhle R89 and several blades that I would like to take on the road with me (the '56 Flair Tip stays home.) Any recommendations of a setup that will be airline friendly so I can enjoy having a great shave on the road as well?

Hey Y'all

Hello everyone I'm new to wet shaving. I had a bad case of razor burn the other day. Coincidentally, I also saw the micro one touch commercial and that got me interested in Wet Shaving. I did some research and decided to order a DE89. I'll update y'all with the results when it comes in.



ID help please.

I just found this at one of my local antique stores that I frequent. It was pretty black and not too good looking so the guy gave it to me for $8. I saw that the handle had no cracks what so ever so I knew it was a steal. Although I didn't expect it to come out this pretty. Just by the colour, now correct me if I'm wrong, but on Mr Razor's site, the only New LC this colour is the 1930 Federal. unfortunately I don't have the case so there's no way to know for sure. If anyone knows, please enlighten me.

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WTB: Coticule FS: Hoffritz Straight, Coticule and Lily White Washita

WTB: looking for another coticule. No La Grise please. Hybrid would be preferred but just let me know what you have.

FS: prices include shipping to the US.

8.25"x2"x1" Pike Lily White Washita. It is a good bevel setter and is very fine. $100

Vintage natural combo coticule. 120mm x 46mm x 21mm. The BBW on this one is brown, I haven't used it so I can't compare it to other BBW. The coticule side is moderately fast on slurry and slow on water. $65

13/16 Hofftriz France Straight.

Half hollow. This one was made by Le Grelot for Hoffrtiz. It is the same as a P. Hospital model. Very fine shaver. It has some snail trails on the back side and back side of the spine. See pics. Is not shave ready. $125 OBO

Tutorial: Repair cracked handles/shafts in Gillette Old Types etc.

Hello fellow shavers!

I have acquired several razors with cracked handles but could not find any in-depth tutorials on how to repair them. Here is how I fix them. My hope is to give back a little to this great site.

Tools needed:

On this particular job (1918 Ball End Old Type) I used a 8" Spring Clamp (black) from Sears, and a 12" Irwin Quick-Grip clamp from Home Depot.

Small metal file (orange).

5/16"aluminum tube (hollow) from hobby store.

5/16" x 12" pipe cleaner from Harbor freight.

Loctite marine epoxy.

Several Q-Tips.

Isopropyl rubbing alcohol.


For this tutorial I used a single sided crack (easier to repair) that went about 50% of the shaft. Ball-end detached. (More later on double cracks, and full length cracks.)

Crack 1.jpg

Clean the inside of the handle with the pipe cleaner

Note:If crack is not handles full length, in and out while twisting works well. Besure not to use larger than recommended as it could get stuck in the handle.And I ain’t kidding!

Pipe cleaner.jpg

Cut aluminum tubing to the inside length of the handle, minus the depth the ball handle will sit. I slid the tubing all the way in, marked the tube, then subtracted the ball handle's depth. It does not need to be exact. Within 1/8" or so is fine.

Note: If you want to add weight to the handle a cut 5/16 bolt works very well.

Mark 1.jpg

Mark 2.jpg

Dry-fit to ensure good fit. Simply place the

razor parts together to ensure that your cut piece isn’t too long.

*Note: PLEASE do not post until I am finished. I'll need 4 posts. I'll try to reserve them also. Thank you!*

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Newbie (sort of)

Hello everyone.......find this site cool...hope to see many interesting things and share some of my own.

shaving direction/beard mapping importance for newbs from a fellow newb

so, after dismissing the whole thing as something overly fussy and unnecessary at first, (Sorry) I decided to try the concept of beard mapping to my shaving regimen. I found out that I should NOT be shaving my neck north-south but east-west. closer shave, no irritation. a revelation! :w00t: I had actually been shaving across the grain rather than WTG or ATG, causing irritation and razor burn, bumps, etc. I was so wrong to dismiss the importance of this, at least in my particular case! It might be very important to others as well, so I'm urging other newbs to pay attention to it. Thanks for making the information available on B&B, you saved my neck. literally! :001_cool:

Brush and DE Stand

Looking for a heavy, good quality stand that can hold a regular DE and either a Simpsons Classic 2 or a Duke 3, hanging by the handle, brush side down.

