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mardi 12 avril 2016

Vintage Gillette SuperSpeed Z1 tore me up

hey guys,
I've been using a Merkur Progress, 34C, and very recently a GD straight and have had no major problems. I purchased what I was told a Vintage Gillette SuperSpeed Z1.
It looks cool. I cleaned it up a bit and it felt real good. I have a lot of Derby blades (long story) so I use this as my baseline blade (even if you don't like it, it works as my baseline). It's reasonably mild and serves well.
So I've used the "SS Z1" a few times and the last time was the worst - it ate me alive - but all of them have been rough.
I LOVE the way this thing feels (far more than the Progress or 34C), I love how easily it glides, the handle, the weight, etc. The blade exposure looks to be a bit more but I was particularly light using it - virtually no pressure. It tore me up. It killed my face. I bled for 2 days. I was on a plane trying to stop it. The blade was a third use so it should have been really mild. With the light pressure, I expected this to go well. I started to feel som eirritation so I stopped using it and finished with another but holy crap, this was awful. Since I love how this razor feels, I figured I'd ask. I'm still kinda new to this and don't know this razor. Is it considered super aggressive? Is there anything else about this murderer I should know? Should I sleep with one eye open?
Thanks a lot in advance.

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Vintage Gillette SuperSpeed Z1 tore me up

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