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jeudi 8 janvier 2015

Lather drying up on face while shaving

I've noticed when shaving with a straight that by the time I'm moving on to trickier areas, like my chin, I've been at it for so long that the lather is starting to become drier and less slippery. I was wondering if this is just inevitable, or if maybe some creams or soaps differ when it comes to this.

I'm using Proraso as a pre-shave, then TI shaving soap lathered up on a scuttle with a brush which I then brush onto my face. I've tried shaving with hot and cold water and I don't think it makes much difference to me, although I like the feel of the warm lather. The lather I'm using looks and feels pretty good. When it disappears a bit like I described above, I end up wetting my fingers, using them to moisten my face and getting more lather on there with a brush, but it makes for some clumsy-feeling moments putting down the razor, doing this, drying my hand, then getting started again.

Any suggestions?

I did my first full straight shave tonight! A few nicks and scratches, but my best yet I think. :biggrin1:

Lather drying up on face while shaving

Old Blade Needs some input

So this is is my first post to this site. I found this site when I was looking everywhere to find out about this blade, but I had no luck in finding any info on it. On the box is say "Extra Hollow Ground Fully Warranted". It is a very old blade that belonged to my grandfather. On the neck between the blade and handle on one side it says Hoffa&Co Philadelphia PA. and on the other side it says Perfection in big letters and Made In Germany in small letters. I found a similar blade to this fore it has the same exact handle but the writing on the neck is different and the color of the handle was white. It was an Extra Hollow Ground by Keene Cutlery. I do not know whether I posted this in the correct section or not but I need help I am so curious about this blade whether its just some really old cheap razor or some kind of rare vintage razor. I do have photos so please if you see the photos and you know anything about it please let me know!


Old Blade Needs some input

One thing I always wondered about Tabac

And I'm flying w/o google on this, so I'm maybe way off course....

Is this the same as the corner in the Monte Carlo GP?

One thing I always wondered about Tabac

I assisted in 4 convert last month

I worked with a handful of great woman. They were seeking ideas for their men for Christmas gifts and 4 of them bought DE razors and brushes for their men. One of them had an adverse head shaving experience but favorable face shave, other had a positive and the others I haven't had any reports. The DE REVIVAL MARCHES ONWARD

I assisted in 4 convert last month

The biggest dilemma in wetshaving!

So just like everyone else here I'm obsessed with everything wet shaving. The biggest problem that makes it different from every other hobby like the love of my life, (bass fishing) is that it only lasts a few quick minutes. And even worse it's not like once you do it you can just star over and have fun again. You have to wait another day. I am constantly looking in the mirror to see if maybe I can shave or if I can buff anything up. I wish there was something I could do to just shave over and over. My wife knows I'm obsessed and always asks me if I Will shave her legs because when she uses my razors she cuts herself and I get her the perfect shave! Will plus she knows either way I'll be playing with all my gear patiently waiting for my beard to grow!

The biggest dilemma in wetshaving!

Canadians: Where are you buying Filson products?


I'm wondering if any fellow Canadians know of a good online source from which to purchase Filson products.

I'm in Montreal, if someone happens to know of a good source around here.

I might just end up ordering directly from Filson, but I'm hoping to avoid the Customs/Duty fees (which I thought didn't apply because of NAFTA, but apparently this is not so).

Cheers :thumbup1:

Canadians: Where are you buying Filson products?

BST fees

I just noticed that there are now fees for the B/S/T, not a fan. I always liked that B/S/T was not intended to make a profit but to make shaving goods more accessible to like minded individuals. I think the fees will drive up prices and eliminate cheaper items from the marketplace. No more will we see listings like: Valet Auto strop, $7 shipped.



BST fees

Caties Bubbles Ocean Grove

Hey guys i was just wondering how caties bubbles ocean grove is.. i know the soaps are amazing at Loading and lathering.. i want to know the scent..

Caties Bubbles Ocean Grove

Omega 31064 review

I just got my new omega brush in the mail with the B&B essential pink in memory of Sue unfortunately I didn't know her but I support the cause well back to the 064 I love this brush I have several badger and one synthetic but this one puts the icing on the cake compared to the others I own currently ty guys for all the advice on this great purchase

Omega 31064 review

"Proper Stropping"


"Proper Stropping"

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