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vendredi 27 février 2015

What Shaving Soap is in your rotation?

Curious what everyone awesome shaver is using in their rotation... for me:

1) L'Occitane Cade

2) Cella Tub (Least fav. of the bunch tho, but amazing lather)

3) Tabac Shaving Soap

4) Le Pere Lucien Traditional Scent

5) Proraso Green Tub

6) Mitchell's Wool Fat

7) Martin de Candre Scented

I think I got a pretty good rotation... haven't really get into artisan soap, relatively hard to get at a reasonable price in Singapore with shipping.

What Shaving Soap is in your rotation?

Maggard Razors Aftershaves

How are they? I love their shaving soaps, but I'm concerned the matching aftershaves might be a tad greasy, and with already combo/oily skin I can't have that. Thanks in advance!


Maggard Razors Aftershaves

vendredi 13 février 2015

SE razor stash?

I've been looking into vintage razors during the past few weeks, and came across many listings for GEM SE razors. I then recalled an antique desk my dad had bought came with a drawer full of razor blades called GEM. This was before i got into wet shaving, so we thought they were ordinary razor blades and used them as such. Today I went back to my parents house and confirmed that they were indeed GEM blades, but couldn't find out anything about their history or how well the blades shaved. Does anybody have any info on them? A picture of the blades in question is attached below:

SE razor stash?

New ATT M1 with Kronos Handle arrived today

It only took 9 days and what a fine looking razor, what do you folks think? IMG_1100.JPGIMG_1101.JPGIMG_1102.JPGIMG_1103.JPG Loaded one of the Astra's and it's ready for the morning shave.

Attached Images

New ATT M1 with Kronos Handle arrived today

jeudi 12 février 2015

I'm half tempted to go see the 50 Shades of Grey movie.

If for no other reason than I have the necktie. Is anyone else planning on going to see it?

I'm half tempted to go see the 50 Shades of Grey movie.

New to me 47 aristocrat ( I believe)

Here are a couple pics of my NEW to me 1947 Aristocrat. It cleaned up fairly well...TTO seems to be a little stiff at some points, but functional. I will probably disassemble and give it a thorough rehab. Im pretty confident its a 47. If anyone sees otherwise please let me know...Hopefully Ill give it a whirl tomorrow or Saturday.....Please excuse the large pics...Ill try and fix that lol

New to me 47 aristocrat ( I believe)

Two straights coming my way. My wife will kill me.

Yes, two straight razors of the bay to my doorstep. A Kamisori coming from Japan and a Fili 14 coming from Spain, seemed appropriate that way.

I just need a way for them to make it into my den without the big boss noticing it :blink:.

Really exited, it's the most I've ever payed for a straight (the Fili), so I can't wait :w00t::w00t::w00t:

Now I need to do the following:

-Delete my eBay searches

-Join a support group

-Maybe a quarterly restrain pact

-Sell some of my other straights

-Get an attorney to protect my new acquisitions :lol:

Two straights coming my way. My wife will kill me.

DE/SE Razor WTB Gillette New Improved

Looking to buy a Gillette New Improved. Let me know if you have one in good condition that you're willing to part with.

DE/SE Razor WTB Gillette New Improved

Ebay for DSLR?

Hi all. I've decided to purchase a Nikon D5300. Looking at the retail on Nikon's site the price is not bad. But I went to Amazon and ebay. Ebay has deals for the camera and many accessories. One of which is has an 18-140 mm lens in addition to another lens. The sellers are top rated but it seems so weird to offer this gigantic package for about the same as the body itself. Has anybody purchased on eBay and got exactly what was listed?

Ebay for DSLR?

What razor is this?

Attached Images

What razor is this?

Another Slant Convert, But.

Just had my first shave with a slant (RRSSSS) and it was truly great. BBS in two passes, compared with the three passes it takes my usual razor (EJ DE8911). Comfortable, smooth, and easy, even if this was my first use of a slant ever. Converted!


...I sport a beard a la Bryan Cranston in Breaking Bad. The RRSSSS has a very large head, making it difficult to see and to keep the beard shaped just right. There's too much metal around the blade. I had to use the DE89 to finish up around the edges of the beard, but I really do not want to have to use two razors. Does anyone recommend a good slant that can be used to shape a beard? I was looking at the ATT S2. Do you think it'll work for that?

