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vendredi 1 avril 2016

Transition from the New Improved to the NEW

I have never really paid a enough attention to the Gillette New Improved , I have a US Gold Bostonian with no serial # and like the shave but like the NEW Deluxe better. Received a Silver Canadian NI with a low serial 9262 Z so I started doing a little research and one of the 2008 posts mentioned that there was a transition NI razor that instead of having the two through the baseplate posts had a slotted baseplate like the NEW.This brought to mind the NEW Deluxe , I have a Gold Criterion and a Silver Belmont Deluxe and on Mr Razor's site they are early NEWs circa 1930. Both of these razors have New Improved type handles and are 3 piece razors like the New Improved.The New deluxe also has a thick base plate.My question is was there a transition from the New Improved to the NEWs with the Deluxe being that razor or was there some other path ? There seems to be some visual similarities the Deluxe may be a transition to the later NEWs? Any thoughts ?
Click image for larger version.  Name: bos 1.jpg  Views: 3  Size: 49.5 KB  ID: 648870

Click image for larger version.  Name: bos.jpg  Views: 3  Size: 34.2 KB  ID: 648871

The Canadian New improved ,the serial #is below 10,000 so my guess is it is first year of manufacture?

Click image for larger version.  Name: bos 2.jpg  Views: 3  Size: 54.5 KB  ID: 648872

On the left are the no serial # NI Bostonian and the Criterion NEW Deluxe

Center pair the Canadian NI and the Belmont Deluxe

Right pair the NI Tuckaway and the NEW Deluxe Norfolk


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Transition from the New Improved to the NEW

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