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mercredi 30 avril 2014

Feather vs Gillette Yellow

I've been using Gillette 7 O'clock Yellows for a while now, ever since I first started using a safety razor. However, I've noticed in the past six months or so that my shaves have been getting worse and I've been getting more red bumps. I decided to try trading up to Feathers, and for the past week that's been my blade.

Well, my shaves have been nothing short of super! Smooth, bloodless, irritation-free, each and every one! I have two ten-packs and about eight blades left in the first pack I cracked open, and it looks as though I'll be ordering more. So far, I've only used a Feather in my Fatboy, so I'm curious to see how it works in my SS and Bulldog EJ89, but if works as well in those as it does in the Fatboy, I'll be kissing my Gillette Yellows goodbye!

My best friend's brother is thinking about getting into DE shaving to save money, so I'll PIF them to him.

Honing work

How could I find out if there is someone who does honing in Louisiana?

saurabh711's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Entry

What is your real name?

What are your nicknames/aliases?

Where do you live?
Baltimore, MD

What is your age (or) generation?

What are you in the real world?
IT professional

What is your favorite shave setup?
Merkur Futur, Feather Blade, Maca Root Cream, Ever-ready restored Silvertip

What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
Traveling, Hiking, Video Games Fixing stuff

What else should the members of B&B know about you?
Started wet shaving 6 months back.

Good handle on electronics and computers, like to fix stuff

Omg, my wife is pure EVIL!

Ok, I've been waiting for a special delivery for over a week now. Some new shaving schtuff. It arrived today according to the tracking data. We live in a gated community that uses a central mail box location instead of an individual box at each house. Saves time and money. However they are individual lock boxes for each home. The key word is lock...

So after checking on line to see where my shipment was and saw that it was DELIVERED, I got excited and started looking for the mailbox key. Panic set in because it was not where it should have been. Oh no!!! My lovely significant other had put it in her purse (the great abyss) on her last visit to the mailbox and didn't put it back. And I quote "It just slipped my mind." That is where the EVIL part of her starts. To top it off she is out of town on a business trip until tomorow evening. So my package that I having anxiously waiting for is 500 feet away locked up and I have no way to get to it. Now I have to set here and keep from going postal waiting for her to get home. According to my wife I suffer from OCD. I don't see it. LOL

Its a darn good thing that I love her because this wait will definately put that to the test.

Ordered some new things, but.

Has the lure of 'free shipping' ever compelled you to buy more than you initially intended?

I'm nearing the end of the puck of Edwin Jagger sandalwood. Which I might add I've enjoyed using. My (keenly perceived) plan was to buy a puck of 'something new to me' soap, and I'd be good. Turned out the shipping was going to be as much as the product. So, being me I decided to partake of the 'minimum order/free shipping' offer presented by the retailer I chose to do business with. Certainly not complaining about it and look forward to trying a few (new to me) products. On its' way are:

- TOBS Sandalwood shaving soap

- Proraso Red shaving soap

- Tabac shaving soap. (The love/hate opinion I'm reading about has me wanting to answer for myself. What is it about Tabac?)

A unique selection perhaps, but I look forward to trying them all. Out of curiosity, which do you think I should try first? Why?

Would also like to offer a huge 'thank you' to the many of you who write reviews and opinions on products used :thumbup1:. Being in a location that does not offer near vicinity to many of the fine products available, these reviews become a basis for decision making.

So, here I am eagerly anticipating a package in the mail even though I spent a bit more than intended. :biggrin1:


Alpa wow !

Just got a bottle of Alpa Fougere and tried it on. My wife attacked me ! :thumbup: Very nice clean sent that wares well. Anyone else use Alpa products ? I don't here much about them?

MLB: 2014 Season Thread

Talk the game.


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My setup after 5+ years of wet shaving

Wow. I cant believe i have been wet shaving for a little over 5 years. I just realized this today and figured I would make a quick post about my current setup and experience.

Let me start by saying I have put big money and time into this wet shaving "hobby". My wife looks at any package that arrives for me now with total disdain. My kids think I am sick. Perhaps I have been. Spending countless hours in the bathroom and crawling the net reading reviews. I have been looking for the "grail" setup and nothing ...nothing was going to stop me. I have tried just about every popular cream and soap out there. Tried boar, horse, and badger (in different grades) brushes. I have gone thru several aftershaves. And a few different DE razors. And hundreds of different blades. Oh lets not forget experimenting with all the different methods to get the ever elusive BBS. Oy vey!!!!!

So for the setup that is making me the most happy these days:

1. Merkur 15c Open Comb razor - Open comb razors have given me the closest and most comfortable shaves. The 15c is light, small, and grippy with its knurled handle. The best!

2. Dorco Platinum ST300 blades - I can get 4-5 shaves out of these easily. These have been the best for my face and have never cut or left weepers. They are super cheap.....$8 for 100. Nice!!!

3. Simpson Special in Pure Badger - Yeah this is the intro Simpson brush. Its cheap and is a workhorse for face lathering. Nice dense knot and and a great handle. Handmade from the UK for less than $30. Its my go-to!

