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mardi 12 avril 2016

Gillette Guard Review

Used a Gillette Guard for two days in a row. First on two day growth and next on a daily shave as is my preference.

Very interesting cartridge razor. This feels the most DE-like of any cartridge razor I've tried that's currently on the market. You can hear the cutting of the single blade and it works very well on the sides and flatter areas of my face and neck. It does require a bit of pressure to get around some curves and to get a closer shave. However, that pressure led to razor burn and a few nicks around my chin and jawline. Will have to adjust pressure very carefully. For the moment I can only get DFS around that area but BBS elsewhere. Should work well for those with more facial hair.

Razor is very lightweight and flimsy but doesn't clog and is easy to use. You can tell that this was designed to sell for 15-20 cents in India though it costs more for us whether ordering from Asia or from local sources. Much better shaver than my Trac 2 which is a quicker shave but doesn't cut as closely. Wish there were a better handle to buy, but otherwise this one will go into my travel kit. And at the price they're selling for on the Bay (35 to 50 cents each depending on quantity), refills cost only a bit more than the better DE blades and of course, much less than all Gillette branded cartridges currently on the market in the USA. Perfect for hand-carried luggage when I don't check bags.

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Gillette Guard Review

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