Any ideas?

Looking for a guard plate for gold tuckaway

I am looking for a spare part for a tuckaway, I could use the flat guard plate, with cap but without is ok, thanks for looking, if you find one let me know.

Shaving stick holder

I'm trying to built a minimalist no compromise travel shaving kit. Thinking of using stick shaving soap. A push up container seems ideal. Less mess when using and sealed in the kit. Any ideas what to use for the stick or container? If I'm repurposing, I'd prefer something I could strip all the logos off so it looks like it belongs.

ATT Atlas M2

Just had first shave with Atlas M2 and it certainly lived up to expectations. Never used an open comb but it was very smooth and efficient. This one will definitely take a place high in my rotation. Used Mikes barbershop, Semogue 1305 and Astra SP. Anyone that's on the fence regarding this razor, go for it! Don't think you will regret it.

Dobbelman Soap

Ran across an interesting collection of wrapper art from the Dobbelman Soap & Detergent Factory located in Nijmegen,Netherlands 1807-1998....http://ift.tt/1jIrXTq

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Attacked By a Shark and a Crab

Away this weekend for a work function and sliced one finger trying to eat a crab claw last night. Then this morning, I sliced another finger on a Shark SS. I need to be more careful around sea creatures!



Cracked Scale- ? Repair/reinforce


I just got this razor and during unpacking and inspection it dropped on the floor and landed on the tang. I noticed this crack through the hinge pin. The scales are thin (1/8" or so) and appear to be bone or ivory. My question is whether there is some newbie applied way to repair or reinforce the crack? It does not go all the way through the scale and the surface is not displaced. Thanks very much.

Charlie Moore

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FS: RV, Joes, Vie Long and Semogue, Vintage razors, multi razor stands, Mystery Box!

A little den clearing time...

Shipping is $5, free if you spend $50. International, please contact me.


Semogue SOC in Ash, New - $25

Everready 100 T - This was cleaned up and reknotted by Rudy Vey with a Muhle v2 synthetic, lathered once. I'm just not a synthetic guy. $40

Shaving Joe Brush - Joe made this for the Sue auction but didn't like the way the ribbon turned out on the bottom. It's a great brush with a TGN 2 band finest. $50

Vie Long Lord Randall Mixed Knot - $30


Gillette Knack - $15

Gillette Tech Fat Handle - handle is rough, top has brassing but it's a great shaver - $10

Gillette Super Speed Black Tip - brassing on top - $15


Gillette Aristocrat NOS - this razor is pristine, never been shaved with. Case and blades are in great shape too. More pics in the next post. $100


The two larger stands were built by Duderubble here on the forum. The top one had a piece of wood break off so it only holds one brush. Both hold 6 razors.

Top stand - $15

Middle stand - $20

Bottom stand - $15


Polsilver Blades made in the Wizamet Poland factory. Each pack has 10 blades. Great vintage blades. $5 a pack. $4.50 a pack for 5 or more packs.

Razorock aftershave wax - unused - $8

Last but not least, the MYSTERY BOX!

I am going to put over $100 worth of goodies in a box. $50 for the box!

FS: Mastro Livi 6/8 New Grind Straight w/ Cocobolo Scales

Hello gentlemen, due to me being in a tight bind I will be selling off my Livi straight. She has been lightly used and is shave ready! I will let her go for $280, shipped CONUS. Apologies for the poor pics, my phone is the only camera I have at the moment.

Thanks for looking!

NOS Japanese Western.Build Quality Excellence!

Received today in less than one weeks time from Tokyo. Guys....if you truly LOVE straight razors, you owe it to yourself to obtain a Japanese Western! Excuse my thumbprint on the tang...this jewel was pretty spotless ...wrapped in paper inside original coffin.

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Can someone define what a wedge is?

I just bought a Royal Wedge razor, does the fact that there is no spacer on the one end of the scales make it a wedge? I just don't know.