4. Pinaud Clubman Bay Rum - I want burn! Bay Rum provides me the best post shave feel and restoration over all the others. After a BBS ....Bay Rum smooths my face down to bambino "softiness". Plus it smells AwEsOmE!!!!!

5. My 3 Soaps - And they are..........Cella, Arko, and Colonel Conk Bay Rum. Yep these are it. If I have to stick to these 3 the rest of my life then so be it. These have provided the best experiences for me with regards to performance, price, fragrance, and care for my face. All other soaps and creams have left me wanting more.

I love em!

6.Technique - The Marco method for face lathering. Marco has it right when it comes to this technique. I like the loads of lather protecting my face....to provide a no irritation, cut/weeper free, BBS shave everytime. The other plus to this method is that it liberates me from the bowl...which means less stuff to crowd my cabinet. Thank you Marco!!!

That pretty much sums it up. Of course YMMV. I am happy with this for now. Who knows what will happen in the future. These items are what I am stocking up on in case of the shave apocolypse.


Want to Buy WTB Gillette Senator or Sheraton

I've lost a few Senators recently at the last second - it's super frustrating. My last razor that I am looking to buy is a 37/38 Senator. It's my last "piece" that I've been trying to acquire.

If you have an extra you'd like to sell, please PM me and let's work something out and do a Paypal-thing.

New fragrance blend, 'Gasparilla'

New concoction!

two parts virgin island bay rum plus one part Cuba Gold cologne.

great fiery bay rum opener, followed by mellow tobacco dry down!

'Gasparilla' is ideal pirate-cigar name!

Distributorships now available!!


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New WSP Monarch

Just received my new WSP Monarch in high mountain white. I must say that this is an excellent brush, especially for the price! It is very soft with absolutely no scritch and just the right amount of backbone. It is also a lather monster!

What a week! Hopefully my B&B boar will be here tomorrow!!!!:w00t:

Scuttle trouble with hard water to boot!

What soaps would you gents recommend for this? I've tried VDH Glycerine, luxury and Stirling to no real satisfaction. Before the scuttle I would have a lather explosion with the VDH Luxury soap! :angry: I have a pretty nice (IMO) Royal Shave badger brush.

The Shave Shop Friodur?

Has anyone purchased one of the Henckles Friodurs from The Shave Shop? They claim the 8/8 blanks are newly discovered old blanks, freshly ground. I am thinking about using the funds from a recent TI purchase, gone bad, to pick up one of these. I am interested in trying a larger blade, and wondering if these are what they appear to be.

Also, any feedback on The Shave Shop, in general, would be welcome. Thanks.

edit: Sorry, Shaving Shop.

Questions about silver tip

Is it normal to have a WD silver tip take 24 hours to dry? Even when placed in a holder upside down? How long for a new one to properly bloom? Does a silver tip exfoliate at all?

I'm a silver n3wb.


Sorry if this noob question has already been addressed (I'm sure it has but I couldn't find it), but I was wondering how to get multiple lines in my signature. I was trying to add my name as was suggested, but it wouldn't let me. Thanks in advance!

Looking to try Personna Med Prep But.

Hi everyone i am looking to try personna med prep blade but i don't want to commit to a bulk buy as it is very expensive:sad: so i was hoping someone could send me a few to try out i would gladly send some of my stock in return just send me a PM.



This morning I tried a sample of Fine Fresh Vetiver aftershave that I got from Maggard Razors. It is my first exposure to vetiver and I like the scent very much. So what other vetiver aftershaves (and soaps) should I be on the look for?

Straight Minimalism straight sale, right?

All SOLD Pending Funds!

Nahh I leave minimalism to others, but I still have to downsize a bit! ;-)

Here are a few straights, all are shave ready (by my standard) except the CVH. Prices include shipping in Canada & US, contact me for international and we'll work out the shipping costs.

If you buy 2 razors, take 6$ off the total, if you buy three, take $15 off, if you want more, you have a problem, but I'm sure we can discuss it ;)

Full pictures here: http://1drv.ms/1meMNwG

The list:

1. Tuckmar straight razor, 17.4mm: $40

2. Germania Cutlery, 17.4mm : $45

3. Genco de roma, 14.6mm: $35

4. Sears razor, 16.8mm : $40

5. Croghan, 17.5mm : $45

6. Jackson, 16.8mm : $20

7. Torrey, 15.6mm : $45

8. CVH No.2, 14.2mm : $55

Family pictures:


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What kind of razor is this?

I received this razor today as a gift from family, and I have no clue what it is.

At first I thought maybe a Clix, but it doesn't have any markings on it at all. Curious if anyone knows anything about it.

After a quick cleanup and a blade in it:

DE/SE Razor WTT: Twinplex Stropper for some blades/AS

I have a seemingly-NOS Twinplex stropper, with original packaging and instructions. Why do I have one of these? EXACTLY! Would like to trade for either:

1) 200 Personna Blues

2) Fine Aftershave (any model), two bottles

3) one bottle of Myrsol (except Emulsion)

4) 100 Feathers

5) some kind of INSAAAAAAAANNNNE combination!


