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jeudi 25 décembre 2014

Another Dog or Not?

The wife and I were talking about dogs with another couple. We are dog people. Our dog is 10 years old and we are considering getting him a companion dog since we both work during the day and he is home alone all day. He doesn't cause trouble (or at least not very often).

What we are wondering is, is he too old to get along with another dog at his age? He has had limited exposure to other dogs. He has been neutered. He is a male dachshund.

Besides a companion for him, this other couple I mentioned earlier stated, when the old dog finally goes to dog heaven, you will already have another dog. They suggested a female because a male may complete territory wise.

I love my dog but I am no expert. Does this make sense? I would love to hear from the canine experts in the house.

Thank you.

Another Dog or Not?

Feather Blades.Now I Know

I've been wanting to try these blades for some time, but admit I was a bit nervous about their reputation about extremely sharp, so stayed away.

Well, I received a four pack of these in my Christmas exchange package, and decided to load one up in my 57 Gillette Tech and see what all the hype was about...WOW! Sharp? Yep, and surprisingly smooth for me.

I plan on trying these in various razors over the coming weeks to see what works best, but so far, I'm a fan.

Feather Blades.Now I Know

Tell me about desk pens

The Philly Pen Show is coming up, and as I haven't made a nib-related purchase in about 2 years, I will be in the market for a desk FP. You know the kind, they have a solid base and an attached cap. I'm assuming I will have to look for vintage, so are there any recommendations for brands and models to look for?

Tell me about desk pens

Roam Shaving Soap Questions

Well, I got a small jar of this soap in the Christmas exchange, but I've never used this stuff before. For you guys that use this stuff, what method do you use to lather it up?

I like to bowl lather...can I use this method with this soap?

Roam Shaving Soap Questions

Lapping stone with lapping film?

In lieu of a dmt currently is it possible to flatten a norton 4/8k with lapping film?

Lapping stone with lapping film?

Pif: straight razor starter setup


Do you want to start using a straight razor? Nervous about the initial investment?

I'm giving away a starter straight, strop, and pasted board. This is what got me started, courtesy of Mike H.

Please read my terms in the link below before replying!


Good luck.

Pif: straight razor starter setup

The "Electric" Weber Charcoal Kettle

Thought some of you friends might get a kick out of this.

My mother's condo association - authoritarian as they are - does not allow charcoal grills for some unexplained reason. They do allow electric grills, again with no explanation.

This year for Christmas we wanted to have grilled tenderloin of beef For Christmas.

I have figured out that the pins that hold the ash pan to the grill are exactly the same size as the grounding receptacle on an extension cord. Therefore, I can "plug" a cord into the grill making it look electric. The best part is when the neighbors come up to ask about the "electric grill"

The tenderloin is on now. Attached are some pics of the "Electric Kettle" and the goods.

Merry Christmas to all!

Attached Images

The "Electric" Weber Charcoal Kettle

Which K2 Birth Year Razor?

Wondering, if I was shooting the moon, what would be the ultimate find for a K2 ?

Which K2 Birth Year Razor?

New straight for Christmas

I got a Staraft-Super Japanese Straight for Christmas :thumbup: Honed it on my coticule bout, got it to hht 3-4. Took me a little while to get a good edge on it. Anyway can't wait to shave with it tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a happy holiday!


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New straight for Christmas

mardi 23 décembre 2014

Suggestions please

After a few years of DE shaving, I still find myself getting the best shaves from my Mach 3 carts. Very consistent, irritation free, and smooth. That being said, I still like using a DE, just haven't found one that matches my face yet. I want to try ONE MORE DE razor that will match my carts. I know technique and prep play a big part here as well.

I have a very coarse beard, sensitive skin (ya ya, seems like that's what we all say) my hair curls a bit and grows in all different directions. I have a "swirl" on my jaw line that looks like a tornado radar pattern. My neck grows S-N in one area, N-S in the middle, and W-E on the other side.

What I've tried:

MicroTouchOne - very very gentle, no nicks or irritation, but I have to take about 5-6 passes and still doesn't get everything

Parker 22r - Too aggressive and it had a poor blade exposure on one side

RR Mission - could never get a smooth shave with it regardless of blade

EJD85 - I think this was a great razor, but my technique was poor. I do fear it could be a bit mild for my hair

I've seen suggestions for the Parker open comb, a slant....HELP!