Looking for a winter hat

I'm looking for a hat to wear in the winter, to keep my head warm while going to/from work. I wear business casual to the office, defined as dress pants, shirts, and shoes, with a wool charcoal calf-length overcoat. I am not in a customer-facing role, but routinely am seen by and frequently interact with people much further up the chain from my present rung of the ladder. Therefore, I dress conservatively -- which, incidentally, is also (in my opinion) a prerequisite for the kind of work I do.

I am trying to find a hat that will complement that look and will not make me look like the stereotypical Russian Spy from the old spy thrillers, nor that will be a wool knit cap.

I have never ventured into this particular realm of accessory. Your thoughts are most definitely appreciated! If there is any other information I can provide, please let me know and I will try to provide it.

Thank you!

Looking for some new soaps.

Like the topic says. I've tried proraso and synergy. What should be next on my soaps list?

Re-using AS bottles for different AS

Assuming one would want to re-use a glass AS bottle to hold a different AS, is there a proven way to clean out the AS bottle (or any fragrance bottle, for that matter) such that the old contents do not "pollute" the new contents?

Thank you!

Bouey Bros. Any info on these guys?

I just picked up a 4/8 SR from a local shop, mainly cause the price was right, it was in good shape and it was Canadian. I don't have any Canadian Straights. I never heard of the company, and google didn't help out much. Does anybody know much about these guys? What year this may be from?

On one side it says No 16, and on the other it says Bouey Bros co ltd. Winnipeg & Calgary

Bouey Bros no 16 - 1.jpgBouey Bros no 16 - 2.jpgBouey Bros no 16 - 3.jpgBouey Bros no 16 - 4.jpg

Could this be saved?

Hi guys just wondered if this is worth restoring or is it not worth the time and effort? I mean it's got some pretty bad rusting and can't really make out markings. One side i think it says made & ground in Sheffield and I think the other side say rook I think anyway. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1401561915.402100.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1401561967.868046.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1401562020.983462.jpg

Restoration Vendors - Blade worth restoring?


I purchased a wade and butcher bow razor. The blade itself is in pretty good shape, but I completely missed two chips by the heel of the blade. 20140531_103558.jpg20140531_103618.jpg

Is there a by chance a list of professional restorers here on the site?

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I.D. for pipe cleaners

I was at a local grocery store picking up some items and along with other things some Dill pipe cleaners. The check out girls said "its says I need to see your ID for these". I think she was as shocked as I was. Im used to it when I get my Copenhagen but thought pipe cleaners was a bit extreme. Anyone else experience this?

What's the definition of a lather hog?

Is that a brush that just requires more lather? Or just hard to get the soap to release?

Just checking in

Hey all! I just thought I'd say hello and officially introduce myself.

I've been lurking mostly the last couple weeks but I like the vibe I'm getting from this group. I found this site and was introduced to DE shaving completely by accident a couple weeks ago. I ran out of cartridges and before I was going to buy more, I wanted to search up and see what the differences between all the Gillette Mach/Fusion/Proglide/etc were and Google led me to a thread here where someone pointed out the average cost of DE blades were $0.10-0.15 vs the $2.50 cartridges and I was blown away. I always thought that "old kind of shaving" was expensive and when I discovered otherwise, I read up some more and within the next day, I picked up a couple razors and some blades for less than the cost of a jumbo pack of cartridges at Costco.

You guys have a wealth of info here and the wiki has been pretty useful so far. My birthday's coming up in 2 weeks so I think I'm going to keep my eye open for a birth year Black Beauty :thumbup:

Xikar humidification system

Just incredible. I maintain the cigar humidor at a private club I belong to (not very exclusive, they let me in). It's one of those tall, 3 tray, glass on all sides display humis. I had been using a combination of 5 gel and bead jars, 2 large, 3 small. It had been a real problem keeping the humidity up. Recently, I decided to try Xikar's humidification system. I got the larger unit, rated for 250 cigars, a lot more than the humi can hold. When I opened the humidifier up, it had about a teaspoon (if that much) of what looked like the beads in some other systems. Also got a bottle of the Xikar PG solution; according to the bottle, this is not the standard 50\50 PG distilled water mixture and Xikar advisess not to use a 50\50. Instructions said to add the PG solution to fill to top of the screen and let sit about 30 minutes. Voila, about 30 minutes later, the teaspoon of beads and solution had changed into a near solid mass of what looked exactly like the jars of gel I've used with much success for years.