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FS-Some Really Fine Straights and Brushes

Den clearing time and it really breaks my heart to see some of this go, but-

OK..starting with the razors, all are "Shave Ready" to MY standards. Your criteria is no doubt not identical to mine; your beard is not the same as mine. This topic has been discussed many times on this forum. I say that per my criteria all are "Shave Ready". You may disagree..sorry. Now with that out of the way....


1. Dovo Palisander 6/8 full hollow. This was an exclusive run made for TSS which I understand when these are gone, there will be no more. Wonderful shaver..excellent condition. Comes with original hard shell case. Currently priced at TSS for $155-$165....for you? $140.00


2. Thiers Issard 7/8 Blades Grim Edition hollow ground. I can't tell; full hollow maybe-maybe half hollow? Nonetheless a hell of a nice razor. Last honed by Doc226 some time back and the Carbonsong 135 is a steel which keeps an edge forever. Beautiful Faux-tortoise scales. Comes with OEM box and leather sleeve (if I can find it..I'm sure I will). Again excellent condition. Currently priced at $210.00 but listed as "unavailable". Today's low, low, Acmemfg price-$179.95.


3. Boker Tree Brand 4/8 hollow ground. Said by some to be the best production razor to come out of the EU. This is a wonderfully maneuverable and scary sharp blade. Great for you guys who have a lot of detail work with beards, etc., but works just fine as a full face shaver as well. Seems for some reason these little spuds are getting hard to fine. Don't miss out. Uncle Acme will slash this one to $119.95


Brushes..yep, have them too. All in marvelous shape..NO SHEDDERS

1. Omega 346235 Synthetic. Probably one of the most under rated synthetics out there. Handle is an ergonomic masterpiece. This one works well with any product I have put in front of it. Wonderful feel. $29.95

2. Vulfix 2235 Super Badger. Wonderful decadent brush. Works well with soaps, even better with cream. This is the brush you want when your face needs a real pampering $49.95

3. Vie Long Zurrito w/TGN finest badger knot. I originally picked this up because the handle is so "right" Knot loft is about 45mm. Diameter is maybe about 23mm. This one is a face-lathering fool. You MWF and Mike's guys will love it. $25.00


One thing-

Any purchases made after May 1 will most probably not be sent out until May 13 (wow..just like buying from some European vendors) as I'm gonna be pretty pre-occupied during that time. Figured I should mention that.

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Not rinsing mug after use = better lather tomorrow

I have a lidded rice bowl I got from Target a few months ago, on the recommendation of one of the members here at B&B (I forget who). I used to do the clean thing, rinse the bowl out after each lathering. One day about a week ago, I decided to leave the old lather in the bowl and see what would happen. To my amazement, the next days lathering was effortless, and way easier and much quicker. I don't think I will rinse away all that lathery goodness anymore. I am using Mikes Barbershop now, and lather on the puck.

wood issue when smoking

I apologize at the outset if this is something so simple. Every time I use my offset smoker (Char Grill cheapo--looking at getting an Oklahoma Joes possibly--but may have same issues with gaps) I put hardwood lump charcaol in the offset box (minion method) and the temps are right on. I try and just lay the apple (or any flavor) wood chunks on the egde, but they inherintly always just catch fire--leading to a full white smoke and quick disposal of the chunks.

Is there a another method to keep them from burning immdeiately? I see some of you put them in foil--does that allow them to produce smoke? Is there a basket or container i can set in another place?

Any advice would be appreciated.

PSA Check your Hearth and Home Tins

An issue has been brought up by a member of another forum pertaining to the Sutliff produced Hearth and Home blends packaged in the tins with the SILVER bottoms. The aluminum bottoms of these tins was produced without any coating, or protective layer and are prone to rusting on the inside. The outside however shows no sign of oxidation. Russ has been made aware of this issue and will make arrangements to replace any affected tins.

After seeing that thread I checked my stash and had tins 4 with silver bottoms. After opening those and all 4 had various levels of oxidation.

This is only for the tins with silver bottoms the tins with gold colored bottoms have a protective coating, and are an issue.


Again, if you've had a problem with these tins, contact me at russo@pipesandcigars.com and I will make arrangements for replacements.


Mess Hall FS: Hattori FH 150 petty knife

For sale is my Hattori FH 150 petty (VG-10 stainless). This is a very nice cutter. I used it for vegetables and trimming/slicing proteins. The handle is black linen micarta. Selling to fund another project. The knife will come in it's original box. $110 shipped in the US.

Bottom Dial Fatboy on E-Bay.

This is one of my birth year razors so I was watching it. I didn't bid too rich for me. I figured it would end up at $1000 or more and I was right. The guy was selling it "As is" so I kind of wondered if it is completely functional. These things are definitely plated in UNOBTANIUM unless I luck into one at a flea market or something I won't ever own one.


Check-In from South Africa

Firstly, a salute to fellow Badger & Blades out there :thumbup:

Secondly, I have been gathering vast amounts of information on almost everything from razors to brushes to creams and it has been an epic adventure (overwhelming at times).