Suggestions please

Bic Metal and Edge Gel

I'm traveling for the holidays so I figured I'd try this combination since I had them sitting around. Well the Edge Gel was like shaving through molasses. Did I really used to use this stuff? The razor seemed ok so I gave it another shot with Proraso. The shave was ok. Nothing terrible and very easy to use but just didn't get as close as my DE. In the end I just did what I usually do, I took my daily setup with a smaller brush. It's a bit tougher to use while staying with family but the shave is worth it.


Bic Metal and Edge Gel

Elmo Info?

My son just bought this lovely Elmo for himself and we're looking for more info:

I know it's made by Osborne and Garrett of Kropp fame, and ground in Germany so is it from the same era?

I didn't even know Sesame Street was around then :)

Elmo Info?


What combo of soap and cream gives you the best shave? I haven't tried this yet, and am interested in giving it a go. As a noob, I have a limited collection; mikes naturals barbershop, mystic waters Irish traveler, and TOBS sandalwood. To me, the Sandalwood wouldn't smell particularly good with either of the others. So, based on your recs I need to either buy one soap or cream to go with one of mine or get a new soap and cream combo.


Strange sized Simpson - any advice?

Having recently returned to the DE-shaving fold, I've found a new interest in old brushes of mine. The slightly sad object shown below was discovered in an old shaving case and dates from about 1978. In those days it was used with - I think - a Gillette G2 (we knew no better in those days :blushing:) and more respectably, Trumper's Sandalwood shaving cream (I used to pass the shop in Curzon Street every day).

Although the lettering is very worn, it's clearly a Simpson. You can just about make out the words "BEST BADGER" and the letter "C" above it. It looks too small to be a Classic, so I had assumed it was a Case, especially as it has two rings engraved into the bottom of the handle. But at 38 mm, the handle height is too short for the Case's 43 mm. Also, the knot is 22 mm - too large for the Case's 19 mm.

So perhaps it is a Classic? The 38 mm handle height is closer to the Classic's 40mm and the knot size is right. But then what about the two rings on the handle?

I'm wondering of any Simpson gurus can help. I want to get this little cutie restored to its former glory and any information will be gratefully received!

Also, any suggestions for someone to carry out the restoration work? My skills really aren't up to it!


Attached Images

Strange sized Simpson - any advice?

Pinaud, plain old Pinaud Clubman

I found some in stock today at my local Walgreens, so I couldn't resist. Never tried it, but of course we all know it's a classic, right?

I can't stand it. We all strive for a baby butt smooth shave, but this stuff just smells like a baby's butt after it's been cleaned and powdered.

But, not expensive so I don't feel cheated. I've tried their VIBR and enjoy it, so I'll have to find some of that someday soon I guess.

Pinaud, plain old Pinaud Clubman

Marshall Law with XPEC sales

Now that the new XPEC is available is it going to be mass craziness surrounding the sales? Is it going to be THE item for the tail end of 2014? Who is going to buy the new XPEC?

Marshall Law with XPEC sales

Highland Park Dark Origins

I did not see this in a search. Has anybody tried it? Care to share your notes? I appreciate any input.

Highland Park Dark Origins

Funny Intro.

So I work Casino Security... I am giving some Christmas Bonuses to some of our Junior Officers when I find one that was a little Five O'clock Shadowy...

I start my shaving lecture about looking good for Guests/Customers, and he begins to tell me how his girlfriend bought him the Micro One Touch and he hasn't gotten used to it yet. He continues with how much he loves it but the blades suck, and he is trying to get used to it...

Open Door....

I hit my Locker and grab him a Tuck of Astra's and explain the difference between those and the Van Der Hagen Blades he is using. Admits that he hated shaving, but the One Touch really made him change his mind. Then he tells me he has only been using it for a couple months and hasn't gotten it "right" yet. Says he is still using the Goo, but didn't know what else to use... I explain.... I then explain about brushes and soaps/creams, and the Kid gets all excited.

He left talking about getting some new gear... I think I may have made another monster....

It leaves me with a nice feeling to see some youngins, he is about 22, turning to the traditional shaving.

Funny Intro.

Edwin Jagger DE87, DE89 whats the difference

I shave with a DE87 among others, It was my first DE and was bought on a whim to be honest but I keep reading about the DE89, Whats the difference between them if any


Edwin Jagger DE87, DE89 whats the difference

dimanche 14 décembre 2014

Gillette NEW 1934 Red and Black DeLuxe

Got myself a new vintage - Gillette NEW 1934 Red and Black DeLuxe, I think. It took me a hour to find the kind and I'm still not sure, there are few slight differences, but it was fun trying. I know it looks terrible, but it is usable. It cost me 10$ before shipping.