Took it down to them club, installed it in the top of the humidor, recharged the 5 jars of beads and gel in the bottom, removed the trays, sprayed them with distilled water, wiped them down and put them back. When I checked it the next day, humidity was up to about 65%, a good 20% higher than had been registering previously. Now, 2 weeks later, the humidity is showing about 72% on the hygrometer that came with the humidor and about 68% on another one that I keep there. It still doesn't need to be recharged. Xikar says to use only the PG solution, not distilled water or 50\50. At $10 for the larger bottle, it seems kind of expensive, but depending on how long it lasts, it may be worth the cost.

Has anyone else used this system, and what were your results and experience?

Finally my first restoration!

Well i have been wanting to start and finish this restoration for the last month and a half or so, but with working out of town for weeks at a time and having a new 3 month old son it just hasn't happened.. Not to mention I tried to take my time. Anyways here is my first restoration, I cleaned the razor and made the scales. Its surely not perfect but i think it looks okay and I learned a ton of stuff that i know to do different next time. Sorry about the crappy before pictures.









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Where do I get blades?

Being very new to the DE blade, I have no idea where to get them. As I mentioned in my introduction, I have one of the Micro Touch One razors they have on TV. I have about a dozen packages of the blades that come with the razor, as well as two packages of Wilkinson Swords that were also sent with my purchase. I know shaving with this type of razor is going to take a lot of practice, and I figure if I'm going to stick with it, I should start with a real good quality blade. I'm just going out on a limb and guessing the Micro Touch aren't exactly top of the line.

The handle seems ok, though I have nothing to compare it to. I'm almost positive I remember seeing an old handle in my dads medicine cabinet, and I thought it would be cool to use that if it's still there. I'll have to ask him how old it is.

Anyway, do they even sell DE razors in places like CVS and Walgreens? Can anyone recommend an online shave store? And while you're at it, feel free to tell me what to look for in a blade or just recommend one. Thank you in advance.

The Gillette Goodwill Bad RAD

So when the weather got warm in FL we went up to the WNC mountains. I brought a New with a stainless steel handle, a Slim, and a Tech. Then, somehow, a Long Comb fever came over me. This was not a normal RAD; it was sudden and irrational, and over almost before my wife could intervene (though intervene she did!)

Within a short period I had added (left to right below, not counting the one hanging on the mug) a Rhodium New, a sad-sack goldwash New (with coppery cap), a down-to-brass New (I really like that yellow brass cap), a Goodwill Frankenrazor (from B&B Hobbyist’s own Techici), and a regular long comb Goodwill.

We had a thread a while ago about the Goodwills, in which UnCL3 asked about a Long Comb blade guard with a perforated cap that may have been mis-matched, here: http://ift.tt/1wINDc3

After that thread had percolated in my mind for a week or so, I thought I wanted to try that razor, too, and as soon as my brain heard, “I want…” the fever was on me! First, I had to try a regular Goodwill for a baseline…yeah, a baseline, that’s it (which turned out to be indistinguishable to me from any other New Long Combs), and, of course, while looking for the baseline, I found other News that I wanted (including the Rhodium one – the true manifestation of the fever!).

Anyway, the Frankenrazor Goodwill shaves more like a Tech to me than a Long Comb. It took me half the first shave to find the correct angle, so I lathered up again and shaved…again. The result was a DFS with no irritation. I shaved several times with the baseline Goodwill and once with the Rhodium New, but not yet with the other two that came along for the ride.

The razor in the background is a Krona replate hooked up to a Justin Griest stainless steel handle – a workhorse that has been on vacation since the fever.

Gillette News and Goodwills.JPG

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