I have read a few topics posted by other South African gents on this forum and the slight difficulty in attaining the goodies available in other countries. To give the DE Razor a test spin and see if this is for me, I popped to my local pharmacy and purchased an extremely cheap LION Brand DE Razor with 5 Blades, along with a brush that will very soon be replaced and Reitzer Shave Soap - which I like but know there are better to be had.

I enthusiastically followed the prescribed methods of this new shaving technique and the end result was better than what was expected! I realised at that moment how this new found escape is going to make shaving a real special occasion.

Second and third shave just got better, with compliments being given from the girlfriend...that hardly ever commented on smoothness.

Due to the limited array of razors available to us here, I took the plunge and purchased the Muhle R-89 (Metal Casing). I am yet to get home and enjoy this awesome looking piece of kit. I had the option of the Bluebeard Scimitar but after much reading and reviews on BB I settled for this hoping I made the correct choice?

So as they say in SA: "Next lady for a shave" :001_cool:

Hoping to share experiences and gain some more knowledge on this awesome past-time.

Let's see your Olive Wood brushes

I found the Bethlehem Olive wood brush handles on Ebay a few months ago, and loved the look of them. I have also seen the beautiful Olive wood handled brushes some members have posted here. My daily driver is/was an Omega 49. Then a plot started to form in my brain....... Will the 49 knot fit into one of those handles, which have a 25mm/1 inch hole drilled? I bought one and found out, with a bit of trimming on the 49 knot base, it would. I coated the handle with some boiled Linseed oil. Then the plot developed into more......SBAD......I ordered two more and patiently waited for Whipped Dog to get the 24mm Silver Tip and 24mm Synthetic in stock. I emailed Larry from WD, and he was great about communication, and customer service. I told him what I was looking for and he emailed me when they were back in stock, even before he updated his page. I ordered those two knots and waited only a few days before they arrived. Meanwhile, I used some BLO on my two knotless handles, which had just arrived. When they were dry, I glued the knots into the handles. As of now, I used a hot glue gun, which I consider a semi-permanent mounting. If I run into any problems, such as loft height or re-treating the Olive wood, I figure I can take the brush apart without destroying the knot or handle. Anyway, here are my beauties! Omega 49 boar knot, Whipped Dog 24mm Synthetic knot, Whipped Dog 24mm Silver Tip badger.


Post away, let's show off your beautiful Olive wood brushes!

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nemumford's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Entry

What is your real name?

What are your nicknames/aliases?
Slim Natey

Where do you live?

What is your age (or) generation?

What are you in the real world?
Cosmetic Dentist

What is your favorite shave setup?
Trumper's Skin Food Pre-shave

TOBS Sandalwood

Simpson Chubby 2 Super Badger

Merkur 38C loaded with a Feather blade

Art of Shaving Alum

Baxter Aftershave Balm

What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
Spending time with my lovely wife and children

Fly Fishing

Leather work


What else should the members of B&B know about you?
Switched to wet shaving 3 years ago and have never looked back!

What's your current honing progression?

For me I've changed it up based on a few stones i've recently purchased from other members.

Currently depending on the condition/shape of the blade:

Bevel setters: Carborundum 118 (used twice with great results, unbelievably fast with soap and water.) to Naniwa SS 1k (removes scratches from 118 and is slower). Thanks to Keith for advice on the Carborundum

Once blade is cutting hairs from heel to toe I move on to the next stone.

Formerly: Norton 4k/8k

Currently: La Petite Blanche Coticule using Dilucot (or the bastardized version that I do) up until almost water (roughly 30 laps on this very hard, very fast coti)

before going to just water I switch

Finishing stone: Blue Thuringian with slurry and dilute again until just water for final polish (thanks again Keith)

Then 50 on linen, and 100 laps on leather.

Comparable to coral skin food?

Hey there gents! I'm looking for an aftershave similar to Geo F. Trumper Coral Skin Food. It's my favorite! I use it after my alum and before my Proraso balm but the stuff is rather expensive. Looking for a cheaper alternative that will do the job. Doesn't need the same smell but must feel the same or better. Thanks gents! Any feedback would help.

Help with Gillette NEW top cap

Hey guys. I need a little help with something.

I bought a Gillette (NEW?) a couple months ago and the screw in the top cap is worn at the middle so I can't secure it.

Is there a way to fix it or should I just some similar cheap gillette and just switch the top cap?

I bought it because I really like the design of the razor and I've been itching to use it since I got it.

Here are some pics




Thank you!!

Lucky Tiger Liquid Cream

I'm thinking about buying this cream because I would like to try it, but it's like $11. A lot of Razorock and cella, proraso are cheaper in price. Would you rather buy proraso or some other cream for a cheaper price than the Lucky Tiger cream?

How much does a good entry level pipe cost?

