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mercredi 31 août 2016

Member Tutorial: Traveling with your Shave Gear and TSA Tips & Tricks

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All times are GMT -7. The time now is 10:02 PM.

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Member Tutorial: Traveling with your Shave Gear and TSA Tips & Tricks

West coast monemeister?

I'm new to straight shaving and I think for starters I'd like to send my straight out for honing. I live in northern California and so far most of the places I've found that offer honing services are very far away and I'd like a quicker shipping time. Are there any people doing honing on the West coast? Even better would be people in northern California :)

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West coast monemeister?

Just had my first DE shave.

And my legs are so SMOOOOOTH!

Ok, being a woman, BBS shaves are nothing new to me, but to be this smooth after 2 passes with a single blade is a revelation. In some spots I was able to get BBS with a single ATG pass so I'm sure things will get even better with some practice on my blade angles.

I used TOBS Avocado shaving cream. My new Merkur 38c and an Astra SP blade. I couldn't feel a thing unless my lather was too thin (I didn't lather my whole leg at once) and then I encountered a bit of tugging. I know I should try my other blades and I will but I'm in that giddy moment of, "OMG how can this possibly get any better?" Gillette Silver Blue and Feathers are next. The 4oz weight of the Merkur 38c is brilliant.

So yeah, I'm a totally DE convert. I will now go forth and preach the good word of The Safety Razor throughout the land.

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Just had my first DE shave.

New members posting for auction appraisals

I have seen a few threads started lately by brand new forum members who appear to be soliciting information to appraise razors. Another forum I am a member of limits new members from making a new thread until they have made 10 post replies. Any thoughts on this?

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New members posting for auction appraisals

Proraso pre shave cream...?

I've been using proraso pre shave cream since returning to DE shaving, trying to give myself the best possible chance at success. I love how it feels on my face, but...

This stuff seems to super gunk up my 34c. I saw another thread where most of you said you lathered over it, so I'm curious...do you have gunk issues? Is there anything to be done? This last shave I had to loosen my de mid shave to wash it out.


((Typed on phone...please excuse errors))

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Proraso pre shave cream...?

Colognes with longevity and sillage

Hey All...

I'm always on the hunt for colognes with a good to great longevity and a fairly heavy sillage. If you know of any, please post on here.

***I DO KNOW ABOUT JOOP..........NO THANKS!!!!****

But I wouldn't mind ideas or suggestions on colognes that had that "kick" like Joop.

I guess all of the reformulation material that I've been reading is true.... I bought a new bottle of Fahrenheit and was very disappointed!!!! I remember back in the late 1980's to mid 90's when someone had this on, you could smell it several feet away.

My bottle I bought at Dillards........in about 45 minutes it was only a skin scent.

Yes I know about layering. I'm just wondering if there are some "power houses" out there any more???


Niche or not, oils......it doesn't matter. I just want names so I can sample and perhaps buy them

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Colognes with longevity and sillage

Whisky finshed is beer barrels

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All times are GMT -7. The time now is 07:02 PM.

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Whisky finshed is beer barrels

Hunting Season is upon us!

Dove season starts tomorrow in Texas.
30 more days to bow season and roughly 45 more days till general season opens....

Time to dust off the bow and get dialed back in!!!!! I've been shooting at least 20 arrows a day for the last 2 weeks. With my busted up shoulder and re-occurring tennis elbow; muscle memory is key!!

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Hunting Season is upon us!

Hi guys.

I just collected a Mekur progress razor I bought from Amazon. As most of you I have shaved with 3 or 5 bladed razors for years. I probably would still be shaving with them but I have been laid up for the past 2 years after back surgery and with a lot of time on my hands I discovered this forum. Now I am not a young guy and remember as a young child practicing shaving with my dads Gillette razor looking in the bathroom mirror. So in my older years I find myself once again looking in the bathroom mirror with a de razor. It brings back so many memories.

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Hi guys.


