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mercredi 2 avril 2014

Can somebody give me a general stroke plan a 3/8 carbon steel full hollow?

Although it seems to be dumb luck so far, I've done pretty well in restoring a shaving edge to all three of the half-wedges which I own, but only my wedges (I can only seem to make my hollows duller) . I say it's dumb luck because every time I google "how many strokes" + "hone straight razor" I get no answer, other than the pyramid plan - but this doesn't address the contingencies which it seems I should factor in concerning the type of blade I'm working with. Please note that I did something right, so it can't be that my hand at the hone is really all that awful, even though I've noted these hollows are a little more difficult to control. When a 3/8 carbon steel blade is dull to the point that it shaves nothing (nor does it pull), about how many strokes should I expect that it will need on my Naniwa 1000, and my Norton 4000 and 8000? Would it be different if I used a wider blade, also full hollow and carbon? I've probably been overdoing it with these hollows, so a little statistical science may help.

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