I think I want to pick up a pipe so today I went to the local tobacconist. He said I should spend a minimum of $60 and recommended I get a pipe in the $100-$120 range. He said most people give up because they buy a cheap pipe. Long story short I don't have that kind of money right now. Should I save or can I get a less expensive pipe and still have a good smoke? What is a good less expensive pipe I could pick up just to get started? It doesn't need to be fancy. Thanks in advance for your wisdom.

mardi 29 avril 2014

The Right Rum - Matching Mike's Bay Rum

I need the help of the aftershave masses...

I am on a mission to find a bay rum splash or balm with a profile most similar to Mike's Natural Soap Bay Rum.

Does anyone out there have any recommendations on this?

WTS: shaverjoe brush, semogue SOC cherry boar, semogue OLIVE WOOD 2013 SE

Have three brushes for sale. sadly our main car got hit friday of last week and i need to come up with the deductible so i need to sell a few things i just got recently. i am NOT looking for any trades as i need the cash right now. payments by paypal only and shipped only to verified paypal address.

first is a shaverjoe brush. its a white marble sort of resin with some white swirls throughout, its a 24mm tgn super silvertip. Knot loft is 49mm. it is very soft just a small bit of scritch used only a handful of times. handle is in spotless condition and knot has shed a few hairs when i got it but has stopped shedding now. i tried to get a close up pic to show the material better but dont have a very good macro on the camera i have here. 37$ shipped to cont usa. ----SOLD

second is a semogue soc cherry boar never been used i bought a spare of both ash and cherry and my wife used my spare ash and will not give it back so this is my spare cherry 35$ shipped to cont usa.

last is a brand new semogue olive wood se never used BEAUTIFUL knot on this one so crazy soft and very dense, i bought one which did not have a lot of grain and sold it locally and then bought this one to replace that one and just got it yesterday, the grain is awesome on this one but i need the money more than i need the brush this week. its actually killing me to sell this one. 115$ shipped to cont usa.

any questions please ask, i ship very well packed and the next business day. thanks for looking.

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Finally tried Captains Choice

Got a bottle of Captains Choice Lime and I just have to say wow. Why did I wait this long to use it? Fantastic smell that SWMBO really likes which as we all know is a great thing. Had that perfect burn to wake my ass up as well.

FS: 40 Gillette 7oC Yellow Sharpedge

As title states. Clearing out old blades from switch to Feather.

40 blades in sealed tucks.

$9 + 1.40 shipping CONUS

First person gets 'em

Colonel Arko - flameproof

My first shave soap was a puck of Col Conk Bay Rum. I learned to lather with it, and I thought it was fine but I bought some a stick of Arko to try. I haven't gotten face lathering down, and as my puck of the colonel was getting used up I decided to try to blend them. Initially I melted the puck of CC into a mug using the double. boiler method. It melted to a liquid nicely and formed on the bottom of the mug.

I grated the Arko today into the mug with what was left of CC and attempted to melt them together. Apparently, Arko is made of whatever they use to make flame retardant clothing. After more than 2 hours, the Arko was still not melted! It reduced to a dry paste like substance. I mixed it as well as I could and pressed the mixture to the bottom of the mug. I'll try it tomorrow morning.

I see Arko has a product that comes in a tub instead of a stick but the stick is less expensive. Does anyone know if there is any difference in the product itself or is it just the container? If I like the Arko for bowl lathering I can just grate it into a bowl or mug and save some $$.

Looking for straight shavers in Colorado

Hello, as the title says I am looking for fellow straight users in Colorado. I'm new to the straight world and seeking a mentor. I'm getting along fine by myself, but would prefer a mentor to show me how to hone, and maybe fabricate straights. Thanks for reading this far guys.


semogue olive wood what is it coated or sealed with?

just wondering what they use to seal or coat these at the factory does anyone know?


Roadez's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Entry

What is your real name?

What are your nicknames/aliases?
None really

Where do you live?

What is your age (or) generation?

What are you in the real world?
Pastor, teacher, Law Enforcement Chaplain

What is your favorite shave setup?
None yet. I'm considering all the options before I pull the trigger. Considering:

EJ 89 and Tweezerman brush

Will probably get a sampler pack of blades.

Not decided yet on soap/cream/shaving stick or face vs. bowl lathering. Leaning toward face.

What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
Starting new churches. Kayaking with my wife. Shooting sports

What else should the members of B&B know about you?
My first years shaving were DE only. However, the Marine DI's at Navy AOCS 33 years ago said we had to use cheap plastic disposables and I've used cartridges since. I finally want to come home. And, I'm a grandfather of 2!!

Symmetrical Pottery Dottie Shave Bowl

Hello fellow B&B shavers! OK so this is my first post so I thought, why not give a review? I've been a frequent B&B reader for some time. I've recently acquired a new shave bowl and after a forum search didn't find any detailed reviews of it so here goes...

The bowl: Symmetrical Pottery Dottie Shave Bowl

  • Size: The overall size is nice circumference wise. The base pocket is sized perfectly for my badger hair brush to swirl into while working the lather. Excellent base handle size and finger groove depth (my hands are med sized).