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French Slim adjustable

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French Slim adjustable

Lavender Aftershave Splash

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All times are GMT -7. The time now is 04:05 PM.

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Lavender Aftershave Splash

When did you start cooking?!?!

My culinary ride started at 10 years of age. My poor white trash family had a catering trailer. Parents put me to work!!! Then on to burger flipping for all 4 years of high school eventually leading to culinary school a couple of years after I got out of the Corps.

Charley Jane helps me with dinner on a regular basis. Her mother burns cornflakes so I figure any time is the best time!! Tonight we have Corned Beef (thanks Aaron) cabbage and buttered new potatoes. Charley Jane cut up the cabbage.

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When did you start cooking?!?!

Looking For Feedback On Dunhill Edition


Has anyone here tried Dunhill Edition. It has received fantastic reviews at various fragrance sites, so I was just curious what people here have to say.

How would you describe it? Classy, sophisticated, masculine - a real man's cologne? Does it have a retro vibe of something that Don Draper might wear or in 80's terms - Gordon Gekko from Wall Street.

Some people mention leather and tobacco - while others don't notice it as much.

I would appreciate any feedback on Dunhill Edition.


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Looking For Feedback On Dunhill Edition

Hello fellow wet shavers


Just stopped by to say Hi. Great discussions on these forums here.
I have been using a Merkur 34C on and off, with a Semogue 1305 brush and Musgo Real shave cream.
My brush does not seem to stop shedding bristles on my face, is this typical of all boar brushes?
Otherwise I have had good luck adapting from Gillette fusion to DB blades. I use BIC and Crystal so far with good results.


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Hello fellow wet shavers

Nearest shaving shops to Nottingham, UK

Hi everyone,
Been looking around for a while and would love to visit an actual shaving shop. However, I've only seen ones in London and I think Traditional Shaving is in Leeds.

Does anyone know of any good shaving shops closer to Nottingham? I know there are a number of UK suppliers online but I really would like to visit and see inside a specialist shop.

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Nearest shaving shops to Nottingham, UK

Do you ever regret not buying a vintage razor you found?

About a year ago, I found an Aristocrat #16 in its original case in mint condition and didn't buy it. The seller was asking only 40 euros, but I thought it was too much for a razor at a flea market. The seller didn't want to make a bettet price so I walked away. I went back the next day to buy it but I didn't find it. Now everytime I visit such places I remember the time I found this beautiful razor and didn't buy it. I regret it till today. Of course, I have found many other beautiful vintage items, but that was something I really wanted to have in my small vintage collection.

Do you have such stories to share?

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Do you ever regret not buying a vintage razor you found?


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All times are GMT -7. The time now is 12:02 PM.

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Pomade: what do you do at night?

Okay I have spent the last couple of days skimming through this section and am thinking of getting some pomade. Right now I use some gel and it doesn't hold worth anything! But reading this it sounds like you guys are leaving this stuff in your hair for several days. Some of the stuff I have tried before stayed greasy /sticky all day so I would imagin that your pillow would be giant grease smear.

Maybe I was using something different than you all. I want /need some hold (I have straight pinging hair) but don't want to look like a greaser or an Elvis impersonator (sorry Dane). I want more of a dryer look.

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Pomade: what do you do at night?

Jnats: Sharpening Razors Or Something More?

Jnats span a variety of qualities, from bevel setters to uber finishers. I enjoy many of them, others are just kind of routine but all are unique. I don't have other naturals that can rival the best of the best Jnats.

Most are very pleasant and easy to use and you can adjust for the stone qualities with naguras, slurry thickness/clear water and so on. Many are so fast and fine that they can finish a razor off a 1k stone (though I prefer a midgrit or two), and other than a coticule I don't know of any other stones versatile enough to do this.

And when you find that finisher that can make silent HHT5 root in/root out on a stock Gold Dollar, then you have something special.

Cheers, Steve

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Jnats: Sharpening Razors Or Something More?

Collection so far

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Collection so far

Single-Edge Goodness, Rudy Vey, and More

Hey you crazy kids.

