عيد مبارك سعيد

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mercredi 2 avril 2014

Best Shave Of My Life Today

The funny thing is....I dont think I did anything different to achieve it! I'm about 4 months in to Wetshaving. I've heard about the elusive BBS, but really don't think I got it ...till today. I'm becoming obsessed with feeling my face trying to find ANY stubble...and I just cant, even ATG. Here was my set up. Shower...bowl lather with AOS badger brush and Proraso blue/grey (I cant tell the color), homemade pre-shave oil (1/2 grapeseed, 1/2 olive oil, 10drops Edens Garden purification essential oil), EJ89, and a 3 day old Derby blade. Did my usual 3 pass shave (WTG, XTG, ATG) with very light pressure (maybe as light as I've ever used). Final cold rinse, Alum block, Witch Hazel, finish with AOS unscented aftershave balm. Sweet perfection! No nics, no weepers, no stubble anywhere to be found and believe me, I've been trying.

I guess the trick is now.....can I repeat this?

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