  • Functionality: Dottie design produces a rich lather with less than half the effort of my old smooth shave bowl. MWF is my soap of choice, and in this bowl it swirls into a thick lather amazingly fast. It has a slight inward curve at the crest of the bowl that helps to hold the lather in the bowl nicely (not evident in photos).

  • Weight: 1lb. In my hand the weight feels good. Not too heavy or too light. It feels solid.

  • Appearance: Overall look is just beautiful. Finish is of high quality with a very nice glaze. The bowl is what I would call functional art.

Conclusion: In my opinion, this shaving bowl is the Rolls Royce of shaving bowls. The sellers were very nice and answered all of my questions. Mine was made to order so yes it did take a few weeks to arrive, and it does cost a bit more green than other bowls but you really do get what you pay for with this one. Some may not like waiting the time it takes to craft one of these gems. For me, I consider waiting for real quality a privilege and in this case, a good thing came to one who waited.

Thank you for reading,

-Ninjastic :shuriken:

Quick Check-In from Maryland

Good evening all. I just wanted to check-in and see if the "lurker" label disappears. It seems that the place for a more detailed intro is the Hall of Fame so I'll wander over. Thanks everyone on B&B for such a great forum.


Want to Buy Wee Scot and Lord Blades

Hey guys,

I'm looking for a wee scot if you have one that you want to let go. I am also looking for some lord blades. Thanks a lot!


Do these look like genuine ivory?

I bought this razor a couple of months ago, I've always thought of them as ivory, but had a couple of doubts every so often so I want to clarify them. The razor is a 1920's Paul Waldmin (Solingen) silver steel.

The razor has a slightly yellowish patina to them, visible growth rings, and feels incredibly smooth. There are also visible saw marks on the inside of the scales. I've attached some pictures to show the grain.

In this one, I shone a torch on it to show the grain/ colour more clearly

Looking at the photos so far, I would be fairly sure they're ivory, despite being pinned with brass washers, but the doubts start coming in when I look at the end where the pivot is.

Those small black spots look a lot like pores found in bone, but I'm not sure if it's just dirt.

Any input is appreciated.

Amazon Kindles on Sale (99 for Paperwhite, $49 for regular Kindle, etc)

This deal isn't shaving related, but I thought I'd share it (If this is inappropriate for here, I can remove it). Amazon's kindles are on sale. A couple weeks ago, I ordered one as a gift, and when I saw it, I wanted one. Then I saw that they are currently on sale (Possibly bringing out a new model soon?). $20 off the Paperwhite brings the price to $99 if you have ads enabled, $119 without ads. The regular Kindle is $49 as well, but here's the link for the Paperwhite, which is what I got for myself.

The Kindle Fire models are also on sale, being at least $20 off.


And if you prefer classics (in the public domain), those books are all free for the kindle through various sources.

Gillette Lame Francaise in yellow wrapper

Have you tried this blade?

If so, is it any good?

Any advice on adjusting an adjustable?

I have been DE shaving for about two months.

I recently acquired (by gift) a FatBoy. Any particular advice as to how to determine the best settings for me?

I started at a 2, then 3, then 4. The 4 is pretty good, but still not as close as I would like. I will try again with a 5, but how do I know when to stop? When I start getting some razor burn, perhaps? Then back off a notch?

Do any of you use different setting WTG than ATG? Is there some kind of general rule for this?

Thanks in advance.

Cella, crema sapone extra extra purissima; cheapest online spot?

As the thread title states, looking for some cella. I read that the block is preferred version. Does it only come in the 1000g block, or can i get it smaller (not the red tub)? Does it actually store well? Anyone have a problem saving the block off? Where is a good online spot to find it cheap?

Improving penmanship help

So I just came across a Cross fountain pen I purchased a couple years ago but only used for a little while. It's nothing special, probably about $40 and it came with a cartridge but you can buy an ink adapter for it. I would really like to improve my penmanship but unsure where the quality resources are.

Could anyone recommend an online sight or book that I could get that would be a good starting point to learn how to write better?

mjsanta83's Entry to the Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Entry

What is your real name?

What are your nicknames/aliases?
Mike, Santa,

Where do you live?
Southern Texas

What is your age (or) generation?

What are you in the real world?
Law Enforcement

What is your favorite shave setup?
Don't have one...yet.

What are your hobbies and favorite activities?
Playing piano and working out.

What else should the members of B&B know about you?
I also make jewelry in my spare time.

Finally got a Raised Bottom English New!

Well, two actually!

I was lucky enough to get a 7 O'clock wide tooth new a while back here on BST, which is a great smooth shaver. Though the lure of the heavier raised flat bottom made me keep a sharp eye out until I found two at the same time!

Now, to replate or not (it'll happen!). I have yet to try out the new replater here and was impressed with some of his images.

My next shave will be using a Weber bulldog, Voshkod, and the raised flat bottom. It probably won't knock my slant from it's top spot, but it will be nice!

A picture with most of my news, forgot the SC and Improved.