Here's some stuff I'm not using, some stuff I thought was sold but the buyer backed out, and some stuff that's just plain cool.

Yep that's a real PAL injector. Excellent condition. Comes with some NOS blades (call it 15 but it's more). And a Gem bullet SE with about 40 blades.

The CB LPV is 75% full. It just seems like an appropriate single-edge alterna-soap.

Will include either a custom Rudy Vey TGN boar beehive (barely used, not even broken in) or an EJ XL synth (likewise). Your choice.

Price is $110 shipped to 'Murica--or call it $150 if you want both brushes.

I'll include a big pile of Atelier samples, as shown, as well as some other random goodies like I always do.

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Single-Edge Goodness, Rudy Vey, and More

Tell me about these vintage blades

The seller, who sold me the Gillette Slim today, gave me these blades too. There are 8 of them in the package. I didn't pay for them. I haven't seen them before and, as you can see, they can't be used with the DE razors that we know, even though they are double edge blades. Do you know anything about them or which type of razor use them?

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Tell me about these vintage blades

Gillette Slim Adjustable I2, Before- After

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All times are GMT -7. The time now is 09:18 AM.

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Gillette Slim Adjustable I2, Before- After

WTB Gillette Toggle

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WTB Gillette Toggle

Auction Teaser! A day fishing with a B&B Moderator

Auction teaser for a Fishing Trip With a B&B Moderator!

This will let you or someone you know have guided fishing day on a nice complex of lakes in Essex, UK, with one of the B&B Moderators, WarrenB!

Click image for larger version.  Name: 25lb_01.JPG  Views: 0  Size: 119.4 KB  ID: 685054

Ideally suited to someone that has never been fishing before, no previous fishing experience necessary and all the fishing equipment, chairs, bait, licence etc will be provided on the day, so all you have to do is turn up!!

The place I have chosen is called Puddledock Farm Fishery, it's a great place for beginners and experienced anglers alike, it's a family friendly place and there is a nice cafe on the site and good facilities for toilet breaks.
Although we won't be targeting fish the size of the 25lb carp I caught in the picture as the chances of catching even one fish are greatly reduced, we should still catch fish around 3-6lb and maybe nudging 10lb, a 5lb carp will put up a good scrap and will be more than enough for a beginner to deal with!

I have decided to keep it to a place I know well, as this will give us a good chance of catching a few fish, there are a lot of species in the lakes, so you could get fish of a few ounces or carp up to 10lb! We can target specific species on the day depending on the weather and the guests request, so you there will be a great chance to catch a few fish, although I can't guarantee what we will catch!

Ideally suited to one person as I will be able to guide them one on one, obviously if it's a child taking part then an adult will need to stay for the duration of the trip.
I will not be fishing myself on the day so I can give the guest my undivided attention and the day can be as long or short as the guest finds appropriate. The date and time are flexible and can be discussed when the winner is ready to go.

So if you are a family member would like to try a day fishing then get ready to place a bid when the Auction goes live!

I wanted to get this out early to gauge interest as the location might limit this to just a few members.

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Auction Teaser! A day fishing with a B&B Moderator

Newbie to shave soaps after some advice?

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All times are GMT -7. The time now is 06:57 AM.

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Newbie to shave soaps after some advice?

WTB: WTB Synergy/HTGAM 8oz Tin Cavendish/Bay Rum

WTB: WTB Synergy/HTGAM 8oz Tin Cavendish/Bay Rum

Hello Gentleman,

I am looking for the original Synergy/HTGAM 8oz Cavendish and Bay Rum shave soap. Any of the 1.0 to 2.5 re-incarnations of the soap. I know the soap may be used. However if it looks as though it has not been through the wars, and in decent condition, I would be interested in purchasing. Thank you. PM me please.

Boba81 :)

List Date: 8/31/2016

For more info, click here to view the original listing: WTB: WTB Synergy/HTGAM 8oz Tin Cavendish/Bay Rum
Want to Buy (WTB) Please Contact Buyer with offers.


