عيد مبارك سعيد

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هنئ اصدقائك بمناسبة عيد الفطر المبارك
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mercredi 2 avril 2014

Want to Buy Super inexpensive straight and strop for 13 year old.

I started using a DE in Nov 2013. My 13 year old son started shaving at the same time. He used a DE twice and didn't care for it. He said "I want to try a straight." I don't have a lot of money so I got him a hair shaper from Sally's. He has used it ever since.

I would love to surprise him with a straight of his own. I know Whipped Dog sells the flawed ones for $28 but I don't really want one with rust, etc...and I can't afford the $50 for a sight unseen.

If anyone would like to part with one that is sitting in your drawer and you will never use again, I have about $25 or $30 to spend. It will have to be shave ready and for a beginner.

Thank you,


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