Another Slant Convert, But.

cold river soap works?

taking a hard look at placing a order for this soap. at $28 dollars an some change this includes shipping. is this soap worth the money. thanks for any advice. GOD BLESS.

cold river soap works?

lundi 9 février 2015

The Retrohale - Taste your tobacco

Something common among cigar smokers is retrohaling; or sometimes called snorking. This can be done with any form of smoking tobacco and is widely regarded as being beneficial for complete flavor analysis. The reason being that the olfactory sensors in your nose can pick up various flavor profiles and maximize the experience of smoking a fine cigar or pipe.

In the simplest explanation, retrohaling means expelling smoke through your nose. It's a little difficult to explain how but I'll give it my best shot (anyone else please feel free to chime in). Take a puff like you normally would and close your mouth, push the smoke up with your tongue (without inhaling it!) and exhale through your nose. This can take some getting used to but once you're able to, it's just like riding a bicycle. If it's still to difficult you could take a regular puff and begin to exhale normally with your mouth, then half way close it and push the remainder out of your nose. Note: it's always better to retrohale slowly and in a relaxed manner to avoid a stinging sensation. Also, recommended to start with a milder cigar/pipe tobacco and slowly work your way up.

If you haven't tried retrohaling, please give it a shot and tell us what you think.

For all you experienced retrohalers...

1. Do you limit it to one style of stick and/or pipe tobacco?

2. Is this done with every puff, or do you keep a pattern (ever third puff is retrohaled)

3. Do you feel it helps with exploring flavor profiles?

4. Do you have any other tips for newbies?

The Retrohale - Taste your tobacco

WTS Huge Lot!

Hey guys!

I am looking to sell this lot whole. Please no PM's if you are looking for a few items. Lol honestly, I need the cash bad. I am moving and every little bit helps. So In this Massive den reduction lot, we have (top to bottom, left to right):

90% full KMF Lime

80% full Osage Rub

95% full Clubman Musk

80% full M Bomb menthol additive (add it to any lather for a cool blast)

85% full Fine Platinum

70% full RR XXX Aftershave Balm

95% full Palmolive Shave Stick (grated and pressed into container)

95% full Tabac Shave Stick (grated and pressed into container)

90% full RR XXX Soap

99% full RR The Stallion Soap

99% full RR Don Donato

70% full Body Shop Maca Root Cream

60% full Blades Grim Smolder Soap

90% full Cella Soap

99% full Yeti Snot

Semogue Boar

Edwin Jagger Travel Size Badger

Merkur 33c

Weishi Case (fits 33c perfectly)

2 Gillette Blades

VDH bowl

I am asking $150 for it all, shipped CONUS only. PM me if interested. Thanks all!


Attached Images

WTS Huge Lot!

Hair Care (Shampooing/Cleaning)

Gentleman and possibly ladies,

I'm curious to know (on average), whether it be liquid shampoo, shampoo bar, baking soda, vinegar or any other method you might choose, how often (if at all) do you do it? Some folks out there don't shampoo at all, while some shampoo every single day. We all, for the most part, try do what we think to be is best for us and it's nobody's business to question that. I am curious, however, how people's preferences vary. Please cast your vote and feel free to post your opinions on how often you might feel one should be carrying out this task and with products you might feel are essential to washing one's hair.


Hair Care (Shampooing/Cleaning)

This Young Man Won The Shaving Lottery

Just an epic PIF for this young man:




Like a kid on Christmas morning, I think I would be too though!! Just crazy the amount of shaving products that he received.

This Young Man Won The Shaving Lottery

lundi 2 février 2015

Gillette fatboy dates?

I've been wondering for a while about buying an old Gillette adjustable to experiment with, and recently I decided it would be cool to get one that's the same age as I am. For me, that would be a razor with a D2 date code.

I know that the first fatboys were manufactured in 1958, but a quick check of eBay only shows (outrageously-priced) fatboys with date codes from the latter part of the year. Does anyone know what the earliest date code for the fatboy is ... do D2 fatboys actually exist?

(And on another note, does anyone know precisely where the "fatboy" term was first used? I'm sure Gillette never used it in their marketing, even in those less politically-correct times.)


Gillette fatboy dates?

WTB: Bartmann 504

Hello members,

I'm looking for a Bartmann 504 7/8 or 15/16 in excellent to mint condition. If anyone has one and would consider selling, please send me a pm.

Thank you.

WTB: Bartmann 504

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