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Travel Razor

I'm curious. When my dad passed away I ended up getting a travel razor. Unfortunately I can't take pictures of it right now but I will in the future. To describe it, it is a silver case approx 8" x 4" x 1". It has a removable top and bottom cover. Inside the case is a handle which you take out. The blade is on a "rail" system. You use the rail system handle to run the blade back and forth. The inside of each lid is a strop. If you run the blade back and forth over the bottom lid, it runs the blade over the strop flipping it on each pass. You then replace the top lid, remove the bottom lid and repeat to fine tune the sharpening. The blade is then removed and put on the handle to shave.

Hopefully my description is good and you know what I'm describing. Has anyone ever heard of anything like this? I've never seen one since so have no idea if it's rare, common, valuable or junk.

Would appreciate any feedback.

Straight WTT/ WTS( a Harner 5/8 straight with blue titanium handle

Well folks,

For your viewing pleasure I give you one of Mr. Harners 5/8 straights. Used only a couple of times, always oiled and stored correctly after used. Never dinged, never touched the sink, dropped or spoken too harshly. I am looking to pick up a Delta or Jet wood lathe to learn to turn some handles (or try) and or maybe something fanastic that you may have that I cannot say no too.

I am open to sell, but do not know where to begin to price it so I will sell it for what I got in it, but cover the shipping, insurance and fees since it has been used a couple of times. If I am off on price, please PM me and let me know and I would appreciate it greatly!

$475 shipped and insured with paypal fees included sound about right? Let me know if I am off the mark completely as again I am only trying to pay for my lathe, (or nice Karisori and ...? got me thinking, not good:blushing:)

Play nice, be respectful and I will be nice too. Im too old for crap and likewise I will just not respond.

Please do not low ball me. Saving a buck is one thing, but really is it necessary? I am trying to buy a lathe. Not a kidney so I do not need to sell it that bad.

Wife made me promise I would play nice. :sneaky2:

Here are a few phone pics, notice the cool reflection of the guy with the camera. Because I am no photographer, I attached a pic of the Harner when it was born and photographed by his majesty himself.

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My first PIF- Too much in the drawer

So, not sure really how this works but here goes nothing....

I have 125 BIC chrome platinums, 25 Shark super stainless, 10 super-max super stainless, 10 Astra superior stainless, an Arko stick, and a tube of Godrej deluxe lather. These will go out to the first person that tells me that they want them.

All this his stuff was from my shaving drawer... The BIC's I just don't like, the other blades are quite good, the Arko I have a bunch of and the Godrej I can get at the local Indian/Pakistan market. Thanks y'all.

New to wet shaving


I am looking into buying a safety razor and stumbled across this forum (thanks AoM). I have been shaving with multi-blade razors for 16 years and decided it's time for a change.

One of the main questions i have is, how many shaves do you get out of a single razor?

I was thinking of trying out the Merkur Double-Edge Razor SV-05X to start along with the Merkur Razor (or a large sample pack). I want to get an Escali 100% pure badger brush and some Prorazo shaving soap.

I buy most of my stuff from Amazon but I will buy from other sources.

Can anyone offer any advice on any of that equipment (or any advice in general), and am I missing anything that I should get?

Thanks in advance.



Soap FS: Castle Forbes Lime

For sale is a tub of the acclaimed Castle Forbes Lime soap/cream/croap.

Used 4-5 times and I'm on the fence. At least 90% remaining - see pics for level. Selling for $30 shipped CONUS.


Edit: Full/partial trade offers OK. Interested in Mystic Waters, Mikes & Valobra soaps; Feather SS Kamisori, Feather DE blades, Cobra classic, - try me on others


p.s. Something weird is happening with an image showing up twice - but you get the 'picture'..:tongue_sm

photo 1.jpg

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An Alternative to Plating 2 - The Futur is Dark

Earlier this year I powder coated my Gillette Old in bright yellow (http://ift.tt/1m9kRuf).

I was pleased with the job (shaves and looks great, assuming you like yellow :001_smile). I decided my Merkur Futur was looking drab in its original satin silver finish so I decided to have it powder coated in satin black.

It cost me $10 to have it done. I thought I'd share the photos in case anyone was interested.



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Tips for paddle stropping with a light razor?

I have the modular paddle from SRD. I can strop my GD no problem, but I'm having trouble with light razors. I can't keep them in good contact with the leather and always find them leaning towards my hand. Does anyone have any tips or grips that they find work well with paddle strops and smaller razors?

I'm somewhat afraid of rolling the edge by pressing too hard to maintain contact

I've watched these videos and found them to be helpful, but I still haven't landed a grip that feels "right:"




esbjerg shaving cream sensitive

Just used this cream for the first time today and I really like it a lot. I have the grapefruit that I also like but found the sensitive very protective and got a great shave with it. Esbjerg in general is a nice produt range and I think reasonably priced given the quality and size of the jar and the lack of harmful chemicals. I have also used there Verbena but that's a fragrance you either like or you don't and I didn't.

Has anyone else used it? I would appreciate your thoughts if you have

ATT customer service WOW!