That's the long comb, right? The aggressive kind?


1930 1.jpg1930 2.jpg1930 3.jpg1930 4.jpg

Attached Images

Gillette NEW 1934 Red and Black DeLuxe

Duke 3 Didn't Do It For Me

So I did quite a bit of research and looked at a lot of pictures prior to buying my first quality badger brush. I was looking for a medium-sized brush about the size of my Plisson by L'Occitane. It seemed like the Simpsons Duke 3 in best was exactly what I was looking for.

I bought the Duke 3 and when I opened the box I thought there was a mistake; that I was sent a Chubby 3 instead of the Duke 3. For me, the Duke was fatter and denser than what I was expecting. Seemed like a cute little fat baby piglet in my hand.

First thing I said when I took it out of the box was "Whoa!" Then as I admired it in my hands I said "Nice!" After I shaved with it, it was "Wow!" Next day: Wow!! day after that WOW!!! I'm really loving it.

Although I'm getting a little more used to the size. I still think it's different than what I was searching for (That, in my mind, justifies buying another brush [emoji57]). I'll keep the Duke for sure and keep using it. But I still long for the What-I-Had-In-Mind (size wise) quality boar brush. As such, I now have a Simpsons Berkeley 46 in best in a shopping cart, just waiting to hit "Proceed to Checkout" at my favorite online store.

So before I hit the button, you think the Berkeley will satisfy the need (at least for a couple months)? I'm open to any other suggestions. Most of my research centered around the Simpson brushes, and I'd like to keep it within the $50 range, seeing as I just got the Duke [emoji2]. Doesn't have to be a Simpson, though.

Duke 3 Didn't Do It For Me

Merry Christmas from Mr Miquel (MYRSOL)

Friends, last friday I went to Mysol labs, and had a chat with Mr Miquel and family.

Christmas is almost here, and Mr Miquel, Carles, Manel, and Encarna want to wish the best for you and your families.

This pic was taken with my ipad. 95 years old, like a lad.

Merry Christmas from Mr Miquel (MYRSOL)

Muhle Leather Wash Packs on Sale -Save 30%

Bullgoose Shaving has put the Muhle Leather Wash Packs on sale. These are beautiful dopp bags and would make excellent Christmas gifts -either for a friend/relative or for yourself.

Muhle RT5 Leather Wash Pack

Muhle RT4 Large Tanned Cowhide Wash Bag

Muhle Leather Wash Packs on Sale -Save 30%

Small PIF - To Help Someone Get Started

I'm new to this forum but I could tell instantly that it is a great place with great people. So I want to help someone get started in DE shaving (and also because I'm accumulating too much stuff!). :thumbup:

This is not an epic PIF but is basically what I started on.

- 1x Van Der Hagen DE Safety Razor (which you will of course want to sanitize)

- 2x 5ct. boxes of Astra SP DE blades

- 10x Personna DE blades

I will of course box it all up and pay for shipping (but please CONUS only).

If you're in, please respond in this thread stating so and what your biggest problem/issue is regarding shaving.

At 3PM EST tomorrow (Sunday 12/15) I will figure out a way to randomly draw a winner!

Thanks to this forum for being the best! :thumbup1:

Small PIF - To Help Someone Get Started

Feather AS-D2, Merkur Slants, HTGAM Name Taker, Robert Becker Scuttle, SS Razor Stand

Lots of goodness here and all prices include CONUS shipping....IMG_1642.jpgIMG_1643.jpgIMG_1644.jpgIMG_1645.jpgIMG_1646.jpg

Feather AS-D2 - Used about 15 times and no damage whatsoever. $150

Merkur 39C - Lightly used - great condition. $44

Merkur 37C - Same as the 39C. $37

HTGAM Name Taker - Used once - OC didn't agree with me. $25

Attached Images

Feather AS-D2, Merkur Slants, HTGAM Name Taker, Robert Becker Scuttle, SS Razor Stand

20% off any one item at Bed Bath and Beyond.

Coupon in today's Sunday edition of USA Weekend magazine you get in your Sunday paper. Page 13, In store only and it is good till 1/12/15.

20% off any one item at Bed Bath and Beyond.

the ONE blade challenge.

