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lundi 2 juin 2014

Grandfather's razor

Was cleaning out my grandparents house this past weekend to get ready to sell it, as my grandmother has moved into a seniors complex.

My grandfather died when I was in my teens, but I still have vivid memories of my weekends at their place. The smell of his pipe, him working in the garden, or straightening bent nails on a Sunday afternoon (yes, he really did this), to name a few. They were never "well off" and he was notoriously "frugal" (probably as a result of living through some hard times).

Needless to say, since starting with my wet-shaving journey recently, but having no memory of him shaving I've wondered what/how he shaved. This weekend, I found a few old electric shavers, and an un-marked safety razor. I'm guessing it was a "disposable" that someone gave him, but I was excited to find it anyway. It's no Fatboy, New, etc, but I'm happy to have it, just for sentimental reasons.

Although not valuable from a dollar-value perspective, it's going to take up residence in my "display" area (once I clean it and shave with it, of course).

Just thought id share.

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