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WTB: WTB Synergy/HTGAM 8oz Tin Cavendish/Bay Rum

WTB: WTB Synergy/HTGAM Cavendish/Bay Rum 8oz Tin Shave Soap

WTB: WTB Synergy/HTGAM Cavendish/Bay Rum 8oz Tin Shave Soap

Hello Gentleman,

I am looking for the original Synergy/HTGAM 8oz Cavendish and Bay Rum shave soap. Any of the 1.0 to 2.5 re-incarnations of the soap. I know the soap may be used. However if it looks as though it has not been through he wars, and in decent condition, I would be interested in purchasing. Thank you.

List Date: 8/31/2016

For more info, click here to view the original listing: WTB: WTB Synergy/HTGAM Cavendish/Bay Rum 8oz Tin Shave Soap
Want to Buy (WTB) Please Contact Buyer with offers.


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WTB: WTB Synergy/HTGAM Cavendish/Bay Rum 8oz Tin Shave Soap

Would You Recommnd Versace The Dreamer As A Blind Buy?


I am on the fence about buying The Dreamer as a blind buy.

While The Dreamer has endless good reviews, it surprisingly also has reviews from people who say that they absolutely HATE IT. I have seen people mention cat piss to describe The Dreamer. It seems to be a love or hate thing with this cologne. No middle ground.

It's odd that the reviews are impacting my decision so much. I will see a slew of great reviews - it's a must buy, women will be complimenting you endlessly and it's a modern classic.

People get romantic about The Dreamer and say things like this:

"Imagine a handsome, tall, tanned Italian man; say in his late 20's. Dark wavy brown hair and stubble. He's wearing a black suit and shirt. Suave, effortless and with slight smile on his face, he saunters along the Positano dockside at dusk.

He's wearing The Dreamer.

This fragrance is ridiculously evocative of Italy. The tobacco is very masculine, the type that puts hairs on your chest. But the lavender is elegant and romantic. Then tonka brings out the playful and youthful side. In a way it's casual, but classy and cool; all in a manly Italian style.It's like the Italian counterpart to LNDL by YSL, but older, bolder, more daring and much more masculine. Longevity and projection are excellent."

Sounds wonderful.

And then you get people who are less romantic and say:

"I am so, so, so confused by the positive reviews for this fragrance. It smells like vomit to me. That's really all I can say."

So which side are you on and would you recommend it as a blind buy or is it too divisive?


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Would You Recommnd Versace The Dreamer As A Blind Buy?

Would a different razor help me?

The razor itself can make a huge difference. I'd def recomment trying a different one.

Just searched ebay for junjie razors. yeah.... I would not trust my face with a $2 safety razor..

If you need somethibg right away you can get a Van Der Hagen tto from Target, Walmart CVS n many other drug stores these days for about $20 I believe.

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Would a different razor help me?

Skin Bracer

Has anyone got a good (cheap) local source for Skin Bracer aftershave here in Oz? I have a bottle, which I like, but have not been able to find a replacement locally.

I know it was sold here once upon a time, because I find the empties in antique stores. But I have never found a full bottle, new or vintage.

Or do I just need to stock up next time I am in the States?

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Skin Bracer

Shills on Reddit?

I'm noticing a trend on Reddit's Wicked Edge forum. It goes like this: someone posts "i'm new to DE shaving what should I buy?" Then nearly everyone replies that OP needs to buy gear from Maggards. There are probably 20-30 posts to the entire forum per day and and at least two or three of which follow this playbook.

To be clear, I don't have a problem with Maggards but it receives an unbalanced amount of praise on Reddit. Unbalanced in comparison to the praise it receives on other forums and unbalanced compared to praise given to other vendors on Reddit.

i don't have a problem with Maggards but it smells like there is some shilling going on. Or am I imagining things?

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Shills on Reddit?

