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lundi 2 juin 2014

Best way to heat a scuttle


After reading about scuttles on this forum, I became very interested and just purchased a Georgetown pottery G20. I took advantage of the great deal on their seconds. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1401758480.759679.jpgI just got back from a trip and have not used it yet.

A card that comes with it suggests either filling it with hot water, even boiling, or alternatively heating it in a microwave. I think I read somewhere that boiling water would be harmful to the lather, and honestly, I think boiling is overdoing it anyway. My tap water gets pretty hot.

However, the microwave idea does seem to have merit. From the tap, I will have to fill it all the way up, let it sit couple of minutes – then dump it out and refill. Using the microwave, I could just leave the same water in it – little more efficient. This way I am not wasting so much hot water. So – how do you use and heat your scuttle? Anyone use the microwave? How many minutes to get it good and hot? Of course I can experiment, just curious if anyone has done this.

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