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vendredi 1 avril 2016

MacFix (Shavemac-Vulfix) Silvertip Brush - Mod by Rudy Vey

Just thought I'd share some pics of the modified brush I received a couple weeks ago from Rudy Vey. Like many, I had a Vulfix 404 Grosvenor brush that seemed destined to be modified with a better knot. Not to say I hated the Vulfix mixed knot, but it just seemed like the handle deserved better. I contacted Rudy and asked to have a Shavemac Silvertip knot installed into the handle and I have to say that it turned out great.

There was a bit of a learning curve to reach its full potential (this is my first bulb shaped knot and it's more dense than my other brushes), but I think I'm there now and can fully understand why Shavemac brushes are held in such high regard. This is really a great brush to use with extremely soft tips and not at all floppy.

Knot Specs:
Shavemac 3 Band Silvertip (standard, not D01)
Diameter: 22mm
Loft: 48mm
Shape: Bulb

As Received

After Blooming (Wet)

After Blooming (Dry)

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MacFix (Shavemac-Vulfix) Silvertip Brush - Mod by Rudy Vey

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