I ordered mt first ATT razor this morning and mistakenly ordered the Atlas M1 instead of the R1. When I caught the mistake via an Email letting me know the razor is moving out for shipment I shot off an Email and on top of the mistake asked half a dozen questions. I was not expecting a reply but to my suprise Stan responded almost immediately letting me know not to worry he would adjust the order and send the R1. I asked a few more questions in my reply and bam Stan got right back to me again. If this razor is as good as ATT customer service my search for the perfect razor might just become a reality:thumbup:

XXX moved back again?

Hey guys, I was looking at Italian Barber and the XXX page says that it will be back in stock on May 22. Has it been moved back again? Sorry if this is common knowledge, I don't remember seeing anything about it. Thanks

Peterson pipe, sog knife lot, and fatboy instruction booklet

All prices include shipping CONUS insured USPS. I will ship to Canada though shipping will have to be agreed on through PM.

Peterson Kildare 150: This is an Estate Pipe. When found it look to have been smoked very little. I personally smoked maybe 5 bowls in it. Very light teeth marks. Beautiful grain on the wood! Price is $40

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More pictures of the pipe: http://ift.tt/1hRUqFp If you would like any more pictures of the pipe, PM me and tell me what you would like to see.

Knife LOT 1: A two knife lot both SOG knives, Made in USA. The larger knife is a Trident TigerStripe, model TF3, has a black TiNi coated AUS 8 stainless steel blade. It was carried for about a year some light scratches and spots on the blade.

The smaller knife is a SOG Blink Limited Edition Black Tie , model BBA-98 , I may have carried this to church once but really think I never carried it. Perfect shape, amazingly fast action! These were made as a limited run somewhere around '03. Just this knife alone sells now for more than I asking for both knives.

Price is $120

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Fatboy Instruction Booklet:
I would say it is in very good plus condition. Price is $25

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More pictures of the booklet: http://ift.tt/1hRUqFv

I would consider trade for a Savinelli 320.

PM me with any questions you might have, I will try to answer as fast as I can. Weather is going to be bad here so I may loose power.

Thanks for looking!

Hello from the South of France!

Hello fellow wet shavers!

I'm a student in Nice working part time, as a result I'm pretty broke (no point lying about it). Since moving to the South of France I've discovered a taste for the finer things (despite my low budget), jazz, classic cars, suits, and more importantly Straight Razors.

For the last 3 or 4 years I haven't been wet shaving even though that's how I started shaving originally, but as so many of you, cartridge razors don't really appeal to me (yes even the Super-mega-maxi-nuclearpowered-fusion-proglide-ultrasoft-extramanly ones).

I've been lurking around B&B, YouTube, and so many other Straight razor websites for the last couple of weeks. I really want to get a straight razor, unfortunately I can't afford one right now. I decided to order a Parker Shavette SR1/31R off Amazon, along with a pack of derby blades and soap, and an Edwin Jagger Brush, and of course created an account on B&B to seek the advice of many of you wise shavers.

I understand that shavettes are very different from straight razors, but it seemed the most affordable way to begin.

After about a weeks worth of waiting, checking my mailbox twice a day, and watching endless Shavette, Straight Shave, Lather,etc. videos and reading many of the threads on here. I finally received my Parker SR1, honestly, I was not disappointed, I saw and read reviews of this shavette, and for 14,90€ (20$) it's great value for money.

Now to the good part, my first shave with my new friend Parker, 2 passes WTG.

Did all the prep: hot shower + hot towel. Didn't have pre shave oil :(.

Took me a while to get the lather going in a bowl. Once it was right, I applied it, all good, but after a while it just started drying out. I imagine standard Derby Shaving Soap isn't exactly a reference for all those with an SSAD.

Got a nick on the side of the cheek first time I put blade-to-skin (great start right?), but after that i was very careful and no more blood was spilt.

I mainly have trouble with the left side of my face (I'm right handed), so I did it holding the razor like a Japanese Blade. Beneath the chin seems to be IMPOsSIBLE WTG for me.

Next the moustache area? How long/many shaves before I risk that? Any tips?

End result was a great first shave (to me), skin is baby smooth from the ears to beneath the mouth (except for a nick), not as soft beneath the jawline.

So these I guess would me my questions for all of you wise gentlemen:

-Should I start using my left hand straight in to the next shave? Or is it better to get a sense of the angle of the blade, and strokes with my right before butchering the left side of my face? Or is there a way to do it with my right?

-Any tips to shave the spot right beneath the chin, and the neck without Sweeney-Todding myself ?? I've tried stretching the skin in every direction, no can do.

-I'm willing to put time in to this, great experience, I'm just curious about how long it might take people to achieve consistently good shaves with a shavette?

-I've seen the Edwin Jagger soap, and pre shave (sandalwood), love the smell, are they any good ?

Sorry this post is so long, just had the most enjoyable shave of my life and was eager to share.

Thanks for all the help you've all put in to this site.

Old Spice Question

On a recent hunting trip, I stumbled across a mostly full vintage bottle of old spice. It has a metal stopper, everything I remember had a grey plastic one.

First question: Is it still safe to use?

Second Question: Any Idea on the age?ImageUploadedByTapatalk1398802493.344934.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1398802507.464895.jpg

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