How to "fix" the black handles on black-handle SS and SA

The title basically says it all. I want a way to fix the black anodizing on the handles. I searched a bit on the forum before posting, but all of you seemed to suggest things that are readily availible in the US, ut maybe not so much in Norway. Thanks in advance

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How to "fix" the black handles on black-handle SS and SA

non menthol

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non menthol

mardi 30 août 2016

What? Fat boys are HOLLOW?

I have been using a 40's ball-end tech since January, when I began wet shaving. I just got a 40's fat boy tech and it is lighter than my ball-end because it's hollow. How disappointing. Is this normal or did I get some clone or war-time handle that needed to use less metal during production or something?
I totally expected a more substantial feeling razor than I am holding. I guess that is what we get when we assume.
Are other vintage Gillettes (old types, Bostonians, etc) hollow and light or are there any with the gravitas they appear to have?

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What? Fat boys are HOLLOW?

Spyderco UF shavers?

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All times are GMT -7. The time now is 09:57 PM.

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Spyderco UF shavers?

WTB: MINT Gillete Slim Adjustable

WTB: MINT Gillete Slim Adjustable

Money is not really an issue right now. I'm looking for a legit, nice, mint Slim adjustable razor

List Date: 8/31/2016

For more info, click here to view the original listing: WTB: MINT Gillete Slim Adjustable
Want to Buy (WTB) Please Contact Buyer with offers.


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WTB: MINT Gillete Slim Adjustable

Who likes Shave Secret oil?

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All times are GMT -7. The time now is 09:22 PM.

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Who likes Shave Secret oil?

R41 first shave

Finally got my R41 in the mail and tried it on a couple days growth, which is very unusual since I shave twice a day now. The first pass wasn't the smoothest as you can imagine due to the two days growth and I've definitely found smoother first passes in these situations from my slants. It was a bloodless first pass and I didn't find it any more difficult to handle than my Rapira Platinum Lux, or adjustable on high (Progress and Slim) so I would say the highly aggressive title is earned but nothing to be feared.

So I was wondering if this razor was really as good as it was billed when I started the second pass and this is where the R41 really proved its worth! The second pass was very smooth and left me with a nearly BBS shave all over and BBS on the cheeks so I was certainly impressed and felt that it earned a spot in my regular rotation. I'm going to test out my Rapira again and see how they compare but I'm very pleased in the performance I've seen!

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R41 first shave

New Steward: Here to help

Six months ago I was a Steward over in the Safety Razor section but needed to step down because life decided to kick me in the ...well....let's say shins. Well life has settled and my shins have healed and I was once again asked to serve you fine folks at B&B.

I have been asked to serve you guys here in the SB&H. So if need anything just shot me a PM and I will see what I can do. If you need an ear, just shoot me a PM. Need to vent, just.....wait for it........shoot me a PM.

I have to be honest that I haven't been much into skin and hair care. I dab a little gel into my straight hair and the closest I have done to moisturizing is wiping gravy off my face. I confess that I don't know products. I just grab whatever soap or shampoo is in the shower (I once used the dog shampoo that was left out, true story).

So maybe being assigned here is an intervention.

I look forward to getting to know you all and I have much to learn from you all.


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New Steward: Here to help

Anthony Weiner

He could do porn. He could call himself Weiner's Weiner or something like that. He's really almost sort of doing it anyway. I mean he's one or two steps removed, but when your career and marriage are finished, what's your next option? Especially when you already like exposing yourself on camera. I mean, it really lends itself to a world of opportunity!

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Anthony Weiner

Suehiro Gokumyo 20000 Stone

Suehiro Gokumyo 20000 Stone

I have used this stone less than a handful of times. Wonderful finisher. Only selling as don't have the time for straight shaving. The slurry or conditioning stone has not been used.

Purchased from toolsfromjapan.

Stone is in excellent condition.

List Date: 8/31/2016

For more info, click here to view the original listing: Suehiro Gokumyo 20000 Stone
On Sale For: $230.00


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Suehiro Gokumyo 20000 Stone

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