Morning gents,

happy monday to you all, i have noticed during my time here theres a long going discussion about how long you use a blade for with some people getting one shave to mike and his 100+ on a single blade, so i propose a challenge starting tomorrow (16/12/14 thats 12/16/14 for you US folk) i will be loading my slim with a derby and seeing how long i can push this blade.

the point will be to focus more effort on prep and technique to get the most from the blade, plus it could be a bit of fun :) please feel free to join in and hey we just may learn something.

im typically a 2-3 shave guy and i shave everyday for work, my goal will be new years.

the ONE blade challenge.

Gentleman's Guide to Vaping

I will add to this, and beautify it, as we get the proper threads started. If anything is missing from the list below please post in the Feedback thread

  • Vaping Basics


  • Vaping Intermediate

  • Vaping Advanced

  • Safety

Gentleman's Guide to Vaping

Defy Bags made in Chicago

Defy Bags

Hand made in Chicago

Leather & Canvas

Dopp kits & Gear bags

Now available at Q Brothers in Chicago and at


Defy Bags made in Chicago

mercredi 10 décembre 2014

does lapping film work good?

Ok so my mother has bought me a streight for christmas along with a strop some soap and a new brush. I was wondering if lapoing film is a good way to go until i can get some honing stones.

does lapping film work good?

Shoulder Holster for CC

Does anyone use a Shoulder Holster? I'd like to get a CC holster for my Beretta 92, and I don't think it will fit comfortably any where except in a vertical carry shoulder holster.

I hesitate to spend the money on one, since they are quite expensive and don't seem to be very popular. I'd like to hear comments from some one who has experience with them. I don't expect to carry most of the time, and understand that it won't work without a coat or jacket.

Shoulder Holster for CC

1980 A4 Gillette Super Speed, LC New, SC NEWette Super Speed, LC Gillette NEW, SC NEW

All prices are shipped conus. All razors are displayed in the master video.

1980 super speed-A4 date code. 4th quarter of 1980. Alignments and mechanicals are good. A few minor flecks missing from the plating on the head. 80s gillettes are hard to come by. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have.- $28

1980 A4 Gillette Super Speed, LC New, SC NEWette Super Speed, LC Gillette NEW, SC NEW

FS: Two soap lots and Debutante. FT: Cacharel tallow

Shaving soap Lot #1 - RazoRock

RR Don Marco

RR Eucalyptus

RR ZiPeppino

RR Mudder Focker


Shaving soap Lot #2

Petal Pusher Fancies Amber, 3 ¼” tin

Petal Pusher Fancies Coconut, 3 ½” tin

Art of Shaving Lavender (sold as cream but this batch has croap-like consistency, much like RR)

Institut Karité Paris


(Various levels of soap remaining, I’d say from 75% to 95%.)

Gillette Old Type Debutante

Incomplete set made in Canada; razor in good condition, obligatory hairline crack on the handle, from what I can tell perfect teeth.


CONUS shipping only, free of charge. US funds, PayPal please.

Finally, I would like to trade Cacharel tallow shaving soap (Savon a Barbe pour L'homme) for your Martin de Candre shaving soap; preferably non-fougere scent.

FS: Two soap lots and Debutante. FT: Cacharel tallow

Downtown LA - Where can I get some stuff?

I'm staying 2 nights at the Biltmore on a bidness trip M-W next week, and I've never been to LA (or anywhere else in CA).

Where can I pick up some supplies that's nearby? I can probably gut up taking the Mach3 for that Tuesday shave, but I'd really like to make the most of my trip and get some new good smellin' stuff and whatever else I can fit in a carry-on.

bonus points for pointing me in the direction of good food and beverages.

Downtown LA - Where can I get some stuff?

Your face and getting "used" to shaving

Because shaving was a chore for me previously with cartridge razors and/or electric razors, I shaved infrequently.

Now I have been shaving every day for about a week with my new DE safety razors. I'm still honing my technique but I just wondered if it's true that your face has to get "used" to shaving with a particular method?

I've always had trouble with my neck area with razor burn and ingrown hairs. I've been going lightly on that area with the DE razors with only one or two passes. I'm eager to see that area of my face clear up and quickly...

Your face and getting "used" to shaving

New Baby PIF - Violet!

On Friday we welcomed our daughter Violet to the world. She came early so we spent the week at the hospital and were discharged for the second and hopefully last time today! This is my second child, first with my wife, and my first daughter.

To celebrate, I would like to mail out some Geo F Trumper Violet, your choice of soap or cream. Unfortunately I can only ship in the US. I'll randomly select a poster on Friday and let you know via PM.

To join, please pass along a piece of advice for a father who has no idea what to expect raising a girl!


New Baby PIF - Violet!

These lady customers are loading UP!

Get ready guys, about half of our orders that are going out the door are shipping to your Better Half. We have NEVER shipped this many orders to ladies but it seems a lot of you have put Captain's Choice on your Christmas list - thanks!

There is still time to order and receive your favorite Captain's Choice items by December 25. Remember, our products need to ship via Ground due to contents so allow up to five business days to arrive.

These lady customers are loading UP!

My New PAV Brush

Thought I would share my new PAV brush: PAV 7, Gold Coast resin w/24 mm knot TGN 2 band set at 50 mm.


Attached Images

My New PAV Brush

Does the Gillette Fat Boy have the same shaving head than the Slim?

Hi Gents,

it's all in the title. I'm so impressed about the quality and comfort I get from my slim and Aristocrat that I'm willing to extend the collection to a Fat Boy.

your kind replies will be appreciated.

tks !

Does the Gillette Fat Boy have the same shaving head than the Slim?

mercredi 3 décembre 2014

Help Choosing a Travel Brush

As the thread title states, I'm looking for a travel brush. I've tried to just hand lather on travels so far, but it is definately lacking. SO, I figured might as well come to the experts.

For reference, my "home" brush is the Omega 10049. That's right, a big ol' boar. Not exactly the best for travel. But also my problem. This brush performs great, and is inexpensive. I'd hate to have significantly more money tied up in my travel brush than I do my home brush.

Next point of reference: I face lather and typically use creams. I'm fairly new, so this could change, but I imagine travelling will be mostly creams as well. I actually have a VdH Delux puck in my kit now. I just dip the end in hot water and use it like a shave stick.

Finally, I tend to be an evening shaver. This applies in the sense that I will sometimes be out late with a customer, shave before bed, then get up and be packing up to check out. The brush would need to dry out quickly.

I know Omega makes some synthetic brushes. Would one of those fit my needs? Any guess as to which would be the most like the 10049? Thanks!

Help Choosing a Travel Brush

No name Boar Brushes from china?

Do you guys have any experience with no name boar or badger brushes from China? I see alot of them on ebay and have been tempted by them simply because they are stupid cheap. are they any good?

I might buy one regardless just for the nice stand and bowl they come with.

No name Boar Brushes from china?

WTB: XPEC shave cream

XPEC shave cream wanted. New or used Thanks.

WTB: XPEC shave cream

WTB- Long Handle Super Adjustable

Just had a wonderful weekend visit with my parents. My Father, now 68, forgot his multiblade facescraper and so used my Fatboy all weekend. He loved it, but lamented that the handle was too short. Sooo...

I am looking for a Long Handle Super Adjustable in good shape, preferably with the all metal adjuster. Dates don't matter as this will be a user for him.

I can do Paypal or trades(I have several extra Fatboys, a Red Tip, or an cased OC Richwood). Please send a PM, and Thanks in advance.

WTB- Long Handle Super Adjustable

FS: Merkur 1904 OC, EJ travel brush

All prices US$ and include shipping to Canada/CONUS. Payment via Paypal only.

1. Merkur 1904 OC (see pic for very small chip in bottom plate) $20 SOLD

2. Edwin Jagger Pure Badger black aluminum travel brush $20


Attached Images

FS: Merkur 1904 OC, EJ travel brush

Hulu plus question

Can you use the same hulu plus account on a smart tv app and xbox360? If not, which would be better for browsing and playback?

Hulu plus question

New York and New Jersey (maybe CT) shave soap makers list

I am trying to get our local wholefoods to stock better shave soaps than lightfoots and herban cowboy. Since they like supporting local vendors can you name NY Tristate soap makers. Mike's and Seagrape both moved. I know one popular vender is in Baldwinsville NY, but can't remember which one.

New York and New Jersey (maybe CT) shave soap makers list


I've been lurking for about a month and wet shaving about that long. Just about everything I know about wet shaving I picked up here. I also decided what equipment to get by the reviews here. I'm using a Merkur 34c hd and an omega boar brush. First soap I picked up was razorock xxx and I got two of 12 different razor blades from tryablade.com. First blade I tried was derby and it was ok and then I tried Astra sp. I like the Astra better. I've had great shaves from day one. I used to be only able to shave twice a week with cartridges but now I can shave 3-4 times a week. I'm looking forward to getting